[ply-devel] Welcome!

Charlie McMackin charliemac at gmail.com
Tue Jun 24 15:01:31 UTC 2008

I've just put up the initial code bomb at
http://common-lisp.net/project/ply/src/ply in the hopes that I might
gain some coding critique by airing my code in public. I hope to make
ply a simple polygon mesh editor but the current code checked is just
the beginning skeleton.

Ply's currently capabilities are:
*  Importing triangle-based meshes from Alias OBJ files (no quads).
Materials, Group names, etc are currently ignored.
*  View Camera using Mirai style mouse buttons:  Middle Mouse Button:
start camera orbit mode   'q': toggle between track and orbit mode
*  Ortho and Perspective views ('o' key)
*   TAB toggles between smooth and flat shading
*  'w' toggles wireframe visibility
*  basic lighting
*  primitive ray based object selection with AA bounding boxes

and the magic command to start it all:  (ply:start "/path/to/some/file.obj")

Here's to more GL apps for Lisp.

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