[noctool-cvs] CVS source

jprewett jprewett at common-lisp.net
Fri Dec 19 21:14:23 UTC 2008

Update of /project/noctool/cvsroot/source
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv31647

Modified Files:
	classes.lisp graph-monitors.lisp graph-utils.lisp 
	graphing.lisp scheduler.lisp tests.lisp utils.lisp web.lisp 
Log Message:
added PING-INTERVAL slot to PING-MONITOR class

made SHOW method on PING-MONITOR return the image

reworked how PROCESS works with PING-MONITOR
        uses new slot

made MAKE-PING take keyword args instead of optional, added interval arg

fixes with web UI

--- /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/classes.lisp	2008/12/03 12:28:01	1.16
+++ /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/classes.lisp	2008/12/19 21:14:23	1.17
@@ -141,8 +141,9 @@
    (failed :accessor failed :initarg :failed :initform 0)
    (over-rtt :accessor over-rtt :initarg :over-rtt :initform 0)
    (ping-count :reader ping-count :initarg :ping-count :initform 5)
-   (graph :reader graph :initarg :graph :initform nil) 
-   )
+   (graph :reader graph :initarg :graph :initform nil)
+   (ping-interval :reader ping-interval :initarg :ping-interval 
+              :initform (if (eql 0 (sb-posix:geteuid)) 0.1 1)))
   (:default-initargs :interval 60))
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance ping-monitor) &key)
--- /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/graph-monitors.lisp	2008/06/22 11:02:21	1.6
+++ /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/graph-monitors.lisp	2008/12/19 21:14:23	1.7
@@ -79,9 +79,10 @@
   (let ((image (image:make-image 350 140)))
     (image:rect image 0 0 349 139 t 240 240 240)
     (multiple-value-bind (percentile max scale)
-	(show (noctool::graph graph) image nil :selector selector :scale scale)
+	(show (noctool::graph graph) image format :selector selector :scale scale)
       (graph-ignore percentile max scale)
-      )))
+      )
+    image))
 (defmethod show ((graph noctool::disk-container) sink format &key (selector :short) scale &allow-other-keys)
   (graph-ignore scale)
--- /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/graph-utils.lisp	2008/03/17 08:27:58
+++ /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/graph-utils.lisp	2008/12/19 21:14:23	1.2
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
    (display :reader display :initarg :display)
 (defmacro add-graph-info (monitor slot data display)
   `(push (make-instance 'graph-info
 			:slot ',slot
@@ -29,6 +28,7 @@
 			:display ',display)
 	 (gethash ',monitor *monitor-graph-map*)))
 (defun add-graphs (monitor)
   (let ((class (class-name (class-of monitor))))
     (let ((graphs (gethash class *monitor-graph-map*)))
--- /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/graphing.lisp	2008/09/22 05:49:24	1.8
+++ /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/graphing.lisp	2008/12/19 21:14:23	1.9
@@ -278,9 +278,9 @@
 				 (/ height percentile)))))
 	  (loop for n from 0
 		for value across data
-		do (when (> value 0)
-		     (plot-data sink
-			    (+ base-x n) base-y (max 0 (round (* value scale)))
-			    style color)))
+		do (if (>= value 0)
+                       (plot-data sink
+                                  (+ base-x n) base-y (max 0 (round (* value scale)))
+                                  style color)))
 	  (values percentile (reduce #'max tmpdata) scale))))))
--- /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/scheduler.lisp	2008/12/08 20:53:50	1.15
+++ /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/scheduler.lisp	2008/12/19 21:14:23	1.16
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
      #'(lambda () 
-             (sb-ext:with-timeout 3000
+             (sb-ext:with-timeout 10000
                (noc-thread (process (object event))))
            (sb-ext::timeout ()
              (warn "Timing out thread ~A~%" sb-thread:*current-thread*))))
--- /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/tests.lisp	2008/12/08 20:53:50	1.13
+++ /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/tests.lisp	2008/12/19 21:14:23	1.14
@@ -43,21 +43,22 @@
 (defmethod process ((monitor ping-monitor))
   (without-errors NIL
-    (let ((kit (equipment monitor)))
-      (let ((data (make-ping (name kit))))
-        (let ((failed (count -1.0 data :test #'=))
