[noctool-cvs] CVS source

jprewett jprewett at common-lisp.net
Mon Nov 10 16:44:58 UTC 2008

Update of /project/noctool/cvsroot/source
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv8654

Added Files:
Log Message:

FINALLY, adding web.lisp
	- not done, by any means!

--- /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/web.lisp	2008/11/10 16:44:58	NONE
+++ /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/web.lisp	2008/11/10 16:44:58	1.1
(in-package :sw)

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (require :hunchentoot)
  (require :cl-who)
  (require :symbolicweb)
  (use-package :hunchentoot)
  (use-package :cl-who)
  (use-package :symbolicweb))


;; turn off SW debugging
(setf *sw-debug* NIL)

;; with-gensyms is modified from Paul Graham On Lisp
(defmacro with-gensyms (symbols &body body)
  "Binds a whole list of variables to gensyms.  If the variables are lists, then the car is the symbol and the cadr is the string to use for the gensym."
  `(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (symbol) (if (listp symbol)
                                        `(,(car symbol) (gensym ,(cadr symbol)))
                                        `(,symbol (gensym))))
     , at body))

(defwidget monitor (container)
  ((monitor :accessor monitor :initarg :monitor :initform (error "monitor must be supplied"))))

(defmethod initialize-instance :AFTER ((monitor monitor) &key)
  (add-to monitor 
          (mk-span (symbol-name (class-name (class-of (monitor monitor)))))))

(defvar *noc-host-hash* (make-hash-table))

(defwidget noc-host (container)
  ((noc-host :accessor noc-host :initarg :noc-host :initform (error "noc-host must be supplied"))))

(defmethod initialize-instance :AFTER ((noc-host noc-host) &key)
  (add-to noc-host 
          (mk-span (noctool::name (noc-host noc-host)))))

(defmacro defensure (name widget-form hash &body body)
  `(defmacro ,name (instance )
     (with-gensyms ((val "VAL") 
                    (foundp "FOUNDP")
                    (the-widget-form "WIDGET-FORM"))
       `  (multiple-value-bind (,val ,foundp)
              (gethash ,instance ,,hash)
            (if ,foundp
                  (let* ((instance ,instance)
                         (widget ,',widget-form))
                    (setf (gethash ,instance ,,hash) widget))))))))

;; XXX do I need all of these damn hashes??? 
(defvar *monitor-hash* (make-hash-table))
(defvar *last-updated-hash* (make-hash-table))
(defvar *last-rtt-hash* (make-hash-table))
(defvar *last-load-hash* (make-hash-table))
(defvar *disk-widget-hash* (make-hash-table))
(defvar *load-1-hash* (make-hash-table))
(defvar *load-5-hash* (make-hash-table))
(defvar *load-10-hash* (make-hash-table))

(defmacro ensure-load (name graph-slot hash)
  (with-gensyms ((graph "GRAPH") (span "SPAN"))
    `(defensure ,name
         (let* ((,graph (slot-value instance ',graph-slot))
                (,span (mk-span 
                        (format NIL "~2$" 
                                (aref (noctool-graphs::short ,graph) 
                                       (1- (noctool-graphs::short-ix ,graph))
       (defmethod noctool::add-value
           :after ((graph (eql (slot-value instance ',graph-slot))) value)
         (setf (html-of widget)
               (format NIL
                       (aref (noctool-graphs::short graph) 
                             (mod (1- (noctool-graphs::short-ix graph)) 300))))))))

(ensure-load ensure-load-1 noctool::graph-1 *load-1-hash*)
(ensure-load ensure-load-5 noctool::graph-5 *load-5-hash*)
(ensure-load ensure-load-10 noctool::graph-10 *load-10-hash*)

(defwidget load-widget (container)
  ((monitor :initform (error "monitor must be supplied")
            :initarg :monitor :accessor monitor)
   (load-1 :accessor load-1)
   (load-5 :accessor load-5)
   (load-10 :accessor load-10)))

