[pg-cvs] CVS pg

emarsden emarsden at common-lisp.net
Sun Oct 22 19:25:51 UTC 2006

Update of /project/pg/cvsroot/pg
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv11805

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Fixes to the prepared statement support, in order to implement precise
error reporting. Deadlocks were possible with previous version, where
pg-dot-lisp would be blocked waiting for input from the backend that
never arrived.

Also some code cleanups.

--- /project/pg/cvsroot/pg/v3-protocol.lisp	2006/10/22 15:48:45	1.26
+++ /project/pg/cvsroot/pg/v3-protocol.lisp	2006/10/22 19:25:51	1.27
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
 ;;; Author: Peter Van Eynde <pvaneynd at debian.org>
+(declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1)))
 (in-package :postgresql)
 (defclass pgcon-v3 (pgcon)
@@ -98,7 +103,7 @@
 ;; FIXME remove the duplication between this an HANDLE-NOTIFICATION/V3 at end of file
-(defun read-and-generate-error-response (packet)
+(defun read-and-generate-error-response (connection packet)
   (let ((args nil))
     (loop :for field-type = (read-from-packet packet :byte)
           :until (= field-type 0)
@@ -118,25 +123,24 @@
                ((#\L) :line)
                ((#\R) :routine))
+    (send-packet connection #\S nil)
     ;; we are trying to recover from errors too:
     (apply #'cerror
            "Try to continue, should do a rollback"
            (append (list :reason "Backend error") args))))
 (defun read-and-handle-notification-response (connection packet)
   (declare (type pg-packet packet)
            (type pgcon-v3 connection))
   (let* ((pid (read-from-packet packet :int32))
-         (name-condition (read-from-packet packet :cstring))
+         (condition-name (read-from-packet packet :cstring))
          (additional-information (read-from-packet packet :cstring)))
     (setf (pgcon-pid connection) pid)
-    (format t "~&Got notice: ~S, ~S"
-            name-condition
+    (format *debug-io* "~&Got notification: ~S, ~S~%"
+            condition-name
-    (push name-condition (pgcon-notices connection))))
+    (push condition-name (pgcon-notices connection))))
@@ -166,12 +170,18 @@
                                   :data data
                                   :connection connection)))
       (case (pg-packet-type packet)
-        (( #\E)                                ; error
-         (read-and-generate-error-response packet)
+        ((#\E)                                ; error
+         (read-and-generate-error-response connection packet)
-        (( #\N)                                ; Notice
+        ((#\N)                                ; Notice
          (handle-notice/v3 connection packet)
+        ((#\A)
+         (read-and-handle-notification-response connection packet)
+         packet)
          ;; return the packet
@@ -182,16 +192,12 @@
    "Reads an integer from the given PACKET with type TYPE")
   (:method ((packet pg-packet) (type (eql :char)))
-    (with-slots (data position)
-        packet
+    (with-slots (data position) packet
           (elt data position)
         (incf position))))
   (:method ((packet pg-packet) (type (eql :byte)))
-    (with-slots (data position)
-        packet
+    (with-slots (data position) packet
       (let ((result (elt data position)))
         (incf position)
         (when (= 1 (ldb (byte 1 7) result))
@@ -201,9 +207,7 @@
   (:method ((packet pg-packet) (type (eql :int16)))
-    (with-slots (data position)
-        packet
+    (with-slots (data position) packet
       (let ((result (+ (* 256 (elt data position))
                        (elt data (1+ position)))))
         (incf position 2)
@@ -214,9 +218,7 @@
   (:method ((packet pg-packet) (type (eql :int32)))
-    (with-slots (data position)
-        packet
+    (with-slots (data position) packet
       (let ((result (+ (* 256 256 256 (elt data position))
                        (* 256 256 (elt data (1+ position)))
                        (* 256 (elt data (+ 2 position)))
@@ -241,12 +243,11 @@
           (loop :for i :from position :below end
                 :for j :from 0
-                (setf (elt result j)
-                      (code-char
-                       (elt data i))))
+                (setf (aref result j)
+                      (code-char (aref data i))))
           (setf position (1+ end))
   ;; a string that does get encoded, if the current connection has set
   ;; its prefered encoding
   (:method ((packet pg-packet) (type (eql :cstring)))
@@ -354,6 +355,7 @@
              (check-type value string)
              (let ((encoded (convert-string-to-bytes value)))
+               (declare (type (vector (unsigned-byte 8) *) encoded))
