[oct-cvs] Oct commit: oct qd-fun.lisp

rtoy rtoy at common-lisp.net
Thu Oct 18 14:38:56 UTC 2007

Update of /project/oct/cvsroot/oct
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv27836

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Compare against pi/4 quad-double, not double-float.

--- /project/oct/cvsroot/oct/qd-fun.lisp	2007/10/17 03:44:12	1.89
+++ /project/oct/cvsroot/oct/qd-fun.lisp	2007/10/18 14:38:56	1.90
@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@
       ;; We want the remainder part to be <= pi/4 because the trig
       ;; functions want that.  So if the fraction is too big, adjust
       ;; it, and mod value.
-      (if (<= (abs (qd-0 f)) (/ pi 4))
+      (if (qd-<= (abs-qd f) +qd-pi/4+)
 	  (values mod f)
 	  (values (mod (1+ mod) 4) (sub-qd f +qd-pi/2+))))))
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@
       ;; If we did this right, (ash prod (- frac-bits)) should be 2
       ;; bits long at most.
-      (if (<= (abs (qd-0 f)) (/ pi 4))
+      (if (qd-<= (abs-qd f) +qd-pi/4+)
 	  (values mod f)
 	  (values (mod (1+ mod) 4)
 		  (sub-qd f +qd-pi/2+))))))

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