[parenscript-devel] TryParenScript.com!

Nick Fitzgerald fitzgen at gmail.com
Sat Jul 24 02:21:08 UTC 2010

> You should probably go with a Lisp process per session.
One subprocess that stays open as long as the user keeps sending more
commands back to the server? I thought about that, but after watching people
use it from the logs, most people ran maybe 1 or 2 commands. (+ 1 2) was the
biggest hit. Plus the server didn't even break a sweat, while opening a new
subprocess per request. It just doesn't seem like the highest priority. Am I
missing something?

> Consider using CLISP because it starts up really fast and has very
> little memory overhead (although both CLISP and SBCL share their Lisp
> image VM pages, loading FASLs causes some of the pages to be modified
> and unshared - if you make a new image file with Parenscript
> preloaded, all the processes will share their entire image).
You mean make an image with save-lisp-and-die? That seems like a good idea.

> The tricky thing is going to be detecting a stuck process. One easy
> way to bypass this is to do a new Lisp process per eval - just run the
> entire REPL history over every time the user presses enter, and have
> something like a 5 second timer that kills that process if it doesn't
> complete. I guess that's exactly like CGI. Users might run into
> trouble if something depends on randomly generated names (gensyms
> should be identical across invocations).
Oh thats an interesting idea! The timeouts wouldn't even be difficult
because Node JS supports setTimeout on the server. Very cool.

> You can use FreeBSD jails or one of the Linux jail tools to sandbox
> the Lisp and allow defmacros (although the latter are kind of a pain
> to set up).

Unfortunately, it looks like the way I have the server set up I can't run
this stuff inside a chroot type jail. It is currently set up as a startup
script in /etc/init.d/ and apparently Ubuntu 10.04 won't let start up
scripts create chroots anymore...

> As far as the code goes, the repository Parenscript has implicit
> returns for defuns and lambdas. I should put together a new release
> soon.

Awesome! My implementation of implicit returns is crappy and hacked together
at best.

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