[pro] Common Lisp replacement for noweb

William Halliburton whalliburton at gmail.com
Mon Mar 28 17:47:21 UTC 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: daly <daly at axiom-developer.org>
Date: Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 12:18 PM
Subject: Common Lisp replacement for noweb
To: thomas.m.hermann at odonata-research.com, pro at common-lisp.net

I have moved from using noweb to a pure Common Lisp version
of literate programming. (The source is also at:
http://literatesoftware.com/tangle.lisp )

The noweb program uses two functions,
 weave -- takes a file and extracts latex
 tangle - takes a file and extracts running code

The noweb syntax is:
   your source code

where your code is defined in the block delimited by the
<<...>>= and the @ symbol. To use the delimited chunk
somewhere you write the name of the chunk as:

It would be better to use a valid latex environment.
That would mean that there is no need for a "weave" function
since the original file is valid latex.

  your code here


All that would be left is to make Common Lisp understand
the latex environment syntax which is trivial to do. So I
wrote a tangle.lisp program. It accepts and processes both
the old noweb syntax and the new latex syntax.

The idea is simple. Read the file, hash the chunks, and
expand them when a getchunk is found.

The code is attached.

Send questions to daly at literatesoftware.com

Tim Daly
daly at axiom-developer.org
daly at literatesoftware.com
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;  6 GCL-READ-FILE (aka read-sequence)
; 12 makeHelpFiles
; 13 makeInputFiles


;;; Timothy Daly (daly at axiom-developer.org) 
;;; License: Public Domain


;;; This program will extract the source code from a literate file

;;; A literate lisp file contains a mixture of latex and lisp sources code.
;;; The file is intended to be in one of two formats, either in latex
;;; format or, for legacy reasons, in noweb format.

;;; Latex format files defines a newenvironment so that code chunks
;;; can be delimited by \begin{chunk}{name} .... \end{chunk} blocks
;;; This is supported by the following latex code.


;;; The verbatim package quotes everything within its grasp and is used to
;;; hide and quote the source code during latex formatting. The verbatim
;;; environment is built in but the package form lets us use it in our
;;; chunk environment and it lets us change the font.
;;; \usepackage{verbatim}
;;; Make the verbatim font smaller
;;; Note that we have to temporarily change the '@' to be just a character
;;; because the \verbatim at font name uses it as a character
;;; \chardef\atcode=\catcode`\@
;;; \catcode`\@=11
;;; \renewcommand{\verbatim at font}{\ttfamily\small}
;;; \catcode`\@=\atcode

;;; This declares a new environment named ``chunk'' which has one
;;; argument that is the name of the chunk. All code needs to live
;;; between the \begin{chunk}{name} and the \end{chunk}
;;; The ``name'' is used to define the chunk.
;;; Reuse of the same chunk name later concatenates the chunks

;;; For those of you who can't read latex this says:
;;; Make a new environment named chunk with one argument
;;; The first block is the code for the \begin{chunk}{name}
;;; The second block is the code for the \end{chunk}
;;; The % is the latex comment character

;;; We have two alternate markers, a lightweight one using dashes
;;; and a heavyweight one using the \begin and \end syntax
;;; You can choose either one by changing the comment char in column 1
;;; \newenvironment{chunk}[1]{%   we need the chunkname as an argument
;;; {\ }\newline\noindent%                    make sure we are in column 1
;;; %{\small $\backslash{}$begin\{chunk\}\{{\bf #1}\}}% alternate begin mark
;;; \hbox{\hskip 2.0cm}{\bf --- #1 ---}%      mark the beginning
;;; \verbatim}%                               say exactly what we see
;;; {\endverbatim%                            process \end{chunk}
;;; \par{}%                                   we add a newline
;;; \noindent{}%                              start in column 1
;;; \hbox{\hskip 2.0cm}{\bf ----------}%      mark the end
;;; %$\backslash{}$end\{chunk\}%              alternate end mark (commented)
;;; \par%                                     and a newline
;;; \normalsize\noindent}%                    and return to the document

;;; This declares the place where we want to expand a chunk
;;; Technically we don't need this because a getchunk must always
;;; be properly nested within a chunk and will be verbatim.

;;; \providecommand{\getchunk}[1]{%
;;; \noindent%
;;; {\small $\backslash{}$begin\{chunk\}\{{\bf #1}\}}}% mark the reference


;;; The *chunkhash* variable will hold the hash table of chunks.
;;; Every time we find a \begin{chunk}{name} ... \end{chunk} we look
;;; in this hash table. If the ``name'' is not found we add it.
;;; If the name is found, we concatentate it to the existing chunk.

