[noctool-cvs] CVS source

jprewett jprewett at common-lisp.net
Fri Jun 20 12:19:58 UTC 2008

Update of /project/noctool/cvsroot/source
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv7636

Modified Files:
	classes.lisp graph-monitors.lisp graphing.lisp scheduler.lisp 
Log Message:

factored out the ID slot from the EQUIPMENT, MONITOR, and BASE-GRAPH
classes.  Created ID-OBJECT mixin class with :AFTER method that causes
the instance to be added to the *ID-OBJECTS* hash table.  Instances may be retrieved
using the newly added GET-INSTANCE-BY-ID macro.

Modified NEXT-TIMESLOT so if it is called without the optional
scheduler and there is no *DEFAULT-SCHEDULER*, a default scheduler is
created and bound to *DEFAULT-SCHEDULER*.

Modified PARSE-DF so that if it is given a line, like an automount
line on MacOS, it munges the line into something useable.  This is
sort-of *(OK, REALLY)* kludgy but it makes it so NOCtool doesn't blow
up on my Mac :) .  Also modified PARSE-DF so that it says the disk is
100% full if there is 0 available space instead of signaling a

Added SHOW method for DISK-CONTAINER class.

--- /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/classes.lisp	2008/06/14 16:15:33	1.8
+++ /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/classes.lisp	2008/06/20 12:19:57	1.9
@@ -1,8 +1,20 @@
 (in-package #:noctool)
-(defclass equipment ()
+;; a hash so we can look up objects by their ID
+(defvar *id-objects* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+(defclass id-object ()
+  ((id :reader id :initarg :id)))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance id-object) &key)
+  (setf (gethash (symbol-name (id instance)) *id-objects*)
+        instance))
+(defmacro get-instance-by-id (id-string)
+  `(gethash ,id-string *id-objects*))
+(defclass equipment (id-object)
   ((monitors :accessor monitors :initarg :monitors :initform nil)
-   (id :reader id :initarg :id) 
    (name :reader name :initarg :name)
    (address :reader address :initarg :address)
    (username :reader username :initarg :username :initform nil) 
@@ -47,9 +59,8 @@
    (object :reader object :initarg :object) 
-(defclass monitor ()
+(defclass monitor (id-object)
   ((equipment :reader equipment :initarg :equipment)
-   (id :reader id :initarg :id) 
    (alert-level :accessor alert-level :initarg :alert-level :initform 0)
    (interval :accessor interval :initarg :interval :initform 300)
    (last-updated :accessor last-updated :initarg :last-updated)
--- /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/graph-monitors.lisp	2008/05/17 17:27:26	1.4
+++ /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/graph-monitors.lisp	2008/06/20 12:19:57	1.5
@@ -97,6 +97,25 @@
 			 t (nth 0 color) (nth 1 color)(nth 2 color)))))
+(defmethod show ((graph noctool::disk-container) sink format &key (selector :short) scale &allow-other-keys)
+  (let ((lines (length (noctool::disk-list graph)))
+	(disks (sort (copy-list (noctool::disk-list graph)) #'> :key #'noctool::disk-max)))
+    (let ((image (image:make-image 350 (+ 130 (* 10 lines)))))
+      (image:rect image 0 0 349 (1- (image::height image)) t 192 192 192)
+      (multiple-value-bind (percentile max scale) (show (noctool::disk-graph (car disks)) image nil :color '(0 0 0 0.0) :base-x 25 :base-y 110 :height 100 :selector selector)
+	(draw-grid image max (interval graph) selector scale "b" 3 (noctool:last-updated graph))
+	(loop for disk in disks
+	      for color in *graph-colors*
+	      for text-offset = 125 then (+ text-offset 10)
+	      for style = :line then :plot
+	      do (let ((graph (noctool::disk-graph disk))
+		       (text (format nil "~a [ ~a ]" (noctool::mountpoint disk) (noctool::device disk))))
+		   (show graph image nil :color color :scale scale :height 100 :base-y 110 :base-x 25 :selector selector :style style)
+		   (image:text image text 25 text-offset 0 0 0)
+		   (image:rect image 15 text-offset 20 (+ 5 text-offset)
+			 t (nth 0 color) (nth 1 color)(nth 2 color)))))
+      image)))
 (defmethod show :around ((graph noctool::monitor) (sink string) format &key (selector :short) scale &allow-other-keys)
   (let ((image (call-next-method)))
     (image:export-to-gif image sink)))
--- /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/graphing.lisp	2008/05/17 17:25:47	1.3
+++ /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/graphing.lisp	2008/06/20 12:19:57	1.4
@@ -4,14 +4,13 @@
 		      (:meter . meter-graph) (:gauge-avg . avg-graph)
 		      (:gauge-max . max-graph)))
 ;;; Graph storage classes
-(defclass base-graph ()
+(defclass base-graph (noctool::id-object)
   ((short :reader short :initarg :short)
    (medium :reader medium :initarg :medium)
    (long :reader long :initarg :long)
    (short-ix :accessor short-ix :initarg :short-ix)
    (medium-ix :accessor medium-ix :initarg :medium-ix)
    (long-ix :accessor long-ix :initarg :long-ix)
-   (id :reader id :initarg :id)
    (interval :reader interval :initarg :interval)
    (proxies :accessor proxies :initform nil)) 
   (:default-initargs :short-ix 0 :medium-ix 0 :long-ix 0 :id (gensym "GRAPH-")))
--- /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/scheduler.lisp	2008/05/16 19:23:06	1.2
+++ /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/scheduler.lisp	2008/06/20 12:19:58	1.3
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 (defmethod first-timeslot ((foo null))
 (defmethod last-timeslot ((foo null))
 (defmethod prev ((foo null))
@@ -105,6 +106,10 @@
   (setf (next timeslot) nil))
 (defun next-timeslot (&optional (scheduler *default-scheduler*))
+  (unless scheduler
+    (unless *default-scheduler* 
+      (setf *default-scheduler* (make-instance 'scheduler)))
+    (setf scheduler *default-scheduler*))
       (first-timeslot scheduler)
     (setf (first-timeslot scheduler) (next (first-timeslot scheduler)))
--- /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/tests.lisp	2008/05/29 19:21:38	1.3
+++ /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/tests.lisp	2008/06/20 12:19:58	1.4
@@ -39,13 +39,17 @@
        with last = NIL
        for len = (+ (length split) (length last))
        while line
-       when (> 6 len)
+       if (> 6 len)
          (setf last split)
-         (push (nconc last split) ret)
-         (setf last NIL))
+         (let ((result (nconc last split)))
+           (if (= (length result) 8)
+               (push (cons (format NIL "~A-~A" (car result) (cadr result))
+                           (cdddr result)) ret)
+               (push result ret))
+           (setf last NIL)))
@@ -79,7 +83,7 @@
                  (setf (mountpoint platter) mount)
                  (setf (disk-free platter) free)
                  (add-value (disk-graph platter) used)
-                 (let ((percent (* 100 (/ used disk))))
+                 (let ((percent (if (= 0 disk) 100 (* 100 (/ used disk)))))
                    (setf (alert-level platter)
                           (alert-level platter)

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