[osicat-cvs] CVS update: src/ffi.lisp src/osicat-glue.c src/osicat.lisp src/packages.lisp src/test-osicat.lisp

Julian E. C. Squires jsquires at common-lisp.net
Fri Apr 23 00:01:20 UTC 2004

Update of /project/osicat/cvsroot/src
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv25938

Modified Files:
	ffi.lisp osicat-glue.c osicat.lisp packages.lisp 
Log Message:
 * Added USER-INFO, a function for accessing passwd entries.
 * Fixed left-over use of GET-ENVIRON in SETF ENVIRONMENT, and added
   test case to catch that happening again.

Date: Thu Apr 22 20:01:20 2004
Author: jsquires

Index: src/ffi.lisp
diff -u src/ffi.lisp:1.2 src/ffi.lisp:1.3
--- src/ffi.lisp:1.2	Sun Feb 29 13:10:41 2004
+++ src/ffi.lisp	Thu Apr 22 20:01:20 2004
@@ -41,6 +41,34 @@
   :module "osicat"
   :returning :cstring)
+(def-function "osicat_pwent_name" ((entry :pointer-void))
+  :module "osicat"
+  :returning :cstring)
+(def-function "osicat_pwent_passwd" ((entry :pointer-void))
+  :module "osicat"
+  :returning :cstring)
+(def-function "osicat_pwent_uid" ((entry :pointer-void))
+  :module "osicat"
+  :returning :int)
+(def-function "osicat_pwent_gid" ((entry :pointer-void))
+  :module "osicat"
+  :returning :int)
+(def-function "osicat_pwent_gecos" ((entry :pointer-void))
+  :module "osicat"
+  :returning :cstring)
+(def-function "osicat_pwent_home" ((entry :pointer-void))
+  :module "osicat"
+  :returning :cstring)
+(def-function "osicat_pwent_shell" ((entry :pointer-void))
+  :module "osicat"
+  :returning :cstring)
 (def-function "opendir" ((name :cstring))
@@ -73,6 +101,14 @@
 (def-array-pointer cstring-array :cstring)
 (def-foreign-var "environ" 'cstring-array "osicat")
+(def-function "getpwnam" ((name :cstring))
+  :module "osicat"
+  :returning :pointer-void)
+(def-function "getpwuid" ((id :int))
+  :module "osicat"
+  :returning :pointer-void)
 (def-function "readlink"
     ((name :cstring) (buffer (* :unsigned-char)) (size :size-t))

Index: src/osicat-glue.c
diff -u src/osicat-glue.c:1.7 src/osicat-glue.c:1.8
--- src/osicat-glue.c:1.7	Sun Feb 29 13:10:41 2004
+++ src/osicat-glue.c	Thu Apr 22 20:01:20 2004
@@ -73,3 +73,46 @@
+extern char *
+osicat_pwent_name (struct passwd * pwent)
+    return pwent->pw_name;
+extern char *
+osicat_pwent_passwd (struct passwd * pwent)
+    return pwent->pw_passwd;
+extern int
+osicat_pwent_uid (struct passwd * pwent)
+    return pwent->pw_uid;
+extern int
+osicat_pwent_gid (struct passwd * pwent)
+    return pwent->pw_gid;
+extern char *
+osicat_pwent_gecos (struct passwd * pwent)
+    return pwent->pw_gecos;
+extern char *
+osicat_pwent_home (struct passwd * pwent)
+    return pwent->pw_dir;
+extern char *
+osicat_pwent_shell (struct passwd * pwent)
+    return pwent->pw_shell;

