[oct-cvs] Oct commit: oct qd-complex.lisp

rtoy rtoy at common-lisp.net
Thu Aug 30 23:42:24 UTC 2007

Update of /project/oct/cvsroot/oct
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv12895

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Add methods to handle QD-REAL and CL:COMPLEX and vice-versa for the
four basic arithmetic operations.

--- /project/oct/cvsroot/oct/qd-complex.lisp	2007/08/28 16:01:08	1.32
+++ /project/oct/cvsroot/oct/qd-complex.lisp	2007/08/30 23:42:24	1.33
@@ -213,6 +213,39 @@
 	  (complex (/ (+ (* rx r) ix) dn)
 		   (/ (- (* ix r) rx) dn))))))
+(defmethod two-arg-+ ((a qd-real) (b cl:complex))
+  (complex (+ a (realpart b))
+	   (imagpart b)))
+(defmethod two-arg-+ ((a cl:complex) (b qd-real))
+  (complex (+ (realpart a) b)
+	   (imagpart a)))
+(defmethod two-arg-- ((a qd-real) (b cl:complex))
+  (complex (- a (realpart b))
+	   (- (imagpart b))))
+(defmethod two-arg-- ((a cl:complex) (b qd-real))
+  (complex (- (realpart a) b)
+	   (imagpart a)))
+(defmethod two-arg-* ((a qd-real) (b cl:complex))
+  (complex (* a (realpart b))
+	   (* a (imagpart b))))
+(defmethod two-arg-* ((a cl:complex) (b qd-real))
+  (complex (* (realpart a) b)
+	   (* (imagpart a) b)))
+(defmethod two-arg-/ ((a qd-real) (b cl:complex))
+  (two-arg-/ a (coerce b 'qd-complex)))
+(defmethod two-arg-/ ((a cl:complex) (b qd-real))
+  (complex (/ (realpart a) b)
+	   (/ (imagpart a) b)))
 (defmethod unary-divide ((a qd-complex))
   (two-arg-/ #q1 a))

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