[pal-cvs] CVS pal

tneste tneste at common-lisp.net
Thu Aug 30 09:22:19 UTC 2007

Update of /project/pal/cvsroot/pal
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv19772

Modified Files:
	ffi.lisp package.lisp pal.lisp 
Log Message:
Added glFlush() in IMAGE-FROM-SCREEN

--- /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/ffi.lisp	2007/08/15 14:36:21	1.17
+++ /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/ffi.lisp	2007/08/30 09:22:19	1.18
@@ -718,6 +718,8 @@
 (defconstant +gl-point-smooth+ #xB10)
 (defconstant +gl-point+ #x0)
+(cffi:defcfun ("glFlush" gl-flush) :void)
 (cffi:defcfun ("glAlphaFunc" gl-alpha-func) :void
   (func :int)
   (ref :float))
--- /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/package.lisp	2007/08/15 14:36:21	1.15
+++ /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/package.lisp	2007/08/30 09:22:19	1.16
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
+           #:gl-flush
--- /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/pal.lisp	2007/08/30 09:02:24	1.27
+++ /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/pal.lisp	2007/08/30 09:22:19	1.28
@@ -175,11 +175,11 @@
 (declaim (inline key-pressed-p))
 (defunct key-pressed-p (keysym)
-    (symbol keysym)
+  (symbol keysym)
   (gethash keysym *pressed-keys*))
 (defunct keysym-char (keysym)
-    (symbol keysym)
+  (symbol keysym)
   (code-char (cffi:foreign-enum-value 'pal-ffi:sdl-key keysym)))
 (declaim (inline get-mouse-pos))
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
 (defun draw-messages ()
   (let ((fh (get-font-height))
-         (y 0))
+        (y 0))
     (declare (type u11 y fh))
     (dolist (m *messages*)
       (declare (type simple-string m))
@@ -233,9 +233,9 @@
   (if (or (eq t *cursor*) (eq nil *cursor*))
       (when *messages*
-          (draw-messages)))
+            (draw-messages)))
-        (draw-image *cursor* (v- (get-mouse-pos) *cursor-offset*))
+          (draw-image *cursor* (v- (get-mouse-pos) *cursor-offset*))
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
 (declaim (inline clear-screen))
 (defunct clear-screen (r g b)
-    (u8 r u8 g u8 b)
+  (u8 r u8 g u8 b)
   (pal-ffi:gl-clear-color (/ r 255f0)
                           (/ g 255f0)
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
   (pal-ffi:gl-clear pal-ffi:+gl-color-buffer-bit+))
 (defunct set-mouse-pos (x y)
-    (u16 x u16 y)
+  (u16 x u16 y)
   (pal-ffi:warp-mouse x y)
   (setf *mouse-x* x
         *mouse-y* y))
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
 (defunct push-clip (x y width height)
-    (u16 x u16 y u16 width u16 height)
+  (u16 x u16 y u16 width u16 height)
   (pal-ffi:gl-scissor x y width height)
   (pal-ffi:gl-enable pal-ffi:+gl-scissor-test+)
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
 (declaim (inline set-blend-mode))
 (defunct set-blend-mode (mode)
-    (symbol mode)
+  (symbol mode)
   (case mode
     ((nil) (pal-ffi:gl-disable pal-ffi:+gl-blend+))
@@ -332,19 +332,19 @@
 (declaim (inline rotate))
 (defunct rotate (angle)
-    (single-float angle)
+  (single-float angle)
   (pal-ffi:gl-rotatef angle 0f0 0f0 1f0))
 (declaim (inline scale))
 (defunct scale (x y)
-    (single-float x single-float y)
+  (single-float x single-float y)
   (pal-ffi:gl-scalef x y 1f0))
 (declaim (inline translate))
 (defunct translate (vec)
-    (vec vec)
+  (vec vec)
   (pal-ffi:gl-translatef (vx vec) (vy vec) 0f0))
@@ -356,12 +356,12 @@
 (declaim (inline set-blend-color))
 (defunct set-blend-color (r g b a)
-    (u8 r u8 g u8 b u8 a)
+  (u8 r u8 g u8 b u8 a)
   (pal-ffi:gl-color4ub r g b a))
 (declaim (inline set-image))
 (defunct set-image (image)
-    (image image)
+  (image image)
   (unless (eq image *current-image*)
     (setf *current-image* image)
@@ -474,8 +474,9 @@
 (defunct screen-to-array (pos width height)
-    (vec pos u16 width u16 height)
+  (vec pos u16 width u16 height)
+  (pal-ffi:gl-flush)
