ES2015 features?

Clint Moore clint at
Sat Nov 10 06:23:48 UTC 2018

Not by default, I don't think.  But there's always

I haven't dug into it to see what the conflicts are though.

On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 3:31 PM Samantha Atkins <sjatkins at> wrote:

> I love ES6 for classes, arrow functions.  I avoid its Set and Map as I
> don't think they are well written.  Spread properties are useful for
> passing state to child components but outside that I seldom find myself
> using them in my own React frontend work. Rest parameters I haven't found
> much use for although the cdr like possibilities are obvious.
>  Destructuring is another that I have seldom had a need for.    So I
> wouldn't go overboard getting every single feature.
> But given the right boilerplate to except ES6 features can't parenscript
> just put out ES6 javascript?
> On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 3:24 PM Samantha Atkins <sjatkins at> wrote:
>> I have found it easier to do Flux like patterns using rxjs.  Basically
>> the "store" subscribes to changes from "actions" and is subscribed to by
>> the views interested in that store's state.   I found it cleaner than the
>> many versions out there.
>> On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 10:55 AM John Pallister <john at>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello list,
>>> After admiring Parenscript from afar for many years I'm finally taking
>>> the plunge into web front-end development. I'm using Preact
>>> <> with Parenscript - so far so good. After
>>> reading the article How to make your React app fully functional, fully
>>> reactive, and able to handle all those crazy side effects
>>> <> I
>>> would like to incorporate Redux, Cycle.js and Immutable.js, by porting
>>> redux-cycles <> to
>>> Preact (and Parenscript). Looking at the sample code, these modern
>>> JavaScript libraries (particularly the more functional ones) make heavy use
>>> of ES2015 features such as:
>>>    - Arrow functions
>>>    - const
>>>    - let
>>>    - Spread properties
>>>    <>
>>>    - Rest parameters
>>>    <>
>>>    - Destructured function parameters
>>>    - etc.
>>> I realise that pretty much all of these are just syntactic sugar, but I
>>> wanted to ask whether anyone other than me thinks it would be nice if
>>> Parenscript knew about these modern niceties and could be directed to
>>> generate them, and what the general roadmap (if any) is for Parenscript,
>>> before I start looking at what's involved.
>>> Thanks very much,
>>> John :^P
>>> --
>>> John Pallister
>>> john at
>>> john at
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