[pg-cvs] CVS update: pg/large-object.lisp pg/pg-tests.lisp pg/v3-protocol.lisp

Eric Marsden emarsden at common-lisp.net
Fri Aug 13 16:50:37 UTC 2004

Update of /project/pg/cvsroot/pg
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv1507

Modified Files:
	large-object.lisp pg-tests.lisp v3-protocol.lisp 
Log Message:
Implement binary-mode transfers for large-object operations in the v3
protocol. The v2 protocol transfers arguments in binary mode, but the
v3 protocol requires the client to specify for each argument of a
FunctionCall whether it is encoded as binary or as text. 

  - add possibility to send (unsigned-byte 8) arguments to function calls

  - add a method READ-OCTETS-FROM-PACKET that reads raw octets

  - make PG-IMPORT and PG-EXPORT use binary I/O

  - PGLO-READ reads data in binary

  - change the large-object tests to use binary I/O (fixes the pglo test)

Date: Fri Aug 13 09:50:37 2004
Author: emarsden

Index: pg/large-object.lisp
diff -u pg/large-object.lisp:1.1 pg/large-object.lisp:1.2
--- pg/large-object.lisp:1.1	Fri Mar  5 10:08:08 2004
+++ pg/large-object.lisp	Fri Aug 13 09:50:37 2004
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 ;;; large-object.lisp -- support for BLOBs
 ;;; Author: Eric Marsden <emarsden at laas.fr>
-;;; Time-stamp: <2004-03-05 emarsden>
 ;; Sir Humphrey: Who is Large and to what does he object?
@@ -82,8 +81,10 @@
 (defun pglo-close (connection fd)
   (fn connection "lo_close" t fd))
+;; note that the 3rd argument means that we are reading data in binary
+;; format, not text
 (defun pglo-read (connection fd bytes)
-  (fn connection "loread" nil fd bytes))
+  (fn connection "loread" t fd bytes))
 (defun pglo-write (connection fd buf)
   (fn connection "lowrite" t fd buf))
@@ -98,9 +99,10 @@
   (fn connection "lo_unlink" t oid))
 (defun pglo-import (connection filename)
-  (let ((buf (make-string +LO_BUFSIZ+))
+  (let ((buf (make-array +LO_BUFSIZ+ :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
         (oid (pglo-create connection "rw")))
-    (with-open-file (in filename :direction :input)
+    (with-open-file (in filename :direction :input
+                        :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
        (loop :with fdout = (pglo-open connection oid "w")
              :for bytes = (read-sequence buf in)
              :until (< bytes +LO_BUFSIZ+)
@@ -111,7 +113,8 @@
 (defun pglo-export (connection oid filename)
-  (with-open-file (out filename :direction :output)
+  (with-open-file (out filename :direction :output
+                       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
      (loop :with fdin = (pglo-open connection oid "r")
            :for str = (pglo-read connection fdin +LO_BUFSIZ+)
            :until (zerop (length str))

Index: pg/pg-tests.lisp
diff -u pg/pg-tests.lisp:1.7 pg/pg-tests.lisp:1.8
--- pg/pg-tests.lisp:1.7	Wed Aug 11 06:27:48 2004
+++ pg/pg-tests.lisp	Fri Aug 13 09:50:37 2004
@@ -13,9 +13,15 @@
         #+cmu :fwrappers))
 (in-package :pg-tests)
+(defmacro with-pg-connection/2 ((con &rest open-args) &body body)
+  `(let ((,con (pg::pg-connect/v2 , at open-args)))
+     (unwind-protect
+         (progn , at body)
+       (when ,con (pg-disconnect ,con)))))
 (defun call-with-test-connection (function)
-  (with-pg-connection (conn "test" "pgdotlisp" :host "melbourne" :port 5433 :password "lisp")
+  (with-pg-connection (conn "test" "pgdotlisp")
     (funcall function conn)))
 (defmacro with-test-connection ((conn) &body body)
@@ -194,24 +200,27 @@
       (sleep 1)
       (pglo-unlink conn oid)))))
-;; test of large-object interface
+;; test of large-object interface. We are careful to use vectors of
+;; bytes instead of strings, because with the v3 protocol strings
+;; undergo \\xxx encoding (for instance #\newline is transformed to \\012). 
 (defun test-lo-read ()
   (format *debug-io* "Testing read of large object ...~%")
   (with-test-connection (conn)
    (with-pg-transaction conn
     (let* ((oid (pglo-create conn "rw"))
            (fd (pglo-open conn oid "rw")))
-      (pglo-write conn fd "Hi there mate")
+      (pglo-write conn fd (map '(vector (unsigned-byte 8)) #'char-code (format nil "Hi there mate~%What's up?~%")))
       (pglo-lseek conn fd 3 0)           ; SEEK_SET = 0
-      (assert (= 3 (pglo-tell conn fd)))
+      (assert (eql 3 (pglo-tell conn fd)))
       ;; this should print "there mate"
-      (format *debug-io* "Read ~s from lo~%" (pglo-read conn fd 10))
+      (format *debug-io* "Read ~s from lo~%" (map 'string #'code-char (pglo-read conn fd 10)))
+      (format *debug-io* "Rest is ~s~%" (map 'string #'code-char (pglo-read conn fd 1024)))
       (pglo-close conn fd)
-      (pglo-unlink conn oid)))))
+      #+nil (pglo-unlink conn oid)))))
 (defun test-lo-import ()
-    (format *debug-io* "Testing import of large object ...~%")
+  (format *debug-io* "Testing import of large object ...~%")
   (with-test-connection (conn)
    (with-pg-transaction conn
     (let ((oid (pglo-import conn "/etc/group")))