(defvar *chunkhash* nil "this hash table contains the chunks found")

;;; This shows critical information for debugging purposes
(defvar *chunknoise* nil "turn this on to debug internals")


;;; The tangle command does all of the work of extracting code.
;;; For legacy reasons we support 2 syntax forms, latex and noweb
;;; In latex form the code blocks are delimited by
;;;     \begin{chunk}{name}
;;;     ... (code for name)...
;;;     \end{chunk}
;;; and referenced by \getchunk{name} which gets replaced by the code

;;; In noweb form the code blocks are delimited by
;;;     <<name>>=
;;;     ... (code for name)...
;;;     @
;;; and referenced by <<name>> which gets replaced by the code

:;; There are several ways to invoke the tangle function. 
;;; The first argument is always the file from which to extract code
;;; The second argument is the name of the chunk to extract
;;;    If the name starts with < then we assume noweb format as in:
;;;        (tangle "clweb.pamphlet" "<<name>>")  <== noweb syntax
;;;    Otherwise we assume latex format as in:
;;;        (tangle "clweb.pamphlet "name")       <== latex syntax (default)
;;; The standard noweb chunk name is ``*'' but any name can be used.
;;; The third arument is the name of an output file:
;;;  (tangle "clweb.pamphlet" "clweb.chunk" "clweb.spadfile")


;;; This routine looks at the first character of the chunk name.
;;; If it is a $<$ character then we assume noweb syntax otherwise
;;; we assume latex syntax.
;;; We initialize the chunk hashtable
;;; then read the file and store each chunk
;;; then we recursively expand the ``topchunk'' to the output stream

(defun tangle (filename topchunk &optional file)
 "Extract the source code from a pamphlet file"
 (let ((noweb? (char= (schar topchunk 0) #\<)))
  (setq *chunkhash* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
  (when *chunknoise* (format t "PASS 1~%"))
  (gcl-hashchunks (gcl-read-file filename) noweb?)
  (when *chunknoise* (format t "PASS 2~%"))
  (if (and file (stringp file))
   (with-open-file (out file :direction :output)
     (gcl-expand topchunk noweb? out))
   (gcl-expand topchunk noweb? t))))

;;; 6 GCL-READ-FILE (aka read-sequence)

;;; This would be read-sequence in ansi common lisp. Here we read
;;; a line, push it onto a stack and then reverse the stack. The
;;; net effect is a list of strings, one per line of the file.

(defun gcl-read-file (streamname)
 "Implement read-sequence in GCL"
 (let (result)
  (with-open-file (stream (open streamname))
   (do (line eof)
      ((eq line 'done) (nreverse result))
    (multiple-value-setq (line eof) (read-line stream nil 'done)) 
    (unless (eq line 'done) (push line result))))))


;;; gcl-hashchunks gathers the chunks and puts them in the hash table
;;; if we find the chunk syntax and it is a
;;;   define ==> parse the chunkname and start gathering lines onto a stack
;;;   end    ==> push the completed list of lines into a stack of chunks
;;;              already in the hash table
;;;   otherwise ==> if we are gathering, push the line onto the stack

;;; a hash table entry is a list of lists such as
;;; (("6" "5") ("4" "3") ("2" "1"))
;;; each of the sublists is a set of lines in reverse (stack) order
;;; each sublist is a single chunk of lines. 
;;; there is a new sublist for each reuse of the same chunkname

;;; If the noweb argument is non-nil we assume that we are parsing
;;; using the noweb syntax. A nil argument implies latex syntax.

(defun gcl-hashchunks (lines noweb)
 "Gather all of the chunks and put them into a hash table"
 (let (type name chunkname oldchunks chunk gather)
  (dolist (line lines)
   (if noweb
    (multiple-value-setq (type name) (ischunk-noweb line))
    (multiple-value-setq (type name) (ischunk-latex line)))
    ((eq type 'define)
      (when *chunknoise* (format t "DEFINE name=~a~%" name))
      (setq chunkname name)
      (setq gather t))
    ((eq type 'end)
      (when *chunknoise* 
       (format t "END name= ~a chunk=~s~%" chunkname (reverse chunk)))
      (setq oldchunks (gethash chunkname *chunkhash*))
      (setf (gethash chunkname *chunkhash*) (push chunk oldchunks))
      (setq gather nil)
      (setq chunk nil))
    (gather ;; collect lines into the chunk while gather is true
      (push line chunk))))))


;;; gcl-expand will recursively expand chunks in the hash table
;;; latex chunk names are just the chunkname itself e.g. chunkname
;;; noweb chunk names include the delimiters, e.g: <<chunkname>>

;;; a hash table entry is a list of lists such as
;;; (("6" "5") ("4" "3") ("2" "1"))
;;; so to process the chunk we reverse the main list and
;;; for each sublist we reverse the sublist and process the lines

;;; if a chunk name reference is encountered in a line we call expand
;;; recursively to expand the inner chunkname.