-              (over-rtt (count (max-rtt monitor) data :test #'<)))
-          (setf (alert-level monitor)
-                (decay-alert (alert-level monitor)
-                             (+ (if (>= failed (max-fail monitor))
-                                    *alerting*
-                                    0)
-                                (* 10 failed)
-                                (* 5 over-rtt)))
-                (failed monitor) failed
-                (over-rtt monitor) over-rtt)
-          (when (graph monitor)
-            (add-value (graph monitor) (reduce #'max data))))))))
+    (with-slots (equipment ping-count ping-interval max-rtt alert-level max-fail graph) monitor
+      (let ((kit equipment))
+        (let ((data (make-ping (name kit) :interval ping-interval :count ping-count)))
+          (let ((failed (count -1.0 data :test #'=))
+                (over-rtt (count max-rtt data :test #'<)))
+            (setf alert-level
+                  (decay-alert alert-level
+                               (+ (if (>= failed max-fail)
+                                      *alerting*
+                                      0)
+                                  (* 10 failed)
+                                  (* 5 over-rtt)))
+                  (failed monitor) failed
+                  (over-rtt monitor) over-rtt)
+            (when graph
+              (add-value graph (reduce #'max data)))))))))
 (defgeneric process-disk (monitor host))
 (defgeneric process-df (host pty))
--- /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/utils.lisp	2008/12/03 12:28:01	1.12
+++ /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/utils.lisp	2008/12/19 21:14:23	1.13
@@ -76,8 +76,7 @@
     (read-line pty)))
-(defun make-ping (host &optional (count 5))
+(defun make-ping (host &key (count 5) (interval 1))
   "Start a ping session to HOST, sending COUNT (default 5) packets.
    This function will need tailoring depending on the host OS.
@@ -85,7 +84,9 @@
    Return a vector with ms response times (using -1.0 as a placeholder
    for missed values)."
-  (let ((args `("ping" "-c" ,(format nil "~d" count) ,host))
+  (let ((args `("ping" "-c" ,(format nil "~d" count) 
+                       "-i" ,(format nil "~d" interval)
+                       ,host))
 	(rv (make-array count :initial-element -1.0)))
     (with-pty (run-command args)
       (loop for line = (read-pty-line pty nil)
--- /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/web.lisp	2008/12/11 20:24:52	1.6
+++ /project/noctool/cvsroot/source/web.lisp	2008/12/19 21:14:23	1.7
@@ -52,26 +52,21 @@
   (declare (ignore thing))
   (let ((v (gensym)))
     `(let ((,v (eq ,default :on)))
-       (iambda
+       (iambda 
          (if (setf ,v (not ,v))
-             ,on-expr
-             ,off-expr)))))
+           ,on-expr
+           ,off-expr)))))
+(defmacro defhashes (&rest hashes)
+  (cons 'progn
+        (loop for hash in hashes collect
+             (if (listp hash)
+                 `(defvar ,(car hash) (make-hash-table :test ,(cadr hash)))
+                 `(defvar ,hash (make-hash-table))))))
 ;; XXX do I need all of these damn hashes??? 
-(defvar *monitor-hash* (make-hash-table))
-(defvar *last-updated-hash* (make-hash-table))
-(defvar *alert-level-hash* (make-hash-table))
-(defvar *next-run-hash* (make-hash-table))
-(defvar *last-rtt-hash* (make-hash-table))
-(defvar *last-failed-hash* (make-hash-table))
-(defvar *last-over-rtt-hash* (make-hash-table))
-(defvar *last-load-hash* (make-hash-table))
-(defvar *disk-widget-hash* (make-hash-table))
-(defvar *load-1-hash* (make-hash-table))
-(defvar *load-5-hash* (make-hash-table))
-(defvar *load-10-hash* (make-hash-table))
-(defvar *method-hash* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
 (defmacro get-method-actions (method instance)
   (let ((i instance))
@@ -142,6 +137,13 @@
          (setf (css-class-of widget)
                (alert-class (noctool::alert-level instance)))))))
+(defun class-graphs (class)
+  (mapcar #'noctool-graphs::slot
+          (gethash (class-name (find-class class)) 
+                   noctool-graphs::*monitor-graph-map*)))
 (ensure-load ensure-load-1 noctool::graph-1 *load-1-hash*)
 (ensure-load ensure-load-5 noctool::graph-5 *load-5-hash*)
 (ensure-load ensure-load-10 noctool::graph-10 *load-10-hash*)
@@ -299,23 +301,28 @@
