[pg-cvs] CVS update: pg/lowlevel.lisp pg/sysdep.lisp pg/v2-protocol.lisp pg/v3-protocol.lisp

Eric Marsden emarsden at common-lisp.net
Mon Mar 8 18:12:46 UTC 2004

Update of /project/pg/cvsroot/pg
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv30232

Modified Files:
	lowlevel.lisp sysdep.lisp v2-protocol.lisp v3-protocol.lisp 
Log Message:
  - improvements to the system-dependent functionality: OpenMCL is
    able to use a local connection to the backend; most
    implementations resignal connection errors as a postgres-error.

  - fixes to the lowlevel code

Date: Mon Mar  8 13:12:45 2004
Author: emarsden

Index: pg/lowlevel.lisp
diff -u pg/lowlevel.lisp:1.2 pg/lowlevel.lisp:1.3
--- pg/lowlevel.lisp:1.2	Mon Mar  8 11:45:16 2004
+++ pg/lowlevel.lisp	Mon Mar  8 13:12:45 2004
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 (defun %read-bytes (stream howmany)
   "Reads HOWMANY bytes from the STREAM.
 Returns the array of "
+  (declare (type stream stream))
   (let ((v (make-array howmany :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
     (read-sequence v stream)
@@ -65,6 +66,7 @@
 (defun %read-bytes (stream howmany)
   "Reads HOWMANY bytes from the STREAM.
 Returns the array of "
+  (declare (type stream stream))
   (let ((v (make-array howmany :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
     (do ((continue-at (read-sequence v stream :start 0 :end howmany)
 		      (read-sequence v stream :start continue-at :end howmany)))
@@ -72,19 +74,18 @@
-(defun %read-chars (connection howmany)
+(defun %read-chars (stream howmany)
   (declare (type fixnum howmany))
-  (let ((bytes (%read-bytes connection howmany))
+  (let ((bytes (%read-bytes stream howmany))
         (str (make-string howmany)))
     (dotimes (i howmany)
       (setf (aref str i) (code-char (aref bytes i))))
-(defun %read-cstring (connection maxbytes)
+(defun %read-cstring (stream maxbytes)
   "Read a null-terminated string from CONNECTION."
   (declare (type fixnum maxbytes))
-  (let ((stream (pgcon-stream connection))
-        (chars nil))
+  (let ((chars nil))
     (do ((b (read-byte stream nil nil) (read-byte stream nil nil))
          (i 0 (+ i 1)))
         ((or (= i maxbytes)             ; reached allowed length

Index: pg/sysdep.lisp
diff -u pg/sysdep.lisp:1.2 pg/sysdep.lisp:1.3
--- pg/sysdep.lisp:1.2	Fri Mar  5 13:08:08 2004
+++ pg/sysdep.lisp	Mon Mar  8 13:12:45 2004
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ;;; sysdep.lisp -- system-dependent parts of pg-dot-lisp
 ;;; Author: Eric Marsden <emarsden at laas.fr>
-;;; Time-stamp: <2004-03-05 emarsden>
+;;; Time-stamp: <2004-03-08 emarsden>
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
                        :remote-port port
                        :format :binary)
    (error (e)
-      (signal 'connection-failure
+      (error 'connection-failure
               :host host
               :port port
               :transport-error e))))
@@ -169,9 +169,15 @@
 (defun socket-connect (port host)
   (declare (type integer port))
-  (comm:open-tcp-stream host port
-			:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
-			:direction :io))
+  (handler-case
+      (comm:open-tcp-stream host port
+                            :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
+                            :direction :io)
+    (error (e)
+      (error 'connection-failure
+             :host host
+             :port port
+             :transport-error e))))
 ;; this doesn't work, since the Corman sockets module doesn't support
 ;; binary I/O on socket streams.
@@ -184,18 +190,32 @@
         (let ((sock (sockets:make-client-socket :host host :port port)))
           (sockets:make-socket-stream sock)))
     (error (e)
-      (declare (ignore e))
-      (error 'connection-failure :host host :port port))))
+      (error 'connection-failure
+             :host host
+             :port port
+             :transport-error e))))
 (defun socket-connect (port host)
   (declare (type integer port))
-  (let ((sock (make-socket :type :stream
-                           :connect :active
-                           :format :binary
-                           :remote-host host
-                           :remote-port port)))
-    sock))
+  (handler-case
+      (if host
+          (make-socket :address-family :internet
+                       :type :stream
+                       :connect :active
+                       :format :binary
+                       :remote-host host
+                       :remote-port port)
+          (make-socket :address-family :file
+                       :type :stream
+                       :connect :active
+                       :format :binary
+                       :remote-filename (format nil "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.~D" port)))
+    (error (e)
+      (error 'connection-failure
+             :host host
+             :port port
+             :transport-error e))))
 ;; from John DeSoi
 #+(and mcl (not openmcl))
@@ -226,27 +246,13 @@
 (defun socket-connect (port host)
   (declare (type integer port))
-  (si:open-client-stream host port))
-;; #+ecl
-;; (defun write-sequence (seq stream &key start end)
-;;   (declare (ignore start end))
-;;   (loop :for element :across seq
-;;         :do (write-byte element stream)))
-;; #+ecl
-;; (defun read-bytes (connection howmany)
-;;   (let ((v (make-array howmany :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
-;;         (s (pgcon-stream connection)))
-;;     (loop :for pos :below howmany
-;;           :do (setf (aref v pos) (read-byte s)))
-;;     v))
-;; #+ecl
-;; (defun cl:read-sequence (seq stream &key (start 0) (end (length seq)))
-;;   (loop :for pos :from start :below end
-;;         :do (setf (aref seq pos) (read-byte stream))))
+  (handler-case 
+      (si:open-client-stream host port)
+    (error (e)
+      (error 'connection-failure
+             :host host
+             :port port
+             :transport-error e))))
@@ -261,25 +267,13 @@
 (defun socket-connect (port host)
   (declare (type integer port))
-  (ext:make-binary-socket host port))
-(defun cl:write-sequence (seq stream &key (start 0) (end (length seq)))
-  (declare (ignore start end))
-  (loop :for element :across seq
-        :do (write-byte element stream)))
-(defun read-bytes (connection howmany)
-  (let ((v (make-array howmany :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
-        (s (pgcon-stream connection)))
-    (loop :for pos :below howmany
-          :do (setf (aref v pos) (read-byte s)))
-    v))
+  (handler-case 
+      (ext:make-binary-socket host port)
+    (error (e)
+      (error 'connection-failure
+             :host host
+             :port port
+             :transport-error e))))
-(defun cl:read-sequence (seq stream &key (start 0) (end (length seq)))
-  (loop :for pos :from start :below end
-        :do (setf (aref seq pos) (read-byte stream))))
 ;; EOF

