[Phemlock-cvs] CVS update: phemlock/src/clim/exp-syntax.lisp phemlock/src/clim/foo.lisp

Gilbert Baumann gbaumann at common-lisp.net
Fri Jul 9 15:16:14 UTC 2004

Update of /project/phemlock/cvsroot/phemlock/src/clim
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv24576/src/clim

Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:
moved syntax highlighting out to another file.

Date: Fri Jul  9 08:16:14 2004
Author: gbaumann

Index: phemlock/src/clim/foo.lisp
diff -u phemlock/src/clim/foo.lisp: phemlock/src/clim/foo.lisp:1.2
--- phemlock/src/clim/foo.lisp:	Fri Jul  9 06:38:09 2004
+++ phemlock/src/clim/foo.lisp	Fri Jul  9 08:16:14 2004
@@ -422,9 +422,11 @@
          (first (cons dummy-line the-sentinel)) )
     (setf (slot-value hunk 'ts) (clim:make-text-style :fixed :roman :normal))
-    '(setf (slot-value hunk 'ts) (clim:make-device-font-text-style
+    #+NIL
+    (setf (slot-value hunk 'ts) (clim:make-device-font-text-style
                                  (clim:port stream)
+    (setf (slot-value hunk 'ts) (clim:make-text-style :sans-serif :roman :normal))
     (setf (slot-value hunk 'cw) (clim:text-style-width (slot-value hunk 'ts)
                                                            (clim-hunk-stream hunk)))
     (setf (slot-value hunk 'ch) (+ 2 (clim:text-style-height (slot-value hunk 'ts)
@@ -632,463 +634,6 @@
 	(sleep .1)))
     (device-note-read-wait device nil)))
-(defun line-syntax-info (line)
-  (getf (line-plist line) 'syntax-info-4))
-(defun (setf line-syntax-info) (value line)
-  (setf (getf (line-plist line) 'syntax-info-4) value))
-(defun hi::ensure-syntax-marks (line)
-  (let ((si (line-syntax-info line)))
-    (cond ((null si)
-           (setf si
-                 (setf (line-syntax-info line)
-                       (cons :frob nil)))))
-    (setf (line-syntax-info line)
-          (ensure-syntax-marks-2 line si))))
-(defun ensure-syntax-marks-2 (line si)
-  (destructuring-bind (signature . font-marks) si
-    (cond ((eq signature (line-signature line))
-           si)
-          (t
-           ;; work to do
-           ;; 1. remove font marks
-           (dolist (fm font-marks)
-             (hi::delete-font-mark fm))
-           (setf font-marks nil)
-           (let ((in-string-p nil)
-                 (in-comment-p nil))
-             (loop for p from 0 below (line-length line) do
-                   (cond ((char= (line-character line p) #\")
-                          (unless in-comment-p
-                            (if in-string-p
-                                (push (hi::font-mark line p 0) font-marks)
-                                (push (hi::font-mark line (1+ p) 2) font-marks))
-                            (setf in-string-p (not in-string-p))))
-                         ((char= (line-character line p) #\;)
-                          (unless (or in-string-p in-comment-p)
-                            (setf in-comment-p t)
-                            (push (hi::font-mark line p 1) font-marks))))))
-           (cons (line-signature line) font-marks)
-           ))))
-;; second approach:
-;; syntax-info: (signature start-state end-state font-marks)
-(defun empty-syntax-info ()
-  (list :frob nil nil nil))
-(defun hi::ensure-syntax-marks (line)
-  (let ((si (line-syntax-info line)))
-    (cond ((null si)
-           (setf si
-                 (setf (line-syntax-info line) (empty-syntax-info)))))
-    (setf (line-syntax-info line)
-          (ensure-syntax-marks-2 line si))))
-(defun line-syntax-info* (line)
-  (cond ((null line)
-         (list :frob nil (list nil) nil))
-        (t
-         (hi::ensure-syntax-marks line))))
-(defun ensure-syntax-marks-2 (line si)
-  (destructuring-bind (signature start end font-marks) si
-    (let ((prev-end (third (line-syntax-info* (line-previous line)))))
-      (cond ((and (eq signature (line-signature line))
-                  (equal start prev-end))
-             ;; no work
-             si)
-            (t
-             ;; work to do, but first remove old font marks
-             (dolist (fm font-marks)
-               (hi::delete-font-mark fm))
-             (setf font-marks nil)
-             ;; now do the highlighting
-             (let ((in-string-p (first prev-end))
-                   (in-comment-p nil))
-               (when in-string-p
-                 (push (hi::font-mark line 0 2) font-marks))
-               (loop for p from 0 below (line-length line) do
-                     (unless (and (> p 0)
-                                  (char= (line-character line (1- p)) #\\))
-                       (cond ((char= (line-character line p) #\")
-                              (unless in-comment-p
-                                (if in-string-p
-                                    (push (hi::font-mark line p 0) font-marks)
-                                    (push (hi::font-mark line (1+ p) 2) font-marks))
-                                (setf in-string-p (not in-string-p))))
-                             ((char= (line-character line p) #\;)
-                              (unless (or in-string-p in-comment-p)
-                                (setf in-comment-p t)
-                                (push (hi::font-mark line p 1) font-marks))))))
-               (print (list :ending :with (list in-string-p)) *trace-output*)
-               ;; return new info
-               (list (line-signature line)
-                     prev-end
-                     (list in-string-p)
-                     font-marks) ))))))
-;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;;;; Syntax Highlighting
-;; This still is only proof of concept.
