An apology for intruding into parenscript management

Philipp Marek philipp at
Fri Nov 9 21:17:05 UTC 2018


a few hours ago I got an email with subject

   Request to join the parenscript group

and, believing that I'm involved in the gitlab parenscript
project, I went right ahead and ack'ed that.

But just a minute later I got to know why I really got the
email - not because of parenscript project membership, but
because Erik H made me gitlab maintainer just an hour ago!

So I want to apologize  -  I granted access to Jans Aasman
from the wrong "role", and now feel like an intruder.

Please tell me what to do - should I revoke that access
again and apologize to Jans (too), or is it okay (this one

I promise to be more careful in the future ;/



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