[nio-cvs] r35 - in branches/home/psmith/restructure: . src/buffer src/event src/io src/protocol/yarpc src/statemachine

psmith at common-lisp.net psmith at common-lisp.net
Mon Jan 15 04:00:43 UTC 2007

Author: psmith
Date: Sun Jan 14 23:00:39 2007
New Revision: 35

yarpc - Send packet OK

Added: branches/home/psmith/restructure/run-yarpc-client.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/home/psmith/restructure/run-yarpc-client.lisp	Sun Jan 14 23:00:39 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+(push :nio-debug *features*)
+(require :asdf)
+(require :nio-yarpc)
+(sb-thread:make-thread #'(lambda()(nio:start-server 'identity 'identity 'nio-yarpc:yarpc-state-machine :host "" :port 9897)) :name "nio-server")
+(sleep 4)
+(let ((sm (nio:add-connection "" 16323 'nio-yarpc:yarpc-state-machine)))
+(format t "toplevel adding conn ~A~%" sm)
+(format t "Result of remote-execute ~A~%" (nio-yarpc:remote-execute sm "(test-rpc-list)")))

Modified: branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/buffer/buffer.lisp
--- branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/buffer/buffer.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/buffer/buffer.lisp	Sun Jan 14 23:00:39 2007
@@ -131,17 +131,24 @@
   (sb-ext:octets-to-string (bytebuffer-read-vector bb num-bytes-to-read) :external-format external-format))
+;(defmethod bytebuffer-write-byte ((bb byte-buffer) value)
+;  (cffi:%mem-set value (buffer-buf bb) :unsigned-char position)
+;  (inc-position bb 1))
 ;; Write bytes from vector vec to bytebuffer
 (defmethod bytebuffer-write-vector((bb byte-buffer) vec)
   :documentation "Returns number of bytes written to bytebuffer"
-  (if (> (remaining bb) 0)
-      0
+  (format t "bytebuffer-write-vector - called with ~A ~A"bb vec)
+;  (if (> (remaining bb) 0)
+;      0
-	(clear bb)
-	(let ((bytes-written (cffi:mem-write-vector vec (buffer-buf bb) :unsigned-char)))
-	  (format t "bytebuffer-write-vector -  byteswritten: ~A" bytes-written)
+;	(clear bb)
+	(let ((bytes-written (cffi:mem-write-vector vec (buffer-buf bb) :unsigned-char (length vec) (buffer-position bb))))
+	  (format t "bytebuffer-write-vector -  byteswritten: ~A~%" bytes-written)
 	  (inc-position bb bytes-written)
-	  bytes-written))))
+	  bytes-written)))
 ;; Writes data from string str to bytebuffer using specified encoding
 ;TODO move string-to-octets into nio-compat

Modified: branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/buffer/nio-buffer-package.lisp
--- branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/buffer/nio-buffer-package.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/buffer/nio-buffer-package.lisp	Sun Jan 14 23:00:39 2007
@@ -27,5 +27,5 @@
 (defpackage :nio-buffer (:use :cl)
-	     byte-buffer free-buffer remaining inc-position get-string buffer-buf bytebuffer-write-vector bytebuffer-write-string bytebuffer-read-vector bytebuffer-read-string flip
+	     byte-buffer free-buffer remaining inc-position get-string buffer-buf bytebuffer-write-vector bytebuffer-write-string bytebuffer-read-vector bytebuffer-read-string flip clear buffer-position

Modified: branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/event/epoll.lisp
--- branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/event/epoll.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/event/epoll.lisp	Sun Jan 14 23:00:39 2007
@@ -76,14 +76,14 @@
 #+nio-debug    (format t "poll-events called with :event-queue ~A~%" event-queue)
     (with-foreign-object (events 'epoll-event +epoll-size+)
       (memzero events (* +epoll-event-size+ +epoll-size+))
-      (loop for res = (%epoll-wait event-queue events +epoll-size+ -1)
+      (loop for res = (%epoll-wait event-queue events +epoll-size+ 1000)
 #+nio-debug	     (format t "poll-events - dealing with ~A~%" res)
 	     (case res
 	       (-1 (error 'poll-error))
-	       (0 nil)
+	       (return nil)
 		(let ((idents nil))
 		  (loop for i from 0 below res do

