[parenscript-devel] Macroexpand doesn't work

Vladimir Sedach vsedach at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 00:00:26 UTC 2007

On 9/12/07, Daniel Gackle <danielgackle at gmail.com> wrote:
> (defpsmacro blah () 123) => NIL
> (ps (blah)) => "123;"
> but:
> (ps::macroexpand-1 '(blah)) => (BLAH)
> Wouldn't one expect this to provide the macroexpansion? I can't find
> anything in Parenscript now corresponding to expand-form or whatever it used
> to be called.

ParenScript doesn't shadow macroexpand or macroexpand-1. What you're
looking for is ps::ps-macroexpand (I didn't make a -1 version or
export it).

> Daniel
> p.s. I wrote "123;" above for neatness, but PS actually emits "123;\n".
> Seems the newline should only be there when more than one line of JS is
> generated. It's a minor point, but noticeable when working from the REPL.

It is annoying. Hopefully when I rewrite the printer using more format
and less loop that will go away without me having to do any extra


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