[pal-cvs] CVS pal

tneste tneste at common-lisp.net
Mon Jul 30 10:38:13 UTC 2007

Update of /project/pal/cvsroot/pal
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv15809

Modified Files:
	ffi.lisp pal-macros.lisp pal.lisp vector.lisp 
Log Message:
Rest of gl-quad optimisations

--- /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/ffi.lisp	2007/07/27 21:25:40	1.15
+++ /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/ffi.lisp	2007/07/30 10:38:12	1.16
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 (declaim (optimize (speed 3)
-                   (safety 3)))
+                   (safety 0)))
 (in-package :pal-ffi)
--- /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/pal-macros.lisp	2007/07/29 19:11:44	1.11
+++ /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/pal-macros.lisp	2007/07/30 10:38:12	1.12
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 (declaim (optimize (speed 3)
-                   (safety 3)))
+                   (safety 2)))
 (in-package :pal)
--- /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/pal.lisp	2007/07/29 21:55:24	1.24
+++ /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/pal.lisp	2007/07/30 10:38:12	1.25
@@ -4,9 +4,11 @@
 ;; fix the fps
 ;; clean up the do-event
 ;; check for redundant close-quads, make sure rotations etc. are optimised.
+;; newline support for draw-text
 (declaim (optimize (speed 3)
-                   (safety 3)))
+                   (safety 2)))
 (in-package :pal)
@@ -505,67 +507,52 @@
-(defunct draw-image (image pos &key (angle 0f0) (scale 1f0) (valign :left) (halign :top))
-    (image image vec pos single-float angle single-float scale symbol halign symbol valign)
+(defunct draw-image (image pos &key angle scale valign halign)
+    (image image vec pos (or boolean number) angle (or boolean number) scale symbol halign symbol valign)
   (set-image image)
-  (if (and (= angle 0f0) (= scale 1f0) (eq valign :left) (eq halign :top))
-      (let* ((tx2 (pal-ffi:image-tx2 image))
-             (ty2 (pal-ffi:image-ty2 image))
-             (x (vx pos))
-             (y (vy pos))
-             (width (+ x (image-width image)))
-             (height (+ y (image-height image))))
-        (with-gl pal-ffi:+gl-quads+
-          (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f 0f0 0f0)
-          (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f x y)
-          (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f tx2 0f0)
-          (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f width y)
-          (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f tx2 ty2)
-          (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f width height)
-          (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f 0f0 ty2)
-          (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f x height)))
-      (let* ((tx2 (pal-ffi:image-tx2 image))
-             (ty2 (pal-ffi:image-ty2 image))
-             (width (* (image-width image) scale))
-             (height (* (image-height image) scale))
-             (b (v+ (v-rotate (v width 0) angle) pos))
-             (c (v+ (v-rotate (v width height) angle) pos))
-             (d (v+ (v-rotate (v 0 height) angle) pos)))
-        (with-gl pal-ffi:+gl-quads+
-          (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f 0f0 0f0)
-          (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx pos) (vy pos))
-          (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f tx2 0f0)
-          (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx b) (vy b))
-          (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f tx2 ty2)
-          (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx c) (vy c))
-          (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f 0f0 ty2)
-          (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx d) (vy d))))
-      ;; (with-transformation ()
-      ;; (translate pos)
-      ;; (when angle
-      ;; (rotate angle))
-      ;; (when scale
-      ;; (scale scale scale)) ;; :-)
-      ;; (let ((x (case halign
-      ;; (:right (coerce (- width) 'single-float))
-      ;; (:left 0f0)
-      ;; (:middle (- (/ width 2f0)))
-      ;; (otherwise 0f0)))
-      ;; (y (case valign
-      ;; (:bottom (coerce (- height) 'single-float))
-      ;; (:top 0f0)
-      ;; (:middle (- (/ height 2f0)))
-      ;; (otherwise 0f0))))
-      ;; (with-gl pal-ffi:+gl-quads+
-      ;; (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f 0f0 0f0)
-      ;; (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f x y)
-      ;; (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f tx2 0f0)
-      ;; (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (+ x width) y)
-      ;; (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f tx2 ty2)
-      ;; (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (+ x width) (+ y height))
-      ;; (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f 0f0 ty2)
-      ;; (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f x (+ y height)))))
-      ))
+  (let ((width (image-width image))
+        (height (image-height image))
+        (tx2 (pal-ffi:image-tx2 image))
+        (ty2 (pal-ffi:image-ty2 image)))
+    (if (or angle scale valign halign)
+        (with-transformation ()
+          (translate pos)
+          (when angle
+            (rotate angle))
+          (when scale
+            (scale scale scale)) ;; :-)
+          (let ((x (case halign
+                     (:right (coerce (- width) 'single-float))
+                     (:left 0f0)
+                     (:middle (- (/ width 2f0)))
+                     (otherwise 0f0)))
+                (y (case valign
+                     (:bottom (coerce (- height) 'single-float))
+                     (:top 0f0)
+                     (:middle (- (/ height 2f0)))
+                     (otherwise 0f0))))
+            (with-gl pal-ffi:+gl-quads+
+              (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f 0f0 0f0)
+              (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f x y)
+              (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f tx2 0f0)
+              (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (+ x width) y)
+              (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f tx2 ty2)
+              (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (+ x width) (+ y height))
+              (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f 0f0 ty2)
+              (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f x (+ y height)))))
+        (let* ((x (vx pos))
+               (y (vy pos))
+               (width (+ x width))
+               (height (+ y height)))
+          (with-gl pal-ffi:+gl-quads+
+            (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f 0f0 0f0)
+            (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f x y)
+            (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f tx2 0f0)
+            (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f width y)
+            (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f tx2 ty2)
+            (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f width height)
+            (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f 0f0 ty2)
+            (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f x height))))))
 (defunct draw-image* (image from-pos to-pos width height)
@@ -573,21 +560,23 @@
   (set-image image)
   (let* ((vx (vx from-pos))
          (vy (vy from-pos))
-         (vx-to (vx to-pos))
-         (vy-to (vy to-pos))
+         (x1 (vx to-pos))
+         (y1 (vy to-pos))
+         (x2 (+ x1 width))
+         (y2 (+ y1 height))
          (tx1 (/ vx (pal-ffi:image-texture-width image)))
          (ty1 (/ vy (pal-ffi:image-texture-height image)))
          (tx2 (/ (+ vx width) (pal-ffi:image-texture-width image)))
          (ty2 (/ (+ vy height) (pal-ffi:image-texture-height image))))
     (with-gl pal-ffi:+gl-quads+
       (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f tx1 ty1)
-      (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f vx-to vy-to)
+      (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f x1 y1)
       (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f tx2 ty1)
-      (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (+ vx-to width) vy-to)
+      (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f x2 y1)
       (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f tx2 ty2)
-      (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (+ vx-to width) (+ vy-to height))
+      (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f x2 y2)
       (pal-ffi:gl-tex-coord2f tx1 ty2)
-      (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f vx-to (+ vy-to height)))))
+      (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f x1 y2))))
 (declaim (inline draw-line))
 (defunct draw-line (la lb r g b a &key (size 1.0f0) (smoothp))
--- /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/vector.lisp	2007/07/29 21:53:52	1.6
+++ /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/vector.lisp	2007/07/30 10:38:12	1.7
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 (declaim (optimize (speed 3)
-                   (safety 3)))
+                   (safety 2)))
 (in-package :pal)

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