Index: pg/v2-protocol.lisp
diff -u pg/v2-protocol.lisp:1.2 pg/v2-protocol.lisp:1.3
--- pg/v2-protocol.lisp:1.2	Mon Mar  8 10:01:53 2004
+++ pg/v2-protocol.lisp	Mon Mar  8 13:12:45 2004
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
         (close stream)
         (error 'authentication-failure
-               :reason (%read-cstring connection 4096)))
+               :reason (%read-cstring stream 4096)))
        ;; Authentication
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
            (send-int connection 0 1)
            (%flush connection))
           ((4)                          ; AuthEncryptedPassword
-           (let* ((salt (%read-chars connection 2))
+           (let* ((salt (%read-chars stream 2))
                   (crypted (crypt password salt)))
              (format *debug-io* "Got salt of ~s~%" salt)
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
         ;; CompletedResponse, #\C
-         (let ((status (%read-cstring connection +MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+)))
+         (let ((status (%read-cstring stream +MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+)))
            (setf (pgresult-status result) status)
            (setf (pgresult-tuples result) (nreverse tuples))
            (setf (pgresult-attributes result) attributes)
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
         ;; ErrorResponse, #\E
-         (let ((msg (%read-cstring connection +MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+)))
+         (let ((msg (%read-cstring stream +MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+)))
            (error 'backend-error :reason msg)))
         ;; #\G and #\H: start copy in, start copy out
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
         ;; CursorResponse, #\P
-         (let ((str (%read-cstring connection +MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+)))
+         (let ((str (%read-cstring stream +MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+)))
            (declare (ignore str))
            ;; (format *debug-io* "Portal name ~a~%" str)
@@ -204,13 +204,13 @@
                       (let ((len (read-net-int connection 4)))
                         (if integer-result
                             (setq result (read-net-int connection len))
-                          (setq result (%read-chars connection len)))))
+                          (setq result (%read-chars (pgcon-stream connection) len)))))
                      (t (error 'protocol-error :reason "wierd FunctionResultResponse")))))
             ;; end of FunctionResult
             ((48) (return-from fn result))
-            ((69) (error 'backend-error :reason (%read-cstring connection 4096)))
+            ((69) (error 'backend-error :reason (%read-cstring (pgcon-stream connection) 4096)))
             ;; NoticeResponse
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
         (attributes '()))
     (do ((i attribute-count (- i 1)))
         ((zerop i) (nreverse attributes))
-      (let ((type-name (%read-cstring connection +MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+))
+      (let ((type-name (%read-cstring (pgcon-stream connection) +MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+))
             (type-id   (read-net-int connection 4))
             (type-len  (read-net-int connection 2))
             ;; this doesn't exist in the 6.3 protocol !!
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
 (defun read-tuple/v2 (connection attributes)
   (let* ((num-attributes (length attributes))
          (num-bytes (ceiling (/ num-attributes 8)))
-         (bitmap (%read-bytes connection num-bytes))
+         (bitmap (%read-bytes (pgcon-stream connection) num-bytes))
          (correction (if (pgcon-binary-p connection) 0 -4))
          (tuples '()))
     (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
@@ -276,13 +276,13 @@
              (push nil tuples))
              (let* ((len (+ (read-net-int connection 4) correction))
-                    (raw (%read-chars connection (max 0 len)))
+                    (raw (%read-chars (pgcon-stream connection) (max 0 len)))
                     (parsed (parse raw (car type-ids))))
                (push parsed tuples)))))))
 ;; FIXME could signal a postgresql-notification condition
 (defun handle-notice (connection)
-  (push (%read-cstring connection +MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+)
+  (push (%read-cstring (pgcon-stream connection) +MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+)
         (pgcon-notices connection)))

Index: pg/v3-protocol.lisp
diff -u pg/v3-protocol.lisp:1.4 pg/v3-protocol.lisp:1.5
--- pg/v3-protocol.lisp:1.4	Mon Mar  8 11:45:16 2004
+++ pg/v3-protocol.lisp	Mon Mar  8 13:12:45 2004
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
          :type base-char
          :reader pg-packet-type)
    (length :initarg :length
-           :type (integer 32))
+           :type (unsigned-byte 32))
    (data :initarg :data
          :type (array (unsigned-byte 8) *))
    (position :initform 0

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