[plexippus-xpath-devel] parsed input != serialized output?

Andrei Stebakov lispercat at gmail.com
Sun Nov 28 19:14:06 UTC 2010


I wonder if parse/serialize should arrive at the same string given to
the parser?
Let's say

(let ((sink (cxml:make-string-sink)))
  (stp:serialize (chtml:parse "<p><div>some text</div></p>"
(stp:make-builder)) sink)
  (sax:end-document sink))

I would expect the result to be "<p><div>some text</div></p>", but
instead it's "<p/><div>some text</div>" (with some <?xml ...>
Why would it rearrange the <p> tag in this manner? What other kinds of
re-arrangement to expect?

Thank you,

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