[parenscript-devel] bug with lambda, with-slots, and if

Andy Peterson andy.arvid at gmail.com
Sun May 6 15:06:58 UTC 2012

with latest quicklisp version.

PS> (ps (with-slots (x y) p
       (if (< x 0) y x)))
"if (p.x < 0) {
} else {

PS> (ps (lambda (p) (with-slots (x y) p
   (if (< x 0) y x))))
Control stack guard page temporarily disabled: proceed with caution
; Evaluation aborted on #<SB-KERNEL::CONTROL-STACK-EXHAUSTED {10050DD133}>.

  0: (sb-kernel::control-stack-exhausted-error)
  1: ("foreign function: call_into_lisp")
  2: ("foreign function: post_signal_tramp")
  3: (sb-impl::gethash3 0 34360628242 0)
  4: ((flet #:body-fun-224564 :in sb-impl::gethash3))
  5: (lookup-macro-def x (#<hash-table :TEST eq :COUNT 2 {100507F353}>
#<hash-table :TEST eq :COUNT 4 {1004118C13}>))
  6: (ps-macroexpand-1 x)
  7: (ps-macroexpand x)
  8: (try-expressionizing-if? 'x 1)
  9: (try-expressionizing-if? (%js-getprop p 'x) 1)
 10: (try-expressionizing-if? 'x 1)
 11: (try-expressionizing-if? (%js-getprop p 'x) 1)
 12: (try-expressionizing-if? 'x 1)
 13: (try-expressionizing-if? (%js-getprop p 'x) 1)
 14: (try-expressionizing-if? 'x 1)
 15: (try-expressionizing-if? (%js-getprop p 'x) 1)
 16: (try-expressionizing-if? 'x 1)
 17: (try-expressionizing-if? (%js-getprop p 'x) 1)
 18: (try-expressionizing-if? 'x 1)
 19: (try-expressionizing-if? (%js-getprop p 'x) 1)

The bug is not a show-stopper because I can do this:
PS> (ps (lambda (p) (with-slots (x y) p
   (cond ((< x 0) y) (t x)))))
"(function (p) {
    if (p.x < 0) {
        return p.y;
    } else {
        return p.x;

-- andy
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