Modified: branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/io/async-fd.lisp
--- branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/io/async-fd.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/io/async-fd.lisp	Sun Jan 14 23:00:39 2007
@@ -47,18 +47,19 @@
    (read-fd :initarg :read-fd
             :accessor read-fd)
-   (foreign-read-buffer :initform (byte-buffer 4096))
-   (foreign-write-buffer :initform (byte-buffer 4096)
+   (foreign-read-buffer :initform (byte-buffer 1024)
+                        :accessor foreign-read-buffer)
+   (foreign-write-buffer :initform (byte-buffer 1024)
 			 :accessor foreign-write-buffer)
 ;;   (lisp-read-buffer :initform (make-uint8-seq 1024))
 ;;   (lisp-read-buffer-write-ptr :initform 0)
-   (read-ready-p :initform nil
-	         :accessor read-ready-p
+   (read-ready :initform nil
+	         :accessor read-ready
 	         :documentation "Have we been notified as read ready and not received EAGAIN from %read?")
-   (write-ready-p :initform nil
-	          :accessor write-ready-p
+   (write-ready :initform nil
+	          :accessor write-ready
 	          :documentation "Have we been notified as write ready and not received EAGAIN from %write?")
    (close-pending :initform nil)
@@ -73,21 +74,28 @@
 (defmethod print-object ((async-fd async-fd) stream)
-  (with-slots (read-fd write-fd) async-fd
-    (format stream "#<ASYNC-FD r/w fd: ~D/~D.>"
-	    read-fd write-fd)))
+  (with-slots (socket read-fd write-fd) async-fd
+    (format stream "#<ASYNC-FD :socket ~D :read-fd ~D :write-fd ~D.>"
+	    socket read-fd write-fd)))
+;;Implement this in concrete SM for read
+(defgeneric process-read (async-fd))
+;;Implement this in concrete SM for read
+(defgeneric process-write (async-fd))
-;;SM factory
+;Loop over state machines calling process-outgoing-packets via state-machine::process-write
+;;SM factory 
 (defun create-state-machine(sm-type read-fd write-fd socket)
   (let ((sm (make-instance sm-type :read-fd read-fd :write-fd write-fd :socket socket)))
     (format t "create-state-machine - Created ~S~%" sm)
-    (nio-buffer:flip (foreign-write-buffer sm))
+    (nio-buffer:clear (foreign-read-buffer sm))
+    (nio-buffer:clear (foreign-write-buffer sm))
-;;Implement this in concrete SM for read
-(defgeneric process-read (async-fd))
 ;;override this in concrete SM for close
 ;(defmethod process-close((async-fd async-fd)reason)())
 (defmethod process-close((async-fd async-fd)reason)())
@@ -108,9 +116,9 @@
   (with-slots (foreign-read-buffer read-fd) state-machine
   (format t "read-more called with ~A~%" state-machine)
-#+nio-debug      (format t "read-more - calling read()~%") 
+#+nio-debug      (format t "read-more - calling read() into ~A~%" foreign-read-buffer) 
     (let ((new-bytes (%read read-fd (buffer-buf foreign-read-buffer) (remaining foreign-read-buffer))))