Index: src/osicat.lisp
diff -u src/osicat.lisp:1.18 src/osicat.lisp:1.19
--- src/osicat.lisp:1.18	Wed Apr 21 18:34:35 2004
+++ src/osicat.lisp	Thu Apr 22 20:01:20 2004
@@ -106,9 +106,6 @@
 	     (cond ((equal ".." name) :up)
 		   ((equal "." name) nil)
 		   ((stringp name) name))))
-	 (fixedtype (path)
-	   (let ((type (pathname-type path)))
-	     (and (stringp type) type)))
 	 (fixeddir (path)
 	   (let ((dir (pathname-directory (concatenate 'string
 						       (namestring path)
@@ -275,7 +272,7 @@
       (error "Could not access environment (~S)." e))))
 (defun (setf environment) (alist)
-  (let ((oldenv (get-environ)))
+  (let ((oldenv (environment)))
     (loop for (var . val) in alist
 	  do (setf (environment-variable var) (string val)
 		   oldenv (delete var oldenv 
@@ -402,3 +399,23 @@
     (if (minusp (chdir dir))
 	(error "Could not change current directory.")
+(defun user-info (id)
+  "function USER-INFO name => alist
+function USER-INFO user-id => alist
+USER-INFO returns the password entry for the given name or numerical
+user ID, as an alist."
+  (let ((pwent (typecase id
+		 (string (with-cstring (name id) (getpwnam name)))
+		 (integer (getpwuid id))
+		 (t (make-null-pointer :pointer-void)))))
+    (when (not (null-pointer-p pwent))
+      (list (cons :name (osicat-pwent-name pwent))
+	    (cons :user-id (osicat-pwent-uid pwent))
+	    (cons :group-id (osicat-pwent-gid pwent))
+	    (cons :gecos (osicat-pwent-gid pwent))
+	    (cons :home (osicat-pwent-home pwent))
+	    (cons :shell (osicat-pwent-shell pwent))))))

Index: src/packages.lisp
diff -u src/packages.lisp:1.7 src/packages.lisp:1.8
--- src/packages.lisp:1.7	Mon Mar  8 01:41:32 2004
+++ src/packages.lisp	Thu Apr 22 20:01:20 2004
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@
    ;; Permissions
+   ;; Password entries
+   #:user-info
    ;; Version info

Index: src/test-osicat.lisp
diff -u src/test-osicat.lisp:1.6 src/test-osicat.lisp:1.7
--- src/test-osicat.lisp:1.6	Wed Apr 21 18:34:35 2004
+++ src/test-osicat.lisp	Thu Apr 22 20:01:20 2004
@@ -63,6 +63,11 @@
       (makunbound-environment-variable 'test-variable))
+(deftest environment.3
+    ;; No-op test to ensure setf environment actually works.
+    (setf (environment) (environment))
+  #.(environment))
 (deftest environment-variable.1
     (environment-variable 'test-variable)
@@ -205,16 +210,48 @@
 	(delete-directory dir)))
   (#.(pathname-directory (merge-pathnames "mapdir-test/" *test-dir*))))
+;; Test that directories of form foo.bar/ don't become foo/bar/.
 (deftest mapdir.4
-    ;; Test that directories of form foo.bar/ don't become foo/bar/.
     (let* ((dir (ensure-directories-exist 
-		 (merge-pathnames "mapdir-test.type/" *test-dir*)))
-	   (file (ensure-file "foo.bar" dir)))
+		 (merge-pathnames "mapdir-test.type/" *test-dir*))))
-	   (let ((*default-directory-defaults* (truename "/tmp/")))
-	     (mapdir (lambda (x) 
-		       (pathname-directory (merge-pathnames x))) 
-		     dir))
-	(delete-file file)
+	   (dolist (list (remove-if
+			  #'null
+			  (osicat:mapdir
+			   (lambda (x) (pathname-directory x))
+			   *test-dir*)))
+	     (when (/= (length list) 2) (error "too many path elements.")))
 	(delete-directory dir)))
-  (#.(pathname-directory (merge-pathnames "mapdir-test.type/" *test-dir*))))
+  nil)
+;; Test behavior in the case of an obviously incorrect username.
+(deftest user-info.1
+    (user-info "definitely_not_a_user!")
+  nil)
+;; Does this test still work in the case of su/sudo?  It should, I
+;; think.
+(deftest user-info.2
+    (let ((user-id (cdr (assoc :user-id (user-info (sb-posix:getuid))))))
+      (equal user-id (sb-posix:getuid)))
+  t)
+;; Just get our home directory, and see if it exists.  I don't
+;; think this will work 100% of the time, but it should for most
+;; people testing the package; given that, would it be even better
+;; to compare the value to (user-homedir-pathname)?
+(deftest user-info.3
+    (let ((home (cdr (assoc :home (user-info (sb-posix:getuid))))))
+      (file-kind home))
+  :directory)
+;; We'll go out on a limb and assume that not only does the root
+;; account exist, but its home directory exists, as well.  Note
+;; that this is unfortunately not always true.
+(deftest user-info.4
+    (let ((home (cdr (assoc :home (user-info "root")))))
+      (file-kind home))
+  :directory)

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