[parenscript-devel] Symbol conflicts with eg. alexandria and iterate

Vladimir Sedach vsedach at gmail.com
Tue Oct 9 18:27:38 UTC 2012


> Is there a preferred way to handle this? Should I _not_ use parenscript, but use the PS:
> prefix? And for what symbols? PS:DEFUN to get a javascript function defined?

One way to do it is to use the :shadowing-import-from option to
DEFPACKAGE to resolve the conflicts by picking which symbols you want
to import into your package
(http://cliki.net/site/HyperSpec/Body/mac_defpackage.html). Since
ps:for is different than alexandria:for, if you
(:shadowing-import-from :alexandria #:for), then you'd need to write
(ps:for ...for loop...) if you want to write a for loop in Parenscript

> Or would it be better to make parenscript :USE alexandria and iterate - AFAICS the
> symbols are unbound anyway (the few that I've looked at), so there should be no problem
> importing them?

The symbols aren't bound to Common Lisp functions or macros, but they
have meaning as special forms or macros for the Parenscript compiler.


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