                (replace data encoded :start1 position)
                (incf position (length encoded)))
              (setf (elt data position) 0)
@@ -363,6 +365,7 @@
              (check-type value string)
              (let ((encoded (convert-string-to-bytes value)))
+               (declare (type (vector (unsigned-byte 8) *) encoded))
                (replace data encoded :start1 position)
                (incf position (length encoded))))
@@ -437,6 +440,7 @@
                     :reason "SCM authentication not supported"))
             (t (error 'authentication-failure
                       :reason "unknown authentication type")))))
        (( #\K)
         ;; Cancelation
         (let* ((pid  (read-from-packet packet :int32))
@@ -446,19 +450,18 @@
           (setf (pgcon-pid connection) pid)
           (setf (pgcon-secret connection) secret)))
-       (( #\S)
+       ((#\S)
         ;; Status
         (let* ((parameter (read-from-packet packet :ucstring))
                (value (read-from-packet packet :ucstring)))
           (push (cons parameter value) (pgcon-parameters connection))))
         ;; Ready for Query
         (let* ((status (read-from-packet packet :byte)))
-          (unless (= status
-                     (char-code #\I))
-            (warn "~&Got status ~S but wanted I~%"
-                  (code-char status)))
+          (unless (= status (char-code #\I))
+            (warn "~&Got status ~S but wanted I~%" (code-char status)))
           (when *pg-client-encoding*
             (setf (pg-client-encoding connection) *pg-client-encoding*))
           (and (not *pg-disable-type-coercion*)
@@ -467,176 +470,165 @@
           (when *pg-date-style*
             (setf (pg-date-style connection) *pg-date-style*))
           (return connection)))
         ;; an error, we should abort.
         (return nil))
-       ((#\N)
-        ;; We ignore Notices
+       ((#\N) ;; a notice, that has already been handled in READ-PACKET
        (t (error 'protocol-error
                  :reason "expected an authentication response"))))))
 (defun do-followup-query (connection)
   "Does the followup of a query"
   (let ((tuples '())
         (attributes '())
         (result (make-pgresult :connection connection)))
-    (%flush connection)
      :for packet = (read-packet connection)
      :with got-data-p = nil
      :with receive-data-p = nil
-     :do
-     (when packet
-       (case (pg-packet-type packet)
-         ((#\S)
-          ;; Parameter status? not documented as return!
-          ;; XXX investigate
-          (let* ((parameter (read-from-packet packet :cstring))
-                 (value (read-from-packet packet :cstring)))
-            (push (cons parameter value) (pgcon-parameters connection))))
-         ((#\A)
-          ;; NotificationResponse
-          ;; Not documented?
-          ;; XXX investigate
-          (read-and-handle-notification-response connection packet))
-         ((#\C)
-          ;; CommandComplete
-          (let ((status (read-from-packet packet :cstring)))
-            (setf (pgresult-status result) status)
-            (setf (pgresult-tuples result) (nreverse tuples))
-            (setf (pgresult-attributes result) attributes))
-          (setf got-data-p t))
-         ((#\G)
-          ;; CopyInResponse
-	  (cond
-	    ((and (streamp (pgcon-sql-stream connection))
-		  (input-stream-p (pgcon-sql-stream connection)))
-	     ;; we ignore the data stuff.
-	     (handler-case
-	      (progn
-		(loop :with buffer = (make-array 4096
-						 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
-						 :adjustable t)
-		      :for length = (read-sequence buffer (pgcon-sql-stream connection))
-		      :until (= length 0)
-		      :do
-		      ;; send data
-		      (unless (= length 4096)
-			(setf buffer
-			      (adjust-array buffer (list length))))
-		      (send-packet connection
-				   #\d
-				   `((:rawdata ,buffer))))
-		;; CopyDone
-		(send-packet connection
-			     #\c
-			     nil))
-	      ((or error serious-condition) (condition)
-	       (warn "Got an error while writing sql data: ~S aborting transfer!"
-		     condition)
-	       (send-packet connection
-			    #\f
-			    ;;CopyFail
-			    '((:cstring "No input data provided")))))
-	     (%flush connection))
-	    (t
-	     (warn "We had to provide data, but my sql-stream isn't an input-stream. Aborting transfer")
-	     (send-packet connection
-			  #\f
-			  ;;CopyFail
-			  '((:cstring "No input data provided"))))))
-         ((#\H)
-          ;; CopyOutResponse
-	  (cond
-	    ((and (streamp (pgcon-sql-stream connection))
-		  (output-stream-p (pgcon-sql-stream connection)))
-	     (setf receive-data-p t))
-	    (t
-	     (setf receive-data-p nil)
