[parenscript-devel] question about dolist

Canhua dreameration at gmail.com
Mon Sep 5 02:57:17 UTC 2011

hi, I found that the following compiles to an error, I wonder if this
is a bug or there is something I misunderstand.
    (ps (setf v
	      (let ((x 0))
		(dolist (i '(1 2 3))
		  (incf x i))
where the error is:

  The Parenscript form (for
                      (i (#1=_js_arrvar467 '(1 2 3))
                       (#2=_js_idx466 0))
                      ((not (>= #2# #))) ((setf #2# #))
                      (setq i (aref #1# #2#)) (incf x i)) cannot be
compiled into an expression.
   [Condition of type compile-expression-error]

Hope you help me, thank you.

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