[pal-cvs] CVS pal-gui

tneste tneste at common-lisp.net
Mon Oct 29 21:09:21 UTC 2007

Update of /project/pal/cvsroot/pal-gui
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv5882

Modified Files:
	gob.lisp gui.lisp package.lisp widgets.lisp 
Log Message:
Finished the CHOICE-WIDGET.

--- /project/pal/cvsroot/pal-gui/gob.lisp	2007/10/29 20:06:01	1.11
+++ /project/pal/cvsroot/pal-gui/gob.lisp	2007/10/29 21:09:20	1.12
@@ -283,6 +283,28 @@
+(defclass constrained ()
+  ())
+(defmethod (setf pos-of) :around (pos (g constrained))
+  (call-next-method)
+  (constrain g))
+(defmethod (setf width-of) :around (width (g constrained))
+  (call-next-method)
+  (constrain g))
+(defmethod (setf height-of) :around (height (g constrained))
+  (call-next-method)
+  (constrain g))
+(defmethod constrain ((g constrained))
+  (with-accessors ((pos pos-of) (width width-of) (height height-of) (parent parent-of)) g
+    (setf (slot-value g 'pos) (v (clamp 0 (vx pos) (- (width-of parent) width))
+                                 (clamp 0 (vy pos) (- (height-of parent) height))))))
 (defclass root (gob)
--- /project/pal/cvsroot/pal-gui/gui.lisp	2007/10/29 20:06:01	1.7
+++ /project/pal/cvsroot/pal-gui/gui.lisp	2007/10/29 21:09:20	1.8
@@ -83,4 +83,8 @@
   (repaint *root*)
-  (update-screen))
\ No newline at end of file
+  (update-screen))
+(defun set-gui-font (font)
+  (assert (font-p font))
+  (setf *gui-font* font))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /project/pal/cvsroot/pal-gui/package.lisp	2007/10/29 20:06:01	1.2
+++ /project/pal/cvsroot/pal-gui/package.lisp	2007/10/29 21:09:20	1.3
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 (defpackage #:pal-gui
   (:use :common-lisp :pal)
-  (:export #:with-gui #:init-gui #:update-gui #:gui-loop
+  (:export #:with-gui #:init-gui #:update-gui #:gui-loop #:set-gui-font
-           #:window #:button #:list-widget #:text-widget #:choice-widget #:pin #:label #:h-gauge #:v-slider #:h-meter
-           #:sliding #:clipping #:highlighted
+           #:window #:button #:list-widget #:text-widget #:choice-widget #:pin #:label #:h-gauge #:v-slider #:h-meter #:filler
+           #:sliding #:clipping #:highlighted #:constrained
            #:on-select #:on-button-down #:on-button-up #:on-key-down #:on-enter #:on-leave #:on-repaint #:on-drag #:repaint
            #:box #:v-box #:h-box
--- /project/pal/cvsroot/pal-gui/widgets.lisp	2007/10/29 20:06:01	1.11
+++ /project/pal/cvsroot/pal-gui/widgets.lisp	2007/10/29 21:09:20	1.12
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
-(defclass pin (label sliding highlighted)
+(defclass pin (label sliding highlighted constrained)
   ((r :accessor r-of :initarg :r :initform 255)
    (g :accessor g-of :initarg :g :initform 255)
    (b :accessor b-of :initarg :b :initform 255)
@@ -444,31 +444,87 @@
   (setf (items-of (list-view-of g)) items
         (scroll-of (list-view-of g)) 0
         (selected-of (list-view-of g)) nil
-        (max-value-of (slider-of g)) (* (item-height-of (list-view-of g)) (length items))))
+        (max-value-of (slider-of g)) (* (item-height-of (list-view-of g)) (length items))
+        (value-of (slider-of g)) 0))
+(defclass radio-item (button)
+  ())
+(defmethod repaint ((g radio-item))
+  (with-accessors ((height height-of) (width width-of) (value value-of)) g
+    (let* ((m/2 (truncate (get-m) 2))
+           (m/4 (truncate m/2 2))
+           (ypos (truncate height 2)))
+      (draw-circle (v m/4 ypos)
+                   (1+ (truncate m/2 2))
+                   0 0 0 255
+                   :smoothp t)
+      (draw-circle (v m/4 ypos)
+                   (truncate m/2 2)
+                   (first *paper-color*) (second *paper-color*) (third *paper-color*) (fourth *paper-color*)
+                   :smoothp t)
+      (when (state-of g)
+        (draw-circle (v m/4 ypos) (- (truncate m/2 2) 2)
+                     0 0 0 255
+                     :smoothp t))
+      (with-transformation (:pos (v (truncate (get-m) 1.5) 0))
+        (present value g (- width (get-m)) height)))))
+(defclass choice-item (button)
+  ())
+(defmethod repaint ((g choice-item))
+  (with-accessors ((height height-of) (width width-of) (value value-of)) g
+    (let* ((m/2 (truncate (get-m) 2))
+           (ypos (- (truncate height 2) (truncate m/2 2))))
+      (draw-frame (v 0 ypos)
+                  m/2 m/2
+                  *paper-color*
+                  :style :sunken)
+      (when (state-of g)
+        (draw-frame (v 1 (- ypos -1))
+                    (- m/2 1) (- m/2 1)
+                    *widget-color*
+                    :style :raised))
+      (with-transformation (:pos (v (truncate (get-m) 1.5) 0))
+        (present value g (- width (get-m)) height)))))
 (defclass choice-widget (v-box)
-  ((items :accessor items-of :initarg :items :initform '())))
+  ((multip :accessor multip :initarg :multip :initform nil)
+   (items :accessor items-of :initarg :items :initform '())))
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((g choice-widget) &key items multip (item-height (get-m)) &allow-other-keys)
-  (setf (items-of g)
-        (mapcar (lambda (i)
-                  (make-instance 'button
-                                 :parent g
-                                 :height item-height
-                                 :value i
-                                 :stickyp t
-                                 :on-select (lambda (c)
-                                              (declare (ignore c))
-                                              (unless multip
-                                                (dolist (c (childs-of g))
-                                                  (setf (state-of c) nil)))
-                                              nil)))
-                items)))
+  (setf (items-of g) (mapcar (lambda (i)
+                               (make-instance (if multip 'choice-item 'radio-item)
+                                              :parent g
+                                              :height item-height
+                                              :value i
+                                              :stickyp t
+                                              :on-select (lambda (c)
+                                                           (declare (ignore c))
+                                                           (unless multip
+                                                             (dolist (c (childs-of g))
+                                                               (setf (state-of c) nil)))
+                                                           (on-select g)
+                                                           nil)))
+                             items))
+  (unless multip
+    (setf (selected-of g) (first items))))
 (defmethod selected-of ((g choice-widget))
-  (mapcar 'value-of (remove-if-not 'state-of (childs-of g))))
+  (if (multip g)
+      (mapcar 'value-of (remove-if-not 'state-of (childs-of g)))
+      (first (mapcar 'value-of (remove-if-not 'state-of (childs-of g))))))
+(defmethod (setf selected-of) (object (g choice-widget))
+  (setf (state-of (find object (childs-of g) :key 'value-of)) t))

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