(defun gcl-expand (chunk noweb? file)
 "Recursively expand a chunk into the output stream"
 (let ((chunklist (gethash chunk *chunkhash*)) type name)
  (dolist (chunk (reverse chunklist))
   (dolist (line (reverse chunk))
    (if noweb?
     (multiple-value-setq (type name) (ischunk-noweb line))
     (multiple-value-setq (type name) (ischunk-latex line)))
    (if (eq type 'refer) 
       (when *chunknoise* (format t "REFER name=~a~%" name))
       (gcl-expand name noweb? file))
      (format file "~a~%" line))))))


;;; There is a built-in assumption (in the ischunk-* functions)
;;; that the chunks occur on separate lines and that the indentation
;;; of the chunk reference has no meaning.
;;; ischunk-latex  recognizes chunk names in latex convention
;;; There are 3 cases to recognize:
;;;  \begin{chunk}{thechunkname}  ==> 'define thechunkname
;;;  \end{chunk}                  ==> 'end nil
;;;  \getchunk{thechunkname}      ==> 'refer thechunkname

(defun ischunk-latex (line)
 "Find chunks delimited by latex syntax"
 (let ((mark (search "chunk" line))      ; is this a line we care about?
       (point 0)
       (beginstring "\\begin{chunk}{")   ; this is the define marker string
       (endstring "\end{chunk}")         ; this is the end marker string
       (referstring "\getchunk{")        ; this is the refer string
  (setq beginlength (length beginstring))
  (setq referlength (length referstring))
  (when mark
    ((setq mark (search beginstring line)) ; recognize define
      (setq point (position #\} line :start (+ mark beginlength)))
       ((null point) (values nil nil))
       ((= point 0)  (values nil nil))
         (setq name (subseq line (+ mark beginlength) point)) 
         ;(print (list 'ischunk-latex 'define name))
         (values 'define name))))
    ((setq mark (search endstring line))     ; recognize end
       ;(print (list 'ischunk-latex 'end))
       (values 'end nil))
    ((setq mark (search referstring line))         ; recognize reference
      (setq point (position #\} line :start (+ mark referlength)))
       ((null point) (values nil nil))
       ((= point 0)  (values nil nil))
         (setq name (subseq line (+ mark referlength) point)) 
         ;(print (list 'ischunk-latex 'refer name))
         (values 'refer name))))
    (t (values nil nil))))))


;;; ischunk-noweb recognizes chunk names using the noweb convention
;;; There are 3 cases to recognize:
;;;  <<thechunkname>>=  ==> 'define thechunkname
;;;  @                  ==> 'end nil
;;;  <<thechunkname>>   ==> 'refer thechunkname

(defun ischunk-noweb (line)
 "Find chunks delimited by noweb syntax"
 (let ((len (length line)) (mark (position #\> line)) (point 0))
   ((and mark                    ; recognize define
         (> len (+ mark 2))
         (char= #\< (schar line 0))
         (char= #\< (schar line 1))
         (char= #\> (schar line (+ mark 1)))
         (char= #\= (schar line (+ mark 2))))
     ;(print (list 'define (subseq line 0 (+ mark 2))))
     (values 'define (subseq line 0 (+ mark 2))))
   ((and mark                    ; recognize reference
         (> len (+ mark 1))
         (char= #\> (schar line (+ mark 1))))
     (setq point (position #\< line))
      (and point
           (< point (- mark 2))
           (char= #\< (schar line (+ point 1))))
        (values 'refer (subseq line point (+ mark 2)))
        (values 'noise nil)))
    ((and (> len 0)                ; end chunk
          (char= #\@ (schar line 0)))
      (values 'end nil))
    (t (values nil nil)))))

;;; 11 allchunks
;;; allchunks will make a single pass over a book extracting any chunk
;;; that fits the PATTERN from the FROMFILE to the TODIR. The chunk
;;; format is either noweb (if true) or latex (if false).
;;; allchunks takes 4 arguments,
;;; the PATTERN (a string like ".help>>"
;;; the FROMFILE (a string like "/axiom/books/bookvol5.pamphlet")
;;; the TODIR (a string like "/axiom/mnt/ubuntu/doc/spadhelp")
;;; and a boolean NOWEB? (true is noweb format chunks, false is latex style)
;;; a chunk name is expected to be of the form:
;;; which means that a chunk matching the pattern (e.g. ".input>>") 
;;; will be extracted to the file TODIR/FROMFILE.PATTERN
;;; This is used for <<foo.help>> and <<foo.input>> file extraction.
;;; allchunks is used to extract help files and input files in a single
;;; pass over the books. Since there are hundreds of input files and
;;; help files this is a significant speedup.

