[noctool-devel] Re: [noctool-cvs] CVS source

Jim Prewett download at hpc.unm.edu
Fri Jun 20 13:40:26 UTC 2008

> Unless it's going to be more than 6-10 files, I think it can live in the same 
> directory, though it should probably have its own ASDF file. However, I will 
> not complain if it's subdirectoried off.

I was really thinking of adding two files: web.lisp (I'll take suggestions 
for a better name) and style.css - I'm really not sure where to put the 
style sheet - really, I intend it to be modified locally so your monitor 
can match your corporate colors, etc. ;P

Initially, I was thinking of generating the CSS from Lisp, but then I 
thought better of it and decided I'd rather be able to hand the style 
sheet to some web monkey to make my page pretty (and web monkeys don't 
know Lisp ;) and I don't want the latest CVS version of the web code to 
kill the style sheet I worked so long and hard on ;P .


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