ES2015 features?

William Halliburton whalliburton at
Thu Nov 15 20:45:45 UTC 2018

Yes. Please more detail on the licensing.

On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 12:42 PM Vladimir Sedach <vas at> wrote:

> Hi John,
> > I realise that pretty much all of these are just syntactic sugar, but I
> > wanted to ask whether anyone other than me thinks it would be nice if
> > Parenscript knew about these modern niceties and could be directed to
> > generate them, and what the general roadmap (if any) is for Parenscript,
> > before I start looking at what's involved.
> Adding support for newer ECMAScript features in Parenscript output is
> part of the plan. There is a variable *JS-TARGET-VERSION* that
> controls the ECMAScript version the output will target. Peter
> Stirling has already started work towards ECMAScript 2015:
> The general road-map I have in mind is, first, to release Parenscript
> 2.7. I plan to make 2.7 the last 2.x Parenscript release.
> After the release, the Parenscript code will become part of
> Parenscript 3, which will have some incompatible changes: removal of
> deprecated macros and special operators, and different system and
> package names (to prevent conflicts between Parenscript 2.x and 3,
> and to no longer define short two and four letter package names,
> which conflict with people's package nicknames in their systems and
> the REPL).
> I also have a pile of ideas for improving the internals of the
> Parenscript compiler, and improvements in the efficiency and
> correctness (with respect to Common Lisp semantics) of the generated
> Parenscript code, that are non-breaking changes.
> The most significant change for Parenscript 3 will be the license:
> Parenscript 3 will incorporate the 3 clause BSD licensed Parenscript
> 2 code into a copyleft (GPL version 3 or later) project. There are a
> lot of reasons for this that I can go into in more detail, if anyone
> is interested. The short explanation is that my experiences in the
> past six years have very strongly convinced me that working on
> non-copyleft Free Software is against my own (and the general
> public's) interests. I have decided to re-license Free Software
> projects that I created or maintain under the GPL.
> Vladimir
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