[noctool-cvs] CVS source

imattsson imattsson at common-lisp.net
Sat Jun 14 16:18:04 UTC 2008

Update of /project/noctool/cvsroot/source
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv25961

Modified Files:
	network.lisp noctool.asd packages.lisp 
Log Message:

Basic networking in place. Need to consider how to handle the protocol

--- /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/network.lisp	2008/03/17 08:27:58
+++ /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/network.lisp	2008/06/14 16:18:04	1.2
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@
 (defvar *incoming* nil)
 (defvar *local-address* "localhost")
 (defvar *local-port* 11378)
-(defvar *net-package* #.(find-package :net.hexapodia.noctool-network))
+(defvar *net-package* (find-package :net.hexapodia.noctool-network))
 (defvar *stop-accept-loop* nil "Variable to control if we need to stop the accept loop")
 (defvar *connections* nil)
+(defvar *class-map* (make-hash-table))
 (defclass connection ()
-  ((peer :reader peer :initarg :peer)
+  ((peer :accessor peer :initarg :peer)
    (buffer :accessor buffer :initarg :buffer)
    (buffer-len :accessor buffer-len :initarg :buffer-len)
    (sock :reader sock :initarg :sock)
@@ -17,9 +18,12 @@
    (fun-return :accessor fun-return :initarg :fun-return)
    (nonce1 :accessor nonce1 :initarg :nonce1)
    (nonce2 :accessor nonce2 :initarg :nonce2)
-   (authenticated :accessor authenticated :initarg :authenticated) 
+   (state :accessor state :initarg :state) 
-  (:default-initargs :nest-depth 0 :authenticated nil))
+  (:default-initargs :nest-depth 0 :state :initial))
+(defun find-peer (name)
+  (gethash name *peers*))
 (defun add-char (conn char)
   (when (null (vector-push char (buffer conn)))
@@ -28,6 +32,11 @@
+(declaim (ftype (function (connection) t)
+		read-word read-string skip-whitespace read-open
+		read-escaped skip-token))
 (defun read-open (conn)
   (let ((char (read-char-no-hang (sock conn) nil)))
     (cond ((null char) nil)
@@ -103,22 +112,53 @@
 	   (not (zerop (nest-depth conn))))
 	  (t t))))
+(defun parse-timestring (str)
+  (or (ignore-errors
+	    (when (and (= (length str) 15)
+		       (= (position #\T str) 8))
+	      (let ((year (parse-integer str :start 0 :end 4))
+		    (month (parse-integer str :start 4 :end 6))
+		    (day (parse-integer str :start 6 :end 8))
+		    (hour (parse-integer str :start 9 :end 11))
+		    (min (parse-integer str :start 11 :end 13))
+		    (sec (parse-integer str :start 13 :end 15)))
+		(encode-universal-time sec min hour day month year 0))))
+      0))
+(defun make-timestring ()
+  (let ((now (get-universal-time)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (sec min hour day mon year)
+	(decode-universal-time now 0)
+      (format nil "~4,'0d~2,'0d~2,'0dT~2,'0d~2,'0d~2,'0d"
+	      year mon day hour min sec))))
+(defun validate-timestring (str)
+  (let ((then (parse-timestring str))
+	(now (get-universal-time)))
+    (<= 0 (- now then) 50)))
+(defun make-signature (msg password)
+  (let ((hmac (ironclad:make-hmac password :sha1)))
+    (ironclad:update-hmac hmac (octetify msg))
+    (encode-base64 (ironclad:hmac-digest hmac))))
 (defgeneric send (conn format &rest args))
 (defmethod send ((conn connection) format &rest args)
   (let ((stream (sock conn))
-	(peer (get-peer conn)))
-    (let ((msg (apply #'format nil args))
-	  (hmac (ironclad:make-hmac (my-password peer) :sha1)))
+	(peer (peer conn)))
+    (let ((msg (apply #'format nil format args))
+	  (hmac (ironclad:make-hmac (my-passwd peer) :sha1)))
       (ironclad:update-hmac hmac (octetify msg))