-;; We define highlighting by parsing the buffer content with a simple
-;; recursive descend parser. The font attributes for each character are
-;; then derived from the parser state. Each line remembers the start and
-;; end parser state for caching. If the start parser state is the same as
-;; the end parser state of the previous line no reparsing needs to be done.
-;; Lines can change and if a line changes its end parser state is
-;; considered to be unknown. So if you change a line syntax highlighting of
-;; all following lines is potentially invalid. We avoid reparsing all of
-;; the rest of the buffer by three means: First we access syntax markup in
-;; a lazy fashion; if a line isn't displayed we don't need its syntax
-;; markup. Second when while doing reparsing the newly computed end state
-;; is the same as the old end state reparsing stops, because this end state
-;; then matches the start state of the next line. Third when seeing an open
-;; paren in the very first column, we assume that a new top-level
-;; expression starts.
-;; These recursive descend parsers are written in a mini language which
-;; subsequently is compiled to some "byte" code and interpreted by a
-;; virtual machine. For now we don't allow for parameters or return values
-;; of procedures and so a state boils down to the current procedure, the
-;; instruction pointer and the stack of saved activations.
-;; This mini language allows to define procedures. Within a body of a
-;; procedure the following syntax applies:
-;; stmt -> (IF <cond> <tag>)     If <cond> evaluates to true, goto <tag>.
-;;                               <cond> can be any lisp expression and has
-;;                               the current look-ahead character available
-;;                               in the variable 'ch'.
-;;         <tag>                 A symbol serving as the target for GOs.
-;;         (GO <tag>)            Continue execution at the indicated label.
-;;         (CONSUME)             Consume the current lookahead character and
-;;                               read the next one putting it into 'ch'.
-;;         (CALL <proc>)         Call another procedure
-;;         (RETURN)              Return from the current procedure
-;; What the user sees is a little different. The function ME expands its
-;; input to the above language. Added features are:
-;; (IF <cond> <cons> [<alt>])    IF is modified to take statements instead
-;;                               of branch targets
-;; (PROGN {<stmt>}*)             Mainly because of IF, PROGN is introduced.
-;;                               Note that the body can defined new branch
-;;                               targets, which also are available from outside
-;;                               of it.
-;; (WHILE <cond> {<stmt>}*)
-;; (COND {(<cond> {<stmt>}*)}*)
-;; This mini-language for now is enough to write interesting recursive
-;; descend parsers.
-(eval-when (compile eval load)
-  (defun me (form)
-    (cond ((atom form)
-           (list form))
-          (t
-           (ecase (car form)
-             ((IF)
-              (destructuring-bind (cond cons &optional alt) (cdr form)
-                (let ((L1 (gensym "L."))
-                      (L2 (gensym "L.")))
-                  (append (list `(IF (not ,cond) ,L1))
-                          (me cons)
-                          (list `(GO ,L2))
-                          (list L1)
-                          (and alt (me alt))
-                          (list L2)))))
-             ((WHILE)
-              (destructuring-bind (cond &rest body) (cdr form)
-                (let ((exit (gensym "EXIT."))
-                      (loop (gensym "LOOP.")))
