[parenscript-devel] A macro for integrating PS with Slime

Red Daly reddaly at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 23:34:55 UTC 2010

I have a SLIME branch that extends slime to support almost the same
features without the hack of defining a lisp stub for Parenscript
functions.  Missing is the xref support--if somebody could add this in
it would be fantastic.

Unfortunately this code is for a rather old version of Parenscript
because I am afraid of the recent changes breaking my non-unit-tested
code.  Nonetheless, you should be able to check out my version of
Parenscript just to see how it works.

In any case, the branch of Parenscript and SLIME you will need are in
my github account:

http://github.com/gonzojive/slime  -- slime extension is pretty much
up to date the the current SLIME.  adds some extensions that let you
plug Parenscript into slime's minibuffer completion.  See
for the main diff

http://github.com/gonzojive/parenscript -- compatible version of
Parenscript.  See swank-parenscript.lisp and the compiler for how the
hooks work.  See
for the main diff that adds in SLIME support.  Note I also added it
for PSOS (see paren-psos repo)

Hope this helps the aspiring SLIME-Parenscripter.  Kudos to the person
who adds in xref support


On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 1:03 PM, Vladimir Sedach <vsedach at gmail.com> wrote:
> That's a good way of doing things for now. I didn't realize
> DEFMACRO+PS could be used that way either.
> The hypothetical Parenscript-SLIME is supposed to do this (and more).
> Andrey Moskvitin has a fork of SLIME that supports feature and
> protocol extensions (http://github.com/archimag/slime-archimag -
> strangely enough the current SLIME maintainers don't seem to be
> interested in things like protocol versioning) and I'm planning to see
> if I can do things like xref support for Parenscript forms there.
> Vladimir
> 2010/6/17 Daniel Gackle <danielgackle at gmail.com>:
>> Below is a DEFUN-JS macro for defining PS functions at the Lisp top-level.
>> It creates a Lisp stub with the same signature whose body simply throws
>> an error telling you that you tried to call a PS function from Lisp. Why is
>> that
>> useful? Because now your PS functions are fully integrated with Slime.
>> You can jump around with M-., get arglist info in the minibuffer, and so on.
>> After a week of using this, I can't believe how much of a difference it
>> makes.
>> In PS, DEFUN-JS translates trivially to DEFUN. Of course you still need a
>> way to collect the JS emitted by all these forms, but PS is agnostic on how
>> that should be done.
>> A side note: we also converted nearly all our ps macros to DEFMACRO+PS
>> forms at the toplevel. This has the neat property that you can now
>> look at expansions using the highly convenient Slime macroexpand. I doubt
>> that this is a perfect solution (no doubt you can trip yourself up on
>> differences
>> between the CL and PS macro environments), but it's sure handier than
>> calling
>> Daniel
>> p.s. The following has been stripped of a couple of functions specific to
>> our project. I tested it a bit, but if I missed anything, let me know.
>> (defmacro defun-js (name lambda-list &body body)
>>   (declare (ignore body))
>>   (labels ((sym% (argspec) (if (symbolp argspec) argspec (car argspec))))
>>     (multiple-value-bind (required optionals restp rest keyp keys allowp
>> auxp aux morep more-context more-count beyond-requireds? key-object)
>>         (ps::parse-lambda-list lambda-list)
>>       (declare (ignore restp keyp allowp auxp aux morep more-context
>> more-count beyond-requireds? key-object))
>>       ;; get rid of init forms, which can't be evaluated in Lisp.
>>       (setf optionals (mapcar #'sym% optionals) keys (mapcar #'sym% keys))
>>       `(defun ,name (, at required ,@(when optionals `(&optional , at optionals))
>>                      ,@(when rest `(&rest ,rest)) ,@(when keys `(&key
>> , at keys)))
>>          (declare (ignore , at required , at optionals ,@(when rest (list rest))
>> , at keys))
>>          (error "The ~s function is js-only and cannot be called from Lisp."
>> ',name)))))
>> (defpsmacro defun-js (name lambda-list &body body)
>>   `(defun ,name ,lambda-list , at body))
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