   (let* ((x (truncate (vx pos)))
          (y (truncate (vy pos)))
          (rowsize (* width 4))
@@ -506,7 +507,7 @@
 (defunct draw-image (image pos &key angle scale valign halign)
-    (image image vec pos (or boolean number) angle (or boolean number) scale symbol halign symbol valign)
+  (image image vec pos (or boolean number) angle (or boolean number) scale symbol halign symbol valign)
   (set-image image)
   (let ((width (image-width image))
         (height (image-height image))
@@ -554,7 +555,7 @@
 (defunct draw-image* (image from-pos to-pos width height)
-    (image image vec from-pos vec to-pos u11 width u11 height)
+  (image image vec from-pos vec to-pos u11 width u11 height)
   (set-image image)
   (let* ((vx (vx from-pos))
          (vy (vy from-pos))
@@ -578,33 +579,33 @@
 (declaim (inline draw-line))
 (defunct draw-line (la lb r g b a &key (size 1.0f0) (smoothp))
-    (vec la vec lb single-float size u8 r u8 g u8 b u8 a boolean smoothp)
+  (vec la vec lb single-float size u8 r u8 g u8 b u8 a boolean smoothp)
   (with-line-settings smoothp size r g b a
-    (with-gl pal-ffi:+gl-lines+
-      (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx la) (vy la))
-      (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx lb) (vy lb)))))
+                      (with-gl pal-ffi:+gl-lines+
+                        (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx la) (vy la))
+                        (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx lb) (vy lb)))))
 (declaim (inline draw-arrow))
 (defunct draw-arrow (la lb r g b a &key (size 1.0f0) smoothp)
-    (vec la vec lb u8 r u8 g u8 b u8 a single-float size boolean smoothp)
+  (vec la vec lb u8 r u8 g u8 b u8 a single-float size boolean smoothp)
   (with-line-settings smoothp size r g b a
-    (let ((d (v* (v-direction la lb) (+ size 8f0))))
-      (with-gl pal-ffi:+gl-lines+
-        (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx la) (vy la))
-        (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx lb) (vy lb))
-        (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx lb) (vy lb))
-        (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx (v+ lb (v-rotate d 140f0)))
-                             (vy (v+ lb (v-rotate d 140f0))))
-        (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx lb) (vy lb))
-        (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx (v+ lb (v-rotate d -140f0)))
-                             (vy (v+ lb (v-rotate d -140f0))))))))
+                      (let ((d (v* (v-direction la lb) (+ size 8f0))))
+                        (with-gl pal-ffi:+gl-lines+
+                          (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx la) (vy la))
+                          (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx lb) (vy lb))
+                          (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx lb) (vy lb))
+                          (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx (v+ lb (v-rotate d 140f0)))
+                                               (vy (v+ lb (v-rotate d 140f0))))
+                          (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx lb) (vy lb))
+                          (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx (v+ lb (v-rotate d -140f0)))
+                                               (vy (v+ lb (v-rotate d -140f0))))))))
 (declaim (inline draw-point))
 (defunct draw-point (pos r g b a &key (size 1f0) smoothp)
-    (vec pos u8 r u8 g u8 b u8 a single-float size boolean smoothp)
+  (vec pos u8 r u8 g u8 b u8 a single-float size boolean smoothp)
   (pal-ffi:gl-push-attrib (logior pal-ffi:+gl-current-bit+ pal-ffi:+gl-enable-bit+))
   (pal-ffi:gl-disable pal-ffi:+gl-texture-2d+)
@@ -618,7 +619,7 @@
 (defunct draw-rectangle (pos width height r g b a &key (fill t) (size 1f0) absolutep smoothp)
