[pg-cvs] CVS update: pg/sysdep.lisp
Eric Marsden
emarsden at common-lisp.net
Mon Dec 19 22:18:54 UTC 2005
Update of /project/pg/cvsroot/pg
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv4467
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Fix sockets for recent ABCL versions.
Modify the client-encoding code to work with multiple implementations
(incomplete testing).
Date: Mon Dec 19 23:18:37 2005
Author: emarsden
Index: pg/sysdep.lisp
diff -u pg/sysdep.lisp:1.10 pg/sysdep.lisp:1.11
--- pg/sysdep.lisp:1.10 Tue Oct 18 15:07:27 2005
+++ pg/sysdep.lisp Mon Dec 19 23:18:32 2005
@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
;;; sysdep.lisp -- system-dependent parts of pg-dot-lisp
;;; Author: Eric Marsden <eric.marsden at free.fr>
-;;; Time-stamp: <2005-07-17 emarsden>
+;;; Time-stamp: <2005-12-09 emarsden>
(in-package :postgresql)
+#+allegro (require :socket)
+#+lispworks (require "comm")
+#+cormanlisp (require :sockets)
+#+armedbear (require :socket)
(defmacro %sysdep (desc &rest forms)
(when (null forms)
@@ -278,14 +283,14 @@
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute :compile-toplevel)
- (require 'format))
+ (require :socket))
-;; MAKE-SOCKET with :element-type as per 2004-03-09
(defun socket-connect (port host)
(declare (type integer port))
- (handler-case
- (ext:make-socket host port :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+ (handler-case
+ (ext:get-socket-stream (ext:make-socket host port)
+ :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
(error (e)
(error 'connection-failure
:host host
@@ -293,48 +298,84 @@
:transport-error e))))
+;; for Lispworks
+;; (defun encode-lisp-string (string)
+;; (translate-string-via-fli string :utf-8 :latin-1))
+;; (defun decode-external-string (string)
+;; (translate-string-via-fli string :latin-1 :utf-8))
+;; ;; Note that a :utf-8 encoding of a null in a latin-1 string is
+;; ;; also null, and vice versa. So don't have to worry about
+;; ;; null-termination or length. (If we were translating to/from
+;; ;; :unicode, this would become an issue.)
+;; (defun translate-string-via-fli (string from to)
+;; (fli:with-foreign-string (ptr elements bytes :external-format from)
+;; string
+;; (declare (ignore elements bytes))
+;; (fli:convert-from-foreign-string ptr :external-format to)))
;;; character encoding support
(defvar *pg-client-encoding*)
-#+(and :sbcl :sb-unicode)
-(defun sbcl-ext-form-from-client-encoding (encoding)
- (cond
- ((string= encoding "SQL_ASCII") :ascii)
- ((string= encoding "LATIN1") :latin1)
- ((string= encoding "LATIN9") :latin9)
- ((string= encoding "UNICODE") :utf8)
- (t (error "unkown encoding ~A" encoding))))
+(defun implementation-name-for-encoding (encoding)
+ (%sysdep "client encoding to external format name"
+ #+(and clisp unicode)
+ (cond ((string= encoding "SQL_ASCII") :ascii)
+ ((string= encoding "LATIN1") :latin1)
+ ((string= encoding "LATIN9") :latin9)
+ ((string= encoding "UNICODE") :utf8)
+ (t (error "unknown encoding ~A" encoding)))
+ #+(and allegro ics)
+ (cond ((string= encoding "SQL_ASCII") :ascii)
+ ((string= encoding "LATIN1") :latin1)
+ ((string= encoding "LATIN9") :latin9)
+ ((string= encoding "UNICODE") :utf8)
+ (t (error "unknown encoding ~A" encoding)))
+ #+(and sbcl sb-unicode)
+ (cond ((string= encoding "SQL_ASCII") :ascii)
+ ((string= encoding "LATIN1") :latin1)
+ ((string= encoding "LATIN9") :latin9)
+ ((string= encoding "UNICODE") :utf8)
+ (t (error "unknown encoding ~A" encoding)))
+ #+(or cmu gcl ecl abcl)
+ (cond ((string= encoding "SQL_ASCII") :ascii)
+ ((string= encoding "LATIN1") :latin1)
+ ((string= encoding "LATIN9") :latin9))))
(defun convert-string-to-bytes (string &optional (encoding *pg-client-encoding*))
(declare (type string string))
(%sysdep "convert string to bytes"
#+(and clisp unicode)
- (ext:convert-string-to-bytes string encoding)
+ (ext:convert-string-to-bytes string (implementation-name-for-encoding encoding))
#+(and allegro ics)
(excl:string-to-octets string :null-terminate nil
- :external-format encoding)
+ :external-format (implementation-name-for-encoding encoding))
#+(and :sbcl :sb-unicode)
- (sb-ext:string-to-octets string :external-format (sbcl-ext-form-from-client-encoding encoding))
- #+(or cmu sbcl gcl ecl)
- (let ((octets (make-array (length string) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
- (map-into octets #'char-code string))))
+ (sb-ext:string-to-octets string
+ :external-format (implementation-name-for-encoding encoding))
+ #+(or cmu gcl ecl abcl)
+ (if (member encoding '("SQL_ASCII" "LATIN1" "LATIN9") :test #'string-equal)
+ (let ((octets (make-array (length string) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
+ (map-into octets #'char-code string))
+ (error "Can't convert ~A string to octets" encoding))))
(defun convert-string-from-bytes (bytes &optional (encoding *pg-client-encoding*))
(declare (type (vector (unsigned-byte 8)) bytes))
(%sysdep "convert octet-array to string"
#+(and clisp unicode)
- (ext:convert-string-from-bytes bytes encoding)
+ (ext:convert-string-from-bytes bytes (implementation-name-for-encoding encoding))
#+(and allegro ics)
- (excl:octets-to-string bytes :external-format encoding)
+ (excl:octets-to-string bytes :external-format (implementation-name-for-encoding encoding))
#+(and :sbcl :sb-unicode)
- (sb-ext:octets-to-string bytes :external-format
- (sbcl-ext-form-from-client-encoding encoding))
+ (sb-ext:octets-to-string bytes :external-format (implementation-name-for-encoding encoding))
;; for implementations that have no support for character
;; encoding, we assume that the encoding is an octet-for-octet
;; encoding, and convert directly
- #+(or cmu (and sbcl (not :sb-unicode)) gcl ecl)
+ #+(or cmu (and sbcl (not :sb-unicode)) gcl ecl abcl)
(let ((string (make-string (length bytes))))
(map-into string #'code-char bytes))))
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