       (format stream "(message ~a ~s)" msg
-	      (encode-base64 (ironclad:hmac-digest hmac))))))
+	      (encode-base64 (ironclad:hmac-digest hmac)))
+      (finish-output stream))))
-(defmethod send ((conn peer) format &rest args)
+(defmethod send ((peer remote-node) format &rest args)
   (apply #'send (conn peer) format args))
 (defun protocol-error (conn)
-  (send conn "(protocol-error)"))
+  (send conn "(protocol-error)" nil))
 (defun make-connection (socket)
   (make-instance 'connection :peer nil :sock socket
@@ -132,23 +172,36 @@
   (setf (fill-pointer (buffer conn)) 0)
   (setf (read-fun conn) #'read-open))
+(defun connect (peer)
+  (let ((stream (socket-stream (socket-connect (destination peer)
+					       (dst-port peer)))))
+    (let ((conn (make-connection stream)))
+      (setf (conn peer) conn)
+      (setf (peer conn) peer)
+      (send conn "(iam ~s ~s ~s)"
+	    (my-name peer)
+	    (destination peer)
+	    (make-timestring))
+      (setf (state conn)
+	    :sent-validation))))
 (defun handle-read (conn)
   (loop for rv = (funcall (read-fun conn) conn)
 	until (null rv))
   (when (and (zerop (nest-depth conn)) (> (fill-pointer (buffer conn)) 0))
-	(read-from-string (buffer conn))
+	(copy-seq (buffer conn))
       (clear-connection conn))))
 (defun find-node (name)
   (find name *peers* :test #'string= :key #'noctool::destination))
-(defun start-listener (&optional force)
+(defun start-listener (&key force (port *local-port*) (address *local-address*))
   (unless (and *incoming* (not force))
     (when *incoming*
       (socket-close *incoming*))
-    (setf *incoming* (socket-listen *local-address* *local-port*))))
+    (setf *incoming* (socket-listen address port))))
 ;;; Not entirely sure HOW to write this one, at the moment. Could, I suspect,
 ;;; use threading.
@@ -162,22 +215,17 @@
   (loop for conn in *connections*
 	do (handle-peer conn)))
-(defun check-auth (conn message sent-digest)
-  (let ((peer (get-peer node)))
-    (let ((nonce (decode-base64 nonce :result :octet))
-	  (hmac (ironclad:make-hmac (remote-password peer) :sha1)))
-      (update-hmac message)
-      (let ((digest (encode-base64 (ironclad:hmac-digest hmac))))
-	(cond ((null peer)
-	       (send conn "(authentication-denied)"))
-	      (t (string= digest sent-digest)))))))
+(defun check-signature (conn message digest)
+  (let ((peer (peer conn)))
+    (let ((signature (make-signature message (remote-passwd peer))))
+      (string= signature digest))))
 (defun net-read (message)
   (let ((*package* *net-package*)
-	(*read-supress* t)
+	(*read-suppress* nil)
 	(*read-eval* nil)
 	(*read-base* 10))
-    (read message)))
+    (read-from-string message)))
 (defun send-proxy-list (conn objects)
   (let ((objdata (loop for object in objects
@@ -199,30 +247,63 @@
 	(graph-type graph)
 	(serialize-data graph)))
+(defun get-class (class-id)
+  (or (gethash class-id *class-map*)
+      (let ((package (symbol-package class-id))) 
+	(cond ((eql package *net-package*)
+	       (setf (gethash class-id *class-map*)
+		     (find-class (find-symbol (symbol-name class-id)
+					      *noctool-package*))))
+	      ((eql package *noctool-package*)
+	       (setf (gethash class-id *class-map*)
+		     (find-class class-id)))
+	      (t (error "Unknown class"))))))
+(defun terminate-conn (conn)
+  (setf (state conn) :terminated)
+  (setf *connections* (delete conn *connections*)))
 (defun handle-peer (conn)
   (let ((msg (handle-read conn)))
     (unless (null msg)
-      (let ((msg-start (position #\( msg :start 2))
-	    (msg-end (position #\) msg :start (1- (length msg)) :from-end t)))
-      (let* ((signature (nth (read msg) 2))