-	     (warn "I should receive data but my sql-stream isn't an outputstream!~%Ignoring data"))))
-         (( #\d)
-	  ;; CopyData
-	  (when receive-data-p
-	    ;; we break the nice packet abstraction here to
-	    ;; get some speed:
-	    (let ((length (- (pg-packet-length packet) 4)))
-	      (write-sequence (make-array length
-					  :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
-					  :displaced-to (slot-value packet
-								    'data)
-					  :displaced-index-offset
-					  (slot-value packet 'position))
-			      (pgcon-sql-stream connection)))))
-	 (( #\c )
-	  ;;CopyDone
-	  ;; we do nothing (the exec will return and the user
-	  ;; can do something if he/she wants
-	  (setf receive-data-p nil)
-          t)
-         ((#\T)
-          ;; RowDescription (metadata for subsequent tuples), #\T
-          (and attributes (error "Cannot handle multiple result group"))
-          (setq attributes (read-attributes/v3 packet)))
-         ((#\D)
-          ;; AsciiRow (text data transfer), #\D
-          (setf got-data-p t)
-          (setf (pgcon-binary-p connection) nil)
-          (unless attributes
-            (error 'protocol-error :reason "Tuple received before metadata"))
-          (push (read-tuple/v3 packet attributes) tuples))
-         ((#\I)
-          ;; EmptyQueryResponse, #\I
-          ;; so no result.
-          (setf got-data-p t)
-          (setf (pgresult-status result) "SELECT")
-          (setf (pgresult-tuples result) nil)
-          (setf (pgresult-attributes result) nil))
-         ((#\Z)
-          ;; ReadyForQuery
-          ;;
-          ;; it might be a result from a previous
-          ;; query
-          (when got-data-p
-            (return result)))
-          ((#\s)
-           ;; PortalSuspend
-           ;; we're done in any case:
-           (return result))
-          ((#\V)
-           ;; FunctionCallResponse -- not clear why we would get these here instead of in FN
-           (let* ((length (read-from-packet packet :int32))
-                  (response (unless (= length -1)
-                              (read-string-from-packet packet length))))
-             (setf (pgresult-status result) response)))
-          ((#\2
-            ;; BindComplete
-           #\1
-           ;; ParseComplete
-           #\3
-           ;; CloseComplete
-           #\n
-           ;; NoData
-           )
-          ;; we ignore these messages
-          t)
-         ((#\E
-          ;; an error, we bravely try to recover...
-           #\N)
-          ;; and we ignore Notices
-          t)
-         (t
-          (warn "Got unexpected packet: ~S, resetting connection"
-                packet)
-          ;; sync
-          (send-packet connection #\S nil)
-          (%flush connection)))))))
+     :do (case (pg-packet-type packet)
+           ((#\S) ;; ParameterStatus
+            (let* ((parameter (read-from-packet packet :cstring))
+                   (value (read-from-packet packet :cstring)))
+              (push (cons parameter value) (pgcon-parameters connection)))
+            (setf got-data-p t))
+           ((#\A) ;; NotificationResponse, that has already been handled in READ-PACKET
+            (setf got-data-p t))
+           ((#\C)
+            ;; CommandComplete
+            (let ((status (read-from-packet packet :cstring)))
+              (setf (pgresult-status result) status)
+              (setf (pgresult-tuples result) (nreverse tuples))
+              (setf (pgresult-attributes result) attributes))
+            (setf got-data-p t))
+           ((#\G)
+            ;; CopyInResponse
+            (cond
+              ((and (streamp (pgcon-sql-stream connection))
+                    (input-stream-p (pgcon-sql-stream connection)))
+               ;; we ignore the data stuff.
+               (handler-case
+                   (progn
+                     (loop :with buffer = (make-array 4096
+                                                      :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
+                                                      :adjustable t)
+                           :for length = (read-sequence buffer (pgcon-sql-stream connection))
+                           :until (= length 0)
+                           :do
+                           ;; send data
+                           (unless (= length 4096)
+                             (setf buffer
+                                   (adjust-array buffer (list length))))
+                           (send-packet connection #\d `((:rawdata ,buffer))))
+                     ;; CopyDone
+                     (send-packet connection #\c nil))
+                 ((or error serious-condition) (condition)

[282 lines skipped]

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