[noctool-devel] Playing around with SNMP, again...

Ingvar ingvar at hexapodia.net
Mon Aug 11 06:22:14 UTC 2008

Unfortunately, I have hot two snags in the last 20-odd minutes.

Snag primo: It doesn't work to simply asdf-install:install the package. It 
relies on the *load-pathname* of the .asd file being the same as the file 
residing in the source directory (simple fix, wrap it in a truename call to 
resolve symlinks).

Snag secundo: There's a peppering of calls to USOCKET:MAKE-DATAGRAM-SOCKET and 
that is a call that my latest USocket version has No Seen<tm> (0.3.7, freshly 
asdf-installed, specially).

That's as far as I've managed to make it.


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