-	     (message (subseq msg msg-start msg-end))
-	     (msg (net-read message))
+      (let* ((msg-start (position #\( msg :start 2))
+	     (msg-end (position #\) msg :end (- (length msg) 2) :from-end t))
+	     (transmission (net-read msg))
+	     (message (subseq msg msg-start (1+ msg-end)))
+	     (msg (nth 1 transmission))
+	     (signature (nth 2 transmission))
 	     (head (car msg)))
-	(ignore-errors
-	  (when (not (authenticated conn))
-	    (case head
-	      (iam (setf (peer node) (gethash (nth 1 msg) *peers*))
-		   (when (check-auth conn message signature)
-		     (setf (authenticated conn) t)))
-	      (t (protocol-error conn)))
-	    (when (authenticated conn)
-	      (when (check-auth conn message signature)
-		(case head
-		  (request-proxy-class
-		   (let ((class (get-class (nth 1 msg))))
-		     (let ((objects (loop for object in *equipment*
-					  if (typep object class)
-					  collect object)))
-		       (send-proxy-list conn objects))))
\ No newline at end of file
+	(handler-case
+	    (case (state conn)
+	      ((:sent-validation :initial)
+	       (case head
+		 (iam (destructuring-bind
+			    (iam remote-node me time)
+			  msg
+			(declare (ignorable iam))
+			(let ((peer (find-peer remote-node)))
+			  (when (and peer
+				     (string= (my-name peer)
+					      me))
+			    (when (validate-timestring time)
+			      (setf (peer conn) peer)
+			      (cond ((check-signature conn message signature)
+				     (setf (conn peer) conn)
+				     (when (eql (state conn) :initial)
+				       (send conn "(iam ~s ~s ~s)"
+					     (my-name peer)
+					     (destination peer)
+					     (make-timestring)))
+				     (setf (state conn) :validated))
+				    (t (protocol-error conn)
+				       (terminate-conn conn))))))))))
+	      (:validated
+	       (when (check-signature conn message signature)
+		 (case head
+		   (request-proxy-class (destructuring-bind (req class)
+					    msg
+					  (declare (ignorable req))
+					  (send-proxy-list conn
+					   (get-class class))))
+		   ))))
+	  (error () (protocol-error conn)))))))
--- /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/noctool.asd	2008/06/12 16:04:23	1.4
+++ /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/noctool.asd	2008/06/14 16:18:04	1.5
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 (in-package #:cl-user)
-(asdf:defsystem "noctool"
-  :author "Ingvar Mattsson"
+(asdf:defsystem :noctool
+  :author "Ingvar Mattsson / Jim Prewett"
   :license "GPL"
   :version "0.1"
   :depends-on (:usocket :cl-ppcre :ironclad :image)
--- /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/packages.lisp	2008/06/12 06:11:00	1.6
+++ /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/packages.lisp	2008/06/14 16:18:04	1.7
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
   (:use #:cl #:usocket #:net.hexapodia.noctool-scheduler #:net.hexapodia.noctool-graphs
 	#+sbcl :sb-mop)
-   #:*proxies* #:*peers* #:*equipment* #:*views* #:*noctool-package* #:id #:last-updated #:unix-host #:linux-host #:cpu-monitor #:load-monitor #:ping-monitor #:remote-node #:decode-base64 #:encode-base64 #:octetify #:destination
+   #:*proxies* #:*peers* #:*equipment* #:*views* #:*noctool-package* #:id #:last-updated #:unix-host #:linux-host #:cpu-monitor #:load-monitor #:ping-monitor #:remote-node #:decode-base64 #:encode-base64 #:octetify #:destination #:alert-level #:conn #:monitors #:my-name #:my-passwd #:serialize-data #:remote-node #:dst-port #:remote-passwd #:name #:graph-type
 (defpackage #:net.hexapodia.noctool-config

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