-#+nio-debug      (format t "read-more : Read ~A bytes~%" new-bytes)
+#+nio-debug      (format t "read-more : Read ~A bytes into ~A~%" new-bytes foreign-read-buffer)
        ((< new-bytes 0)
@@ -124,13 +132,8 @@
 	nil);;(throw 'end-of-file nil))
-	(progn
 	  ;;Update buffer position
-	  (inc-position foreign-read-buffer new-bytes)
-#+nio-debug	(format t "read-more prior to process :buffer ~A~%" foreign-read-buffer)
-          (process-read state-machine)))))))
+	  (inc-position foreign-read-buffer new-bytes))))))
 (defun close-async-fd (async-fd)
   "Close ASYNC-FD's fd after everything has been written from write-queue."
@@ -149,33 +152,38 @@
 (defun write-more (async-fd)
   "Write data from ASYNC-FD's write bytebuffer"
-#+nio-debug  (format t "write-more called with ~A~%" async-fd)
+#+nio-debug (format t "async-fd:write-more - called with ~A~%" async-fd)
   (with-slots (write-fd foreign-write-buffer close-pending) async-fd
-    (setf (write-ready-p async-fd) t)
-#+nio-debug  (format t "foreign-write-buffer b4 flip ~A~%" foreign-write-buffer)
+#+nio-debug  (format t "async-fd:write-more - foreign-write-buffer b4 flip ~A~%" foreign-write-buffer)
     (nio-buffer:flip foreign-write-buffer)
-#+nio-debug  (format t "foreign-write-buffer after flip ~A~%" foreign-write-buffer)
+#+nio-debug (format t "async-fd:write-more -foreign-write-buffer after flip ~A~%" foreign-write-buffer)
     (let ((now-written 0))
       (do ((total-written 0))
 	  ((or (eql now-written -1) (eql (remaining foreign-write-buffer) 0)) total-written)
 	  (setf now-written (%write write-fd (buffer-buf foreign-write-buffer) (remaining foreign-write-buffer)))
-  (format t "after write :foreign-write-buffer ~A :now-written ~A :total-written ~A ~%" foreign-write-buffer now-written total-written)
 	  (when (not (eql now-written -1))
 	    (inc-position foreign-write-buffer now-written)
-	    (incf total-written now-written))))
+	    (incf total-written now-written)))
+#+nio-debug (format t "async-fd:write-more - after write :foreign-write-buffer ~A :now-written ~A :total-written ~A ~%" foreign-write-buffer now-written total-written)
+                                              )
+      (if (eql now-written -1)
       ;;Deal with failure
-      (when (eql now-written -1)
 	(let ((err (get-errno)))
 	  (format t "write-more - write returned -1 :errno ~A~%" err)
 	  (unless (eql err 11) ;; eagain - failed to write whole buffer need to wait for next notify
 	    (let ((err-cond (make-instance 'write-error :error err)))
 	      (close err-cond)
-	      (error err-cond))))))
+	      (error err-cond))))
+	;;update buffers
+	(if (eql (remaining foreign-write-buffer) 0)
+	    (clear foreign-write-buffer)
+	    (error 'not-implemented-yet))))
 #+nio-debug    (format t "write buffer after write :~A~%" foreign-write-buffer)
       (when (eql (remaining foreign-write-buffer) 0)