       (add-to namebox namelink)
       (add-to eqp namebox)
       (setf (css-class-of monitorbox) "hide")
-      (setf (on-click-of namelink)
-            (h/s monitorbox))
+      (let ((h/s (h/s monitorbox)))
+        (setf (on-click-of namelink)
+              (lambda (&rest rest)
+                (declare (ignore rest))
+                (remove-all (cadr (children-of *root*)))                
+                (funcall h/s))))
       (add-to eqp monitorbox)
       (loop for mon in (noctool::monitors system) do 
            (let ((link (mk-link (ensure-monitor-widget mon) :href "#"))
                  (mon2 mon))
              (add-to monitorbox link)
-             (setf (on-click-of link)
-                   (iambda
-                     (if (eql (info-show *app*) mon2)
-                         (progn
-                           (remove-all (info-pane *app*))
-                           (setf (info-show *app*) NIL))
-                         (let ((info (display-monitor-info mon2)))
-                           (remove-all (info-pane *app*))
-                           (add-to (info-pane *app*) info)
-                           (setf (info-show *app*) mon2))))))))))
+             (let ((info-show NIL))
+               (setf (on-click-of link)
+                     (iambda
+                       (if (eql info-show mon2)
+                           (progn
+                             (remove-all (cadr (children-of *root*)))
+                             (setf info-show NIL))
+                           (let ((info (display-monitor-info mon2)))
+                             (remove-all (cadr (children-of *root*)))
+                             (add-to (cadr (children-of *root*)) info)
+                             (setf info-show mon2)))))))))))
 (defmethod display-monitor-info (mon)
@@ -411,15 +418,7 @@
             ;; :allocation :class
             :initform (loop for eqp in noctool::*equipment*
-                           (make-instance 'eqp :system eqp)))
-   (systems-pane :accessor systems-pane :initform (mk-container NIL))
-   (info-show :accessor info-show :initform NIL)
-   (info-pane :accessor info-pane :initform (mk-container NIL))))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :AFTER ((app noctool-app) &key)
-  (with-slots (systems-pane info-pane) app
-    (setf (css-class-of systems-pane) "systems")
-    (setf (css-class-of info-pane)  "zoom")))
+                           (make-instance 'eqp :system eqp)))))
 (set-uri 'noctool-app "/")
@@ -427,27 +426,26 @@
-     (:title "Noctool")
+     (:title (str (format NIL "~A NOCTool" (sb-unix:unix-gethostname))))
      (str (js-sw-headers app))
-     (:link :rel :stylesheet :type :text/css :href "/noctool.css"))
+     (:link :rel :stylesheet :type :text/css :href "/static/noctool.css"))
      (str (sw-heading :title (string-downcase (princ-to-string (type-of app)))))
      (:div :id "sw-root")
      (:noscript "JavaScript needs to be enabled.")))))
 (defmethod render-viewport ((viewport viewport) (app noctool-app))
-  (with-slots (systems systems-pane info-pane) app
-    (loop for eqp in systems
-       do
-         (add-to systems-pane eqp))
-    (add-to systems-pane (mk-div ""))
-    (add-to *root* systems-pane)
-    (add-to *root* info-pane)))
-;; (push (hunchentoot::create-static-file-dispatcher-and-handler "/noctool.css" "/noctool/source/noctool.css" "text/css") (tbnl:server-dispatch-table (sw::ht-server-instance-of sw::*server*)))
-(defun noctool-image-dispatch ()
-  ())
+  (let ((systems-pane (mk-container NIL))
+        (info-pane (mk-container NIL)))
+    (setf (css-class-of systems-pane) "systems")
+    (setf (css-class-of info-pane)  "zoom")
+    (with-slots (systems) app
+      (loop for eqp in noctool::*equipment*
+           do
+           (add-to systems-pane (make-instance 'eqp :system eqp)))
+      (add-to systems-pane (mk-div ""))
+      (add-to *root* systems-pane)
+      (add-to *root* info-pane))))
 (defvar *unwanted-monitors* '(noctool::cpu-monitor))
@@ -460,4 +458,5 @@
                (member (type-of x) *unwanted-monitors*))
              (noctool::monitors equipment))
-            (noctool::schedule mon (1+ (get-universal-time))))))
\ No newline at end of file
+            (noctool::schedule mon (1+ (get-universal-time))))))

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