An issue where defsetf doesn't work for a symbol defined by symbol-macrolet

Seki_GMail hamgoostar at
Tue Apr 9 16:36:40 UTC 2019


For reference:
The following patch can solve the issue and destroys no existing
tests (parenscript.tests:run-tests).
However, I'm afraid that it is ad-hoc...

diff --git a/src/macros.lisp b/src/macros.lisp
index 986c283..ad0eb00 100644
--- a/src/macros.lisp
+++ b/src/macros.lisp
@@ -334,9 +334,15 @@ lambda-list::=
   (assert (evenp (length args)) ()
           "~s does not have an even number of arguments." `(setf ,args))
   `(progn ,@(loop for (place value) on args by #'cddr collect
-                 (aif (and (listp place) (gethash (car place)
-                      (funcall it (cdr place) value)
-                      `(ps-assign ,place ,value)))))
+                 (progn
+                   (when (atom place)
+                     (setf place (ps-compile place))
+                     (when (and (listp place)
+                                (eq (car place) 'ps-js:funcall))
+                       (setf place (cdr place))))
+                   (aif (and (listp place) (gethash (car place)
+                        (funcall it (cdr place) value)
+                        `(ps-assign ,place ,value))))))

 (defpsmacro psetf (&rest args)
   (let ((places (loop for x in args by #'cddr collect x))

Eiji, Seki (hamgoostar at

2019年4月9日(火) 0:12 Seki_GMail <hamgoostar at>:

> Hi,
> Thanks for your great project.
> I found an issue where defsetf doesn't work for a symbol defined by
> symbol-macrolet.
> The detail is the following.
> ## environment
> - version of Parenscript
>     - latest of master (526346549f0342d67947d360a8f7ba9fc7b09e54)
> - CL Implementation (same result in both)
>     - SBCL 1.5.0
>     - Clozure CL 1.11.5
> ## code to reproduce
> ```lisp
> (use-package :parenscript)
> (princ
>  (ps
>    (defun my-car (lst)
>      (nth 0 lst))
>    (defun my-set-car (lst value)
>      (setf (nth 0 lst) value))
>    (defsetf my-car (lst) (value)
>      `(my-set-car ,lst ,value))
>    ;; Raw setf is ok
>    (setf (my-car lst) 100)
>    ;; setf for macrolet symbol is NG
>    (symbol-macrolet ((sym (my-car lst)))
>      (setf sym 300))))
> ```
> Then, the result is the following.
> (I added some comments for convenience.)
> ```javascript
> function myCar(lst) {
>     __PS_MV_REG = [];
>     return nth(0, lst);
> };
> function mySetCar(lst, value) {
>     __PS_MV_REG = [];
>     return nth(0, lst) = value;
> };
> /* Raw setf is ok */
> (function () {
>     var _js66 = lst;
>     var _js65 = 100;
>     __PS_MV_REG = [];
>     return mySetCar(_js66, _js65);
> })();
> /* setf for macrolet symbol is NG */
> myCar(lst) = 300;
> ```
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> --
> Eiji, Seki (hamgoostar at
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