Modified: branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/io/nio-package.lisp
--- branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/io/nio-package.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/io/nio-package.lisp	Sun Jan 14 23:00:39 2007
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@
 	     ;; async-fd.lisp
-	     async-fd process-read foreign-read-buffer foreign-write-buffer close-sm
+	     async-fd process-read process-write foreign-read-buffer foreign-write-buffer close-sm
 	     ;; async-socket.lisp
-	     start-server
+	     start-server add-connection
-	     packet
+	     packet write-bytes

Modified: branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/io/nio-server.lisp
--- branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/io/nio-server.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/io/nio-server.lisp	Sun Jan 14 23:00:39 2007
@@ -33,6 +33,28 @@
 ;;  (format t "Accepting connection from ~S:~D [~A].~%" host port proto)
+;TODO thread safety
+(defparameter +connected-sockets+ nil
+  "List of sockets that have been connected and are awaiting addition to the event-notification system")
+;loop over hashtable 
+(defun process-async-fds (client-hash)
+  (maphash #'(lambda (k async-fd) 
+	       (format t "Dealing with ~a => ~a~%" k async-fd)
+	       ;process reads
+	       (when (read-ready async-fd) (read-more async-fd))
+	       (when (> (buffer-position (foreign-read-buffer async-fd)) 0)
+		 (process-read async-fd))
+	       ;process-writes
+	       (process-write async-fd)
+	       (when (write-ready async-fd) (write-more async-fd)))
+	   client-hash))
 (defun start-server (connection-handler accept-filter connection-type 
 		     (protocol :inet) 
@@ -70,9 +92,8 @@
 				     (declare (ignore cond))
 				     (format t "Poll-error, exiting..~%")
 				     (throw 'poll-error-exit nil))))
-	(loop for unix-epoll-events = (poll-events event-queue) do
+       (loop for unix-epoll-events = (poll-events event-queue) do
 	     (loop for (fd . event) in unix-epoll-events do	    
@@ -113,10 +134,41 @@
 							  (force-close-async-fd async-fd)
 							  (throw 'error-exit nil))))
-			     (when (read-event-p event) (read-more async-fd))
-			     (when (write-event-p event) (write-more async-fd))
-			     )))
-		       ))
-		    )))))    
+			     (when (read-event-p event) (setf (read-ready async-fd) t))
+			     (when (write-event-p event) (setf (write-ready async-fd) t))))))))
+	     (format t "Process client adds~%")
+					;add outgoing sockets to event queue
+	     (format t "start-server::sockets enqueued ~A~%" +connected-sockets+)
+	     (loop for new-fd in +connected-sockets+ do
+		  (format t "Dealing with ~A~%" new-fd)
+		  (setf (gethash (async-fd-read-fd new-fd) client-hash) new-fd)
+		  (add-async-fd event-queue new-fd :read-write))
+					;TODO thread safety
+	     (setf +connected-sockets+ nil)
+					;loop over async-fd's processing where necessary
+	     (process-async-fds client-hash)
+		  ))))
       (close-fd sock))))
+(defun add-connection (host port connection-type
+		   &key 
+		   (protocol :inet)
+		   )
+  (let ((sock nil))
+    (setq sock (ecase protocol
+		 (:inet (make-inet-socket)) 
+		 (:inet6 (make-inet6-socket))))
+    (if (connect-inet-socket sock host port)
+    	(let ((sm (create-state-machine connection-type sock sock sock)))
+  	  (push sm +connected-sockets+) 
+  	  (format t "add-connection::sockets enqueued ~A~%" +connected-sockets+)
+	  (return-from add-connection sm))
+  	(format t "Connect failed!!~A ~%" (get-errno)))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/io/packet.lisp
--- branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/io/packet.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/io/packet.lisp	Sun Jan 14 23:00:39 2007
@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@
 ;; state-machines instantiate packets for the associated protocol 
 ;; either based on incomming data from a packet factory or in 
-;; preperation for sending a packet for the current protocol.
+;; preparation for sending a packet for the current protocol.
+;; All concete packets implement write-bytes for xfer to the io layer
-;; All concete packets implement get-bytes for xfer to the io layer
 (defclass packet ()
-(defmethod get-bytes((a-packet packet))
- ())
+;Implement in concrete
+(defgeneric write-bytes(packet nio-buffer))

Modified: branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/protocol/yarpc/nio-yarpc-package.lisp
--- branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/protocol/yarpc/nio-yarpc-package.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/protocol/yarpc/nio-yarpc-package.lisp	Sun Jan 14 23:00:39 2007
@@ -29,5 +29,5 @@
 	     ;; yarpc-state-machine
-	     yarpc-state-machine yarpc-state-machine-factory test-rpc test-rpc-list test-rpc-string get-packet-factory
+	     yarpc-state-machine yarpc-state-machine-factory test-rpc test-rpc-list test-rpc-string get-packet-factory remote-execute