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((widget load-widget) &key)
  (let ((space (mk-span "     "))
        (load (mk-span "Load:")))
    (with-slots (monitor load-1 load-5 load-10) widget
      (setf load-1 (ensure-load-1 monitor)
            load-5 (ensure-load-5 monitor)
            load-10 (ensure-load-10 monitor))
      (add-to widget load (mk-span " ") load-1 (mk-span " ") load-5 (mk-span " ") load-10))))

(defensure ensure-monitor-widget (make-instance 'monitor :monitor instance) *monitor-hash*
  (defmethod (setf noctool::alert-level) :after (new (instance (eql instance)))
    (setf (css-class-of widget)
          (alert-class (noctool::alert-level instance)))))

(defensure ensure-last-updated-widget
    (mk-span (sb-int:format-universal-time NIL (noctool::last-updated instance)))
  (defmethod (setf noctool::last-updated) :after (new (instance (eql instance)))
    (setf (html-of widget)
          (sb-int:format-universal-time NIL new))))

(defensure ensure-last-rtt
     (let ((idx (noctool-graphs::short-ix (noctool::graph instance))))
       (format NIL "~A seconds" 
               (aref (noctool-graphs::short (noctool::graph instance)) 
                     (mod (1- idx) 300)))))
  (defmethod noctool::add-value :after ((graph (eql (noctool::graph instance))) value)
    (setf (html-of widget)
          (format NIL "~A seconds" 
                  (aref (noctool-graphs::short 
                        (mod (1- (noctool-graphs::short-ix graph)) 300))))))

(defensure ensure-last-load 
    (make-instance 'load-widget :monitor instance)

(defensure ensure-noc-host-widget 
    (make-instance 'noc-host :noc-host instance) *noc-host-hash*
  (defmethod (setf noctool::alert-level)
      :after (new-val (host (eql instance)))
    (setf (css-class-of widget)
          (alert-class (noctool::alert-level instance)))))

(defensure ensure-disk-widget
    (let ((widget (mk-span (escape-for-html (noctool::device instance)))))
      (setf (css-class-of widget) (alert-class (noctool::alert-level instance)))
  (defmethod (setf noctool::alert-level)
      :after (new-val (host (eql instance)))
    (setf (css-class-of widget)
          (alert-class (noctool::alert-level instance)))))

(defmacro toggle (thing on-expr off-expr &key (default :on))
  (let ((v (gensym)))
    `(let ((,v (eq ,default :on)))
         (if (setf ,v (not ,v))

(defmacro h/s (thing &key (hide "hide") (normal "normal"))
  `(toggle ,thing
           (setf (css-class-of ,thing) ,normal)
           (setf (css-class-of ,thing) ,hide) :default :off))

(defmethod alert-class ((i number))
  (cond ((>= i noctool::*alerting*)
          ((>= i noctool::*warning*)

;; put this somewhere else! XXX
(defmethod noctool-scheduler:process :after ((monitor noctool::monitor))
  (setf (noctool:last-updated monitor) (get-universal-time))
  (format t "just processed monitor: ~A for equipment: ~A~%" 
           (noctool::name (noctool::equipment monitor))))

(defmethod noctool-scheduler:process :after ((slot noctool-scheduler::timeslot))
  (format t "just processed timeslot: ~A~%" slot))

(defwidget eqp (container)
  ((system-name :initform NIL :initarg :system-name :accessor system-name)
   (system :initform (error "system must be supplied") :initarg :system :accessor system)
   (namebox :initform (mk-container NIL)
            :accessor namebox)
   (monitors :initform NIL :initarg :monitors :accessor monitors)
   (monitorbox :initform (mk-container NIL)
               :accessor monitorbox)))

(defmethod initialize-instance :AFTER ((eqp eqp) &key)
  (with-slots (system namebox monitorbox) eqp
    (let ((namelink (mk-link (ensure-noc-host-widget system))))
      (add-to namebox namelink)
      (add-to eqp namebox)
      (setf (css-class-of monitorbox) "hide")
      (setf (on-click-of namelink)
            (h/s monitorbox))
      (add-to eqp monitorbox)
      (loop for mon in (noctool::monitors system) do 
           (let ((link (mk-link (ensure-monitor-widget mon) :href "#"))
                 (mon2 mon))
             (add-to monitorbox link)
             (setf (on-click-of link)
                     (if (eql (info-show *app*) mon2)
                           (remove-all (info-pane *app*))
                           (setf (info-show *app*) NIL))
                         (let ((info (display-monitor-info mon2)))
                           (remove-all (info-pane *app*))
                           (add-to (info-pane *app*) info)
                           (setf (info-show *app*) mon2))))))))))

