[parenscript-devel] test failure on Allegro

Anton Vodonosov avodonosov at yandex.ru
Fri Jan 6 07:57:12 UTC 2012


I am running the tests of some CL libraries, including parenscript. 

You may find the results here: http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/pivot_lib_ql-lisp.html. 
The OK/FAIL links refer to the library test logs with the failure details.

As you may see, parenscript fails on Allegro:

; While compiling (:TOP-LEVEL-FORM "package.lisp" 54) in /home/rpg/lisp/cl-test-grid/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/parenscript-2.3/src/package.lisp:
Unhandled ERROR is signaled: There is no readtable named :PARENSCRIPT.

Best regards,
- Anton

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