[noctool-devel] compact configurations for identical machines

William Annis annis at biostat.wisc.edu
Thu Jun 5 18:36:17 UTC 2008

 >From: Jim Prewett <download at hpc.unm.edu>
 >I realize that the above syntax still leaves something to be desired.  It 
 >is, IMO, too general for what most users need.  I think we could probably 
 >make a couple of convienance macros that would expand into the above.
 >I'm not sure yet if I like the idea of using "generators" here, or if each 
 >function should be given an argument of which machine it is.

        IP ranges are easy enough to generate and loop over:

(require :split-sequence)

(defun addr4->int (ipaddr)
  (destructuring-bind (a1 a2 a3 a4)
      (mapcar #'parse-integer (split-sequence:split-sequence #\. ipaddr))
    (dpb a1 (byte 8 24)
         (dpb a2 (byte 8 16)
              (dpb a3 (byte 8 8) a4)))))

(defun int->addr4 (intaddr)
  (format nil "~D.~D.~D.~D"
          (ldb (byte 8 24) intaddr) (ldb (byte 8 16) intaddr)
          (ldb (byte 8 8) intaddr) (ldb (byte 8 0) intaddr)))

(defmacro do-ip-range ((var start-ip end-ip &optional return) &body body)
  (let ((start (gensym "start"))
        (end (gensym "end"))
        (a (gensym)))
    `(let ((,start (addr4->int ,start-ip))
           (,end (addr4->int ,end-ip)))
       (loop for ,a from ,start to ,end
             do (let ((,var (int->addr4 ,a)))
                  , at body)
             finally (return ,return)))))

(do-ip-range (addr "" "" 'woohoo)
  (print addr))

Seems like this might be useful in several places (network discovery,

trying to decide if DO-CIDR-RANGE is in order...

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