-    (vec pos u16 width u16 height u8 r u8 g u8 b u8 a (or symbol image) fill single-float size boolean absolutep boolean smoothp)
+  (vec pos u16 width u16 height u8 r u8 g u8 b u8 a (or symbol image) fill single-float size boolean absolutep boolean smoothp)
     ((image-p fill)
      (draw-polygon (list pos
@@ -630,11 +631,11 @@
                    :absolutep absolutep))
     ((eq nil fill)
      (with-line-settings smoothp size r g b a
-       (with-gl pal-ffi:+gl-line-loop+
-         (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx pos) (vy pos))
-         (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (+ (vx pos) width) (vy pos))
-         (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (+ (vx pos) width) (+ (vy pos) height))
-         (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx pos) (+ (vy pos) height)))))
+                         (with-gl pal-ffi:+gl-line-loop+
+                           (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx pos) (vy pos))
+                           (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (+ (vx pos) width) (vy pos))
+                           (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (+ (vx pos) width) (+ (vy pos) height))
+                           (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx pos) (+ (vy pos) height)))))
      (pal-ffi:gl-push-attrib (logior pal-ffi:+gl-current-bit+ pal-ffi:+gl-enable-bit+))
@@ -644,7 +645,7 @@
 (defunct draw-polygon (points r g b a &key (fill t) absolutep (size 1f0) smoothp)
-    (list points u8 r u8 g u8 b u8 a (or image boolean) fill single-float size)
+  (list points u8 r u8 g u8 b u8 a (or image boolean) fill single-float size)
     ((image-p fill)
@@ -670,9 +671,9 @@
     ((eq nil fill)
      (with-line-settings smoothp size r g b a
-       (with-gl pal-ffi:+gl-line-loop+
-         (dolist (p points)
-           (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx p) (vy p))))))
+                         (with-gl pal-ffi:+gl-line-loop+
+                           (dolist (p points)
+                             (pal-ffi:gl-vertex2f (vx p) (vy p))))))
      (pal-ffi:gl-push-attrib (logior pal-ffi:+gl-current-bit+ pal-ffi:+gl-enable-bit+))
@@ -684,7 +685,7 @@
 (defunct draw-polygon* (points &key image tex-coords colors)
-    (list points list tex-coords list colors (or boolean image) image)
+  (list points list tex-coords list colors (or boolean image) image)
   (pal-ffi:gl-push-attrib (logior pal-ffi:+gl-current-bit+ pal-ffi:+gl-enable-bit+))
@@ -723,7 +724,7 @@
 (defunct draw-circle (pos radius r g b a &key (fill t) absolutep (size 1f0) smoothp (segments 30))
-    (vec pos single-float radius u8 r u8 g u8 b u8 a (or image symbol) fill boolean absolutep single-float size boolean smoothp fixnum segments)
+  (vec pos single-float radius u8 r u8 g u8 b u8 a (or image symbol) fill boolean absolutep single-float size boolean smoothp fixnum segments)
   (declare (type vec pos) (type fixnum segments))
   (draw-polygon (loop for a from 0 to (* 2 pi) by (/ (* 2 pi) segments) collecting
                      (v+ pos
@@ -840,7 +841,7 @@
     (+ (glyph-width g) (glyph-xoff g))))
 (defunct draw-text (text pos &optional font)
-    (vec pos simple-string text (or font boolean) font)
+  (vec pos simple-string text (or font boolean) font)
   (with-transformation (:pos pos)
     (let* ((dx 0f0)
            (font (if font
@@ -855,13 +856,13 @@
 (declaim (inline get-font-height))
 (defunct get-font-height (&optional font)
-    ((or font boolean) font)
+  ((or font boolean) font)
   (pal-ffi:font-height (if font
                            (tag 'default-font))))
 (defunct get-text-size (text &optional font)
-    ((or font boolean) font simple-string text)
+  ((or font boolean) font simple-string text)
   (values (let ((glyphs (pal-ffi:font-glyphs (if font
                                                  (tag 'default-font)))))

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