-                  (append (list loop)
-                          (list `(if (not ,cond) ,exit))
-                          (me `(progn , at body))
-                          (list `(go ,loop))
-                          (list exit)))))
-             ((COND)
-              (cond ((null (cdr form)) nil)
-                    (t
-                     (me
-                      `(if ,(caadr form) (progn ,@(cdadr form))
-                        (cond ,@(cddr form)))))))
-             ((CONSUME RETURN) (list form))
-             ((PROGN) (mapcan #'me (cdr form)))
-             ((GO) (list form))
-             ((CALL) (list form))))))
-  (defun ass (stmts)
-    (let ((ip 0)
-          (labels nil)
-          (fixups nil)
-          (code (make-array 0 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
-      (loop for stmt in stmts
-            do
-            (cond ((atom stmt)
-                   (push (cons stmt ip) labels))
-                  ((eq (car stmt) 'go)
-                   (vector-push-extend :go code) (incf ip)
-                   (push ip fixups)
-                   (vector-push-extend (cadr stmt) code) (incf ip))
-                  ((eq (car stmt) 'if)
-                   (vector-push-extend :if code) (incf ip)
-                   (vector-push-extend `(lambda (ch) (declare (ignorable ch)) ,(cadr stmt))
-                                       code)
-                   (incf ip)
-                   (push ip fixups)
-                   (vector-push-extend (caddr stmt) code) (incf ip))
-                  ((eq (car stmt) 'call)
-                   (vector-push-extend :call code) (incf ip)
-                   (vector-push-extend `',(cadr stmt) code) (incf ip))
-                  ((eq (car stmt) 'consume)
-                   (vector-push-extend :consume code) (incf ip))
-                  ((eq (car stmt) 'return)
-                   (vector-push-extend :return code) (incf ip))
-                  (t
-                   (incf ip)
-                   (vector-push-extend stmt code))))
-      (loop for fixup in fixups do
-            (let ((q (cdr (assoc (aref code fixup) labels))))
-              (unless q
-                (error "Undefined label ~S." (aref code fixup)))
-              (setf (aref code fixup) q)))
-      code)))
-(defmacro defstate (name stuff &rest body)
-  stuff
-  `(setf (gethash ',name *parsers*)
-         (vector ,@(coerce (ass (append (me `(progn , at body))
-                                        (list '(return))))
-                           'list))))
-(defvar *parsers* (make-hash-table))
-(defstate initial ()
-  (while t
-    (call sexp)))
-(defstate comment ()
-  loop
-  (cond ((char= ch #\newline)
-         (consume)
-         (return))
-        (t
-         (consume)
-         (go loop))))
-(defstate bq ()
-  (consume)                             ;consume `
-  (call sexp))
-(defstate uq ()
-  (consume)                             ;consume `
-  (call sexp))
-(defstate sexp ()
-  loop
-  (call skip-white*)                    ;skip possible white space and comments
-  (cond ((char= ch #\() (call list))
-        ((char= ch #\`) (call bq))
-        ((char= ch #\') (call bq))
-        ((char= ch #\,) (call uq))
-        ((char= ch #\;) (call comment))
-        ((char= ch #\") (call string))
-        ((char= ch #\#) (call hash))
-        ((or (alphanumericp ch) (find ch "-+*/"))
-         (call atom))
-        (t
-         ;; hmm
-         (consume)
-         (go loop))))
-(defstate hash ()
-  (consume)
-  (cond ((char= ch #\\) (call char-const))
-        ((char= ch #\+) (call hash-plus))
-        ((char= ch #\')
-         (consume)
-         (call sexp))
-        (t
-         (call sexp))))
-(defstate char-const ()
-  (consume)                             ;\\
-  (cond ((or (alphanumericp ch) (find ch "-+*/"))
-         (call atom))
-        (t
-         (consume))))
-(defstate string ()
-  (consume)
-  (while t
-    (cond ((char= ch #\\)
-           (consume)
-           (consume))
-          ((char= ch #\")
-           (consume)
-           (return))
-          (t
-           (consume)))))
-(defstate atom ()
-  (while (or (alphanumericp ch) (find ch "-+*/"))
-    (consume)))
-(defstate list ()
-  (consume)                             ;consume open-paren
-  (while t
-    (call skip-white*)                  ;skip possible white space
-    (cond ((char= ch #\))
-           (consume)
-           (return))
-          (t
-           (call sexp)))))
-(defstate skip-white* ()
-  loop
-  (while (member ch '(#\space #\tab #\newline #\return #\page))
-    (consume))
-  (cond ((char= ch #\;)