Index: pg/v3-protocol.lisp
diff -u pg/v3-protocol.lisp:1.12 pg/v3-protocol.lisp:1.13
--- pg/v3-protocol.lisp:1.12	Wed Aug 11 06:27:48 2004
+++ pg/v3-protocol.lisp	Fri Aug 13 09:50:37 2004
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
 ;; that really want READ-OCTET-ARRAY-FROM-PACKET
 (defgeneric read-string-from-packet (packet length)
-   "Reads an array of LENGTH bytes from the packet")
+   "Reads a string of LENGTH characters from the packet")
   (:method ((packet pg-packet) (length (eql -1)))
   (:method ((packet pg-packet) (length (eql 0)))
@@ -289,6 +289,13 @@
         (incf position length)
+(defmethod read-octets-from-packet ((packet pg-packet) (length integer))
+  (let ((result (make-array length :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
+    (with-slots (data position) packet
+      (replace result data :start2 position :end2 (+ position length))
+      (incf position length)
+      result)))
 (defun send-packet (connection code description)
@@ -305,8 +312,9 @@
                                 ((:byte :char) 1)
                                 ((:int16) 2)
                                 ((:int32) 4)
+                                ((:rawdata) (length value))
                                 ((:cstring) (1+ (length (convert-string-to-bytes value))))
-                                ((:ucstring :rawdata) (1+ (length value)))))))
+                                ((:ucstring) (1+ (length value)))))))
          (data (make-array (- length 4)
                            :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
          (stream (pgcon-stream connection)))
@@ -698,7 +706,7 @@
 ;; Argument FN is either an integer, in which case it is the OID of an
 ;; element in the pg_proc table, and otherwise it is a string which we
 ;; look up in the alist *lo-functions* to find the corresponding OID.
-(defmethod fn ((connection pgcon-v3) fn integer-result &rest args)
+(defmethod fn ((connection pgcon-v3) fn binary-result &rest args)
     (or *lo-initialized* (lo-init connection))
   (let ((fnid (cond ((integerp fn) fn)
                     ((not (stringp fn))
@@ -711,33 +719,31 @@
                  `((:int32 ,fnid)
                    (:int16 ,(length args))
                    ,@(let ((result nil))
-                          (loop for arg in args
-                                do
-                                (cond
-                                  ((integerp arg)
-                                   (push `(:int16 1)
-                                         result))
-                                  ((stringp arg)
-                                   (push `(:int16 0)
-                                         result))
-                                  (t (error 'protocol-error
-                                            :reason (format nil "Unknown fastpath type ~s" arg)))))
+                          (dolist (arg args)
+                            (etypecase arg
+                              (integer
+                               (push `(:int16 1) result))
+                              ((vector (unsigned-byte 8))
+                               (push `(:int16 1) result))
+                              (string
+                               (push `(:int16 0) result))))
                           (nreverse result))
                    (:int16 ,(length args))
                    ,@(let ((result nil))
-                          (loop for arg in args
-                                do
-                                (cond
-                                  ((integerp arg)
-                                   (push '(:int32 4) result)
-                                   (push `(:int32 ,arg) result))
-                                  ((stringp arg)
-                                   (push `(:int32 ,(1+ (length arg))) result)
-                                   (push `(:cstring ,arg) result))
-                                  (t (error 'protocol-error
-                                            :reason (format nil "Unknown fastpath type ~s" arg)))))
+                          (dolist (arg args)
+                            (etypecase arg
+                              (integer
+                               (push '(:int32 4) result)
+                               (push `(:int32 ,arg) result))
+                              ((vector (unsigned-byte 8))
+                               (push `(:int32 ,(length arg)) result)
+                               (push `(:rawdata ,arg) result))
+                              (string
+                               ;; FIXME this should be STRING-OCTET-LENGTH instead of LENGTH
+                               (push `(:int32 ,(1+ (length arg))) result)
+                               (push `(:cstring ,arg) result))))
                           (nreverse result))
-                   (:int16 ,(if integer-result 1 0))))
+                   (:int16 ,(if binary-result 1 0))))
     (%flush connection)
     (loop :with result = nil
           :for packet = (read-packet connection)
@@ -746,14 +752,16 @@
             ((#\V) ; FunctionCallResponse
              (let* ((length (read-from-packet packet :int32))
                     (data (unless (= length -1)
-                            (if integer-result
-                                (ecase length
+                            (if binary-result
+                                (case length
                                    (read-from-packet packet :byte))
                                    (read-from-packet packet :int16))
-                                   (read-from-packet packet :int32)))
+                                   (read-from-packet packet :int32))
+                                  (t
+                                   (read-octets-from-packet packet length)))
                                 (read-string-from-packet packet length)))))
                (if data
                    (setf result data)

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