[plexippus-xpath-devel] function-available doesn't find an extension function

Andrei Stebakov lispercat at gmail.com
Fri Jan 7 16:06:34 UTC 2011


If I define a function like:

(xpath::define-extension func "http://www.somedomain.com/func")
(xpath::define-xpath-function/lazy func test-func (arg1)
  #'(lambda (ctx)
      (funcall arg1 ctx)))


(xpath::define-xpath-function/eager func test-func2 (arg1 arg2)
  (concatenate 'string arg1 " " arg2))

Later in xls when I test <xsl:if
test="function-available('func:test-func')"> the test fails.
The function itself works well in xls. Is it expected behavior?

Thank you,

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