[pro] When to use SLOT-VALUE...

Ben Hyde bhyde at pobox.com
Thu Dec 2 17:37:24 UTC 2010

On Dec 1, 2010, at 9:51 AM, Daniel Weinreb wrote:
> The methods called by the callers (1) expect to find the object in a
> consistent state, and (2) must leave the object in a consistent state
> when they terminate, whether they terminate normally (return) or
> abruptly (signal, return, throw, etc.)
> It is possible that there are :before or :after methods on the reader
> or writer.  In fact, it's even possible that the primary method was
> overridden, if this is a subclass.  These methods must also keep the
> object in a consistent state.

I find it curious, my reaction to that.   In part it is warm and  
nostalgic, as there was a time when I was more enthusiastic about  
designing in that mind set.  I am less so now.  I now tend to open  
module boundaries.  I'm much less shy about revealing  
implementations.  I find it more pliable.   And I tighten things down  
in that kind of righteous way only if the code manages to survive long  
enough to get the honor of maintenance and a large cliental.

Anyhow.  Recall that with-slots expands to slot-value.  That leads me  
to wonder.   Given that with-slots and slot-value are couple, why  
haven't I observed analogous couple (with-fields and field-value say)   
for accessors.

  - ben

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