-         (call comment)
-         (go loop))
-        (t
-         (return))))
-(defstate hash-plus ()
-  (consume)                             ;#\+
-  (call sexp)                                ;cond
-  (call sexp)                                ;form
-  )
-;; --------------------
-(defun step** (state char)
-  (let* (fun ip code)
-    (labels ((fetch ()
-               (prog1 (aref code ip) (incf ip)))
-             (sync (fun* ip*)
-               (setf fun fun*
-                     ip  ip*
-                     code (or (gethash fun *parsers*)
-                              (error "No such fun: ~S." fun))))
-             (exit ()
-               (sync (pop state) (pop state)))
-             (save ()
-               (push ip state)
-               (push fun state)))
-      (exit)
-      (loop
-          (ecase (fetch)
-            (:IF
-             (let ((cond (fetch))
-                   (target (fetch)))
-               (when (funcall cond char)
-                 (setf ip target))))
-            (:CONSUME
-             (save)
-             (return-from step** state))
-            (:RETURN
-             '(print (list :return state) *trace-output*)
-             (exit)
-             ;;(print (list :dada state))
-             )
-            (:CALL
-             (let ((new-fun (fetch)))
-               '(print (list :call new-fun) *trace-output*)
-               (save)
-               (sync new-fun 0)))
-            (:GO
-             (setf ip (fetch))))))))
-(defun dodo (string)
-  (let ((state (list 'initial 0)))
-    (loop for c across string do
-          (setf state (step** state c))
-          (let ((q (member-if (lambda (x) (member x '(string bq uq comment))) state)))
-            (case (car q)
-              (comment (format t "/~A" c))
-              (bq (princ (char-upcase c)))
-              (uq (princ c))
-              ((nil) (princ c)))))
-    state))
-(defun empty-syntax-info ()
-  (list :frob nil (list 'initial 0) nil))
-(defun hi::ensure-syntax-marks (line)
-  (let ((si (line-syntax-info line)))
-    (cond ((null si)
-           (setf si
-                 (setf (line-syntax-info line) (empty-syntax-info)))))
-    (setf (line-syntax-info line)
-          (ensure-syntax-marks-2 line si))))
-(defun line-syntax-info* (line)
-  (cond ((null line)
-         (empty-syntax-info))
-        (t
-         (hi::ensure-syntax-marks line))))
-(defun ensure-syntax-marks-2 (line si)
-  (destructuring-bind (signature start end font-marks) si
-    (let ((prev-end (third (line-syntax-info* (line-previous line)))))
-      (cond ((and (eq signature (line-signature line))
-                  (equal start prev-end))
-             ;; no work
-             si)
-            (t
-             ;; work to do, but first remove old font marks
-             (dolist (fm font-marks)
-               (hi::delete-font-mark fm))
-             (setf font-marks nil)
-             ;; now do the highlighting
-             (let ((state prev-end)
-                   (last-font 0))
-               ;;(print `(:begin ,state) *trace-output*)
-               (loop for p from 0 below (line-length line) do
-                     (let ((ch (line-character line p)))
-                       (setf state (step** state ch))
-                       (let ((font (state-font state)))
-                         (unless (eq font last-font)
-                           (push (hi::font-mark line p font) font-marks)         
-                           (setf last-font font)))))
-               (setf state (step** state #\newline))
-               ;; hack
-               (let ((s (line-string line)) p1 p2)
-                 (when (and (eql 0 (search "(def" s))
-                            (setf p1 (position #\space s))
-                            (setf p2 (position #\space s :start (1+ p1))))
-                   (push (hi::font-mark line (1+ p1) 5) font-marks)
-                   (push (hi::font-mark line p2 0) font-marks)))
-               ;;(print (list prev-end state) *trace-output*)
-               ;; return new info
-               (list (line-signature line)
-                     prev-end
-                     state
-                     font-marks) ))))))
-(defun state-font (state)
-  (cond ((member 'hash-plus state)
-         6)
-        (t
-         (let ((q (member-if (lambda (x) (member x '(string bq uq comment hash-plus))) state)))
-           (case (car q)
-             (comment 1)
-             (bq 2)
-             (uq 3)
-             (string 4)
-             (hash-plus 6)
-             ((nil) 0))))))

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