[pro] Matrix operations...

Pascal Costanza pc at p-cos.net
Fri Mar 25 09:25:14 UTC 2011


I am looking for a Common Lisp library that provides some essential mathematical matrix/vector operations. There seem to be a couple of offerings, but it seems hard to determine in what kind of state they are (without essentially trying them all one by one).

If anybody could share his/her experience, I would be very grateful.

Some (soft) requirements:
- It should be implemented in "pure" Common Lisp. Preferably no wrappers for libraries implemented in other languages.
- Preferably sequential, but parallel implementations may also be fine.
- Focus on performance (incl. low-level type declarations, for example).
- Preferred platform is LispWorks, but other Common Lisp implementations are also fine. Portability is not a high priority.

Thanks a lot in advance,

Pascal Costanza, ExaScience Lab, Intel Belgium

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