(defmethod display-monitor-info (mon)
    (mk-div (noctool::name (noctool::equipment mon)))
    (mk-span (symbol-name (class-name (class-of mon))))
    (mk-span " Last Updated ")
    (ensure-last-updated-widget mon))))

(defmethod display-monitor-info ((mon noctool::disk-container))
     (mk-div (noctool::name (noctool::equipment mon)))
     (mk-span (symbol-name (class-name (class-of mon))))
     (mk-span " Last Updated ")
     (ensure-last-updated-widget mon)
     (mk-span (who (:br))))
    (loop for disk in (noctool::disk-list mon)
          (ensure-disk-widget disk)
          (mk-span (who (:br))))))))

(defmethod display-monitor-info ((mon noctool::ping-monitor))
    (mk-div (noctool::name (noctool::equipment mon)))
    (mk-span (symbol-name (class-name (class-of mon))))
    (mk-span " Last Updated ")
    (ensure-last-updated-widget mon)
    (mk-span (who (:br)))
    (mk-span "last rtt: ")
    (ensure-last-rtt mon)
    (mk-span (who (:br))))))

(defmethod display-monitor-info ((mon noctool::load-monitor))
    (mk-div (noctool::name (noctool::equipment mon)))
    (mk-span (symbol-name (class-name (class-of mon))))
    (mk-span " Last Updated ")
    (ensure-last-updated-widget mon)
    (mk-span (who (:br)))
    (ensure-last-load mon))))

(defapp noctool-app ()
  ((systems :accessor systems
            ;; :allocation :class
            :initform (loop for eqp in noctool::*equipment*
                           (make-instance 'eqp :system eqp)))
   (systems-pane :accessor systems-pane :initform (mk-container NIL))
   (info-show :accessor info-show :initform NIL)
   (info-pane :accessor info-pane :initform (mk-container NIL))))

(defmethod initialize-instance :AFTER ((app noctool-app) &key)
  (with-slots (systems-pane info-pane) app
    (setf (css-class-of systems-pane) "systems")
    (setf (css-class-of info-pane)  "zoom")))

(set-uri 'noctool-app "/")

(defmethod render ((app noctool-app))
     (:title "Noctool")
     (str (js-sw-headers app))
     (:link :rel :stylesheet :type :text/css :href "/noctool.css"))
     (str (sw-heading :title (string-downcase (princ-to-string (type-of app)))))
     (:div :id "sw-root")
     (:noscript "JavaScript needs to be enabled.")))))

(defmethod render-viewport ((viewport viewport) (app noctool-app))
  (with-slots (systems systems-pane info-pane) app
    (loop for eqp in systems
         (add-to systems-pane eqp))
    (add-to *root* systems-pane)
    (add-to *root* info-pane)))

(push (hunchentoot::create-static-file-dispatcher-and-handler "/noctool.css" "/noctool/source/noctool.css" "text/css") (tbnl:server-dispatch-table (sw::ht-server-instance-of sw::*server*)))

(defun noctool-image-dispatch ()

;; XXX unimplemented!
(push (create-prefix-dispatcher "/images/" #'noctool-image-dispatch)

(defun schedule-all-monitors ()
  (loop for equipment in noctool::*equipment*
       (loop for mon in 
             (lambda (x)
               (eql 'noctool::cpu-monitor (type-of x))) 
             (noctool::monitors equipment))
            ;; (remove-if 
;;              (lambda (x)
;;                (not (eql 'load-monitor (type-of x))))
;;              (noctool::monitors equipment))
            (noctool::schedule mon (1+ (get-universal-time))))))

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