(defun allchunks (pattern fromfile todir noweb?)
  (setq *chunkhash* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
  (when *chunknoise* (format t "PASS 1~%"))
  (gcl-hashchunks (gcl-read-file fromfile) noweb?)
  (when *chunknoise* (format t "PASS 2~%"))
  (maphash #'(lambda (key value)
              (if (search pattern key)
               (let ((filename key) helpfile)
                (when noweb? (setq filename (subseq key 2 (- (length key) 2))))
                (setq helpfile (concatenate 'string todir "/" filename))
                (with-open-file (out helpfile :direction :output)
                 (format t "extracting ~a~%" helpfile)
                 (gcl-expand key noweb? out)))))

;;; 12 makeHelpFiles
;;; The makeHelpFiles function creates all of the help files in a single
;;; pass over the file. The usual method of extracting each individual
;;; help file requires hundreds of passes over the file.
;;; An example call is:
;;; (makeHelpFiles)
;;; This will find all of the .help chunks in books of interest
;;; and write each chunk to the target directory in its own filename.
;;; So if a chunk name is <<somedomain.help>> the above call will create
;;; the file "/tmp/help/somedomain.help" containing the chunk value.

;;; Help documentation for algebra

;;; The help documentation for algebra files lives within the algebra
;;; pamphlet. The help chunk contains the name of the domain, thus:

;;; <<thisdomain.help>>=
;;; ====================================================================
;;; thisdomain examples
;;; ====================================================================
;;;    (documentation for this domain)
;;;   examplefunction foo
;;;    output
;;;                 Type: thetype
;;; See Also:
;;; o )show thisdomain
;;; o $AXIOM/bin/src/doc/algebra/thisfile.spad.dvi
;;; @

;;; The .help files are automatically extracted by code in books/tangle.lisp
;;; and placed in the directory \verb|${HELP}|.
;;; The documentation starts off with the domain enclosed in two lines
;;; of equal signs. The documentation is free format. Generally the
;;; functions are indented two spaces, the output is indented 3 spaces,
;;; and the Type field has been moved toward the center of the line.
;;; The ``See Also:'' section lists the domain with the ``show'' command
;;; and the path to the source file in dvi format.

(defun makeHelpFiles ()
 (let ((AXIOM (si::getenv "AXIOM")) (BOOKS (si::getenv "BOOKS")) HELP PAT)
  (setq HELP (concatenate 'string AXIOM "/doc/spadhelp"))
  (setq PAT1 ".help")
  (setq PAT2 ".help>>")
  (allchunks PAT1 (concatenate 'string BOOKS "/bookvol5.pamphlet") HELP nil)
  (allchunks PAT2 (concatenate 'string BOOKS "/bookvol10.2.pamphlet") HELP t)
  (allchunks PAT2 (concatenate 'string BOOKS "/bookvol10.3.pamphlet") HELP t)
  (allchunks PAT2 (concatenate 'string BOOKS "/bookvol10.4.pamphlet") HELP t)
  (allchunks PAT2 (concatenate 'string BOOKS "/bookvol10.5.pamphlet") HELP t)))

;;; 13 makeInputFiles
;;; The makeInputFiles function creates all of the input files in a single
;;; pass over the file. The usual method of extracting each individual
;;; input file requires hundreds of passes over the file.
;;; An example call is:
;;; (makeInputFiles)
;;; This will find all of the .input chunks in the books
;;; and write each chunk to the target directory in its own filename.
;;; So if a chunk name is <<somedomain.input>> the above call will create
;;; the file "/tmp/help/somedomain.input" containing the chunk value.

(defun makeInputFiles ()
 (let ((SPD (si::getenv "SPD")) (BOOKS (si::getenv "BOOKS")) INPUT PAT)
  (setq INPUT (concatenate 'string SPD "/int/input"))
  (setq PAT ".input>>")
  (allchunks PAT (concatenate 'string BOOKS "/bookvol10.2.pamphlet") INPUT t)
  (allchunks PAT (concatenate 'string BOOKS "/bookvol10.3.pamphlet") INPUT t)
  (allchunks PAT (concatenate 'string BOOKS "/bookvol10.4.pamphlet") INPUT t)
  (allchunks PAT (concatenate 'string BOOKS "/bookvol10.5.pamphlet") INPUT t)))

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