Modified: branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/protocol/yarpc/yarpc-packet-factory.lisp
--- branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/protocol/yarpc/yarpc-packet-factory.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/protocol/yarpc/yarpc-packet-factory.lisp	Sun Jan 14 23:00:39 2007
@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@
 (defun yarpc-packet-factory ()
   (make-instance 'yarpc-packet-factory))     
-(defconstant CALL-METHOD-PACKET-ID 0)
+(defconstant CALL-METHOD-PACKET-ID #x0)
 (defmethod get-packet ((pf yarpc-packet-factory) buf)
-  (nio-buffer:flip buf)
+  (flip buf)
 ;  (format t "get-packet::read string - ~A~%" (bytebuffer-read-string buf (remaining buf)))
   (if (>= (remaining buf) 1) ;; First byte denotes packet ID
     (ecase (elt (bytebuffer-read-vector buf 1) 0)
@@ -49,6 +49,17 @@
 (defclass call-method-packet (packet)((call-string :initarg :call
                                             :accessor get-call-string)))
+(defmethod print-object ((packet call-method-packet) stream)
+  (format stream "#<CALL-METHOD-PACKET ~A >" (get-call-string packet)))
+(defmethod write-bytes((packet call-method-packet) buf)
+  (format t "yarpc-packet-factory:write-bytes - writing ~A to ~A~%" packet buf)
+;  (nio-buffer:flip buf)
+  (nio-buffer:bytebuffer-write-vector buf #(#x0))
+  (nio-buffer:bytebuffer-write-string buf (get-call-string packet))
+  (format t "yarpc-packet-factory:write-bytes - written ~A~%" buf)  )
 (defclass method-response-packet (packet)())

Modified: branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/protocol/yarpc/yarpc-state-machine.lisp
--- branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/protocol/yarpc/yarpc-state-machine.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/protocol/yarpc/yarpc-state-machine.lisp	Sun Jan 14 23:00:39 2007
@@ -40,7 +40,10 @@
 ;; (test-rpc "who" 2 's)
 ;; response - who 2 'S
-(defclass yarpc-state-machine (state-machine)())
+(defclass yarpc-state-machine (state-machine)
+  ((outgoing-packet :initarg :outgoing-packet
+                    :accessor outgoing-packet
+		    :initform nil)))
 (defun yarpc-state-machine ()
     (make-instance 'yarpc-state-machine))
@@ -88,8 +91,16 @@
 (define-condition authorization-error (error) ())
+(defmethod process-outgoing-packet((sm yarpc-state-machine))
+  (format t "process-outgoing-packet called~%")
+  (let ((packet (outgoing-packet sm)))
+    (setf (outgoing-packet sm) nil)
+    packet))
 ;Process a call method packet, returns 
-(defmethod process-packet ((sm yarpc-state-machine) (call call-method-packet))
+(defmethod process-incomming-packet ((sm yarpc-state-machine) (call call-method-packet))
   ;todo change state, create method-response packet and return it
   ;(assert (eql state 0))
@@ -111,3 +122,7 @@
 	    (apply (first rpc-call-list) (rest rpc-call-list))
 	    (error 'authorization-error))))
+(defmethod remote-execute ((sm yarpc-state-machine) call-string)
+  (setf (outgoing-packet sm) (make-instance 'call-method-packet :call call-string)))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/statemachine/nio-sm-package.lisp
--- branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/statemachine/nio-sm-package.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/statemachine/nio-sm-package.lisp	Sun Jan 14 23:00:39 2007
@@ -29,5 +29,5 @@
 	     ;; state-machine
-	     state-machine packet-factory get-packet-factory get-packet
+	     state-machine packet-factory get-packet-factory get-packet process-outgoing-packet process-incoming-packet

Modified: branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/statemachine/state-machine.lisp
--- branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/statemachine/state-machine.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/home/psmith/restructure/src/statemachine/state-machine.lisp	Sun Jan 14 23:00:39 2007
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 ;Base class for state machines
 ;Converts incomming data between bytes and packets using the supplied packet-factory.
-;Converts outgoing data between packets and bytes using the get-bytes method on packet.
+;Converts outgoing data between packets and bytes using the write-bytes method on packet.
 ;This way only the protocols packet heirarchy knows about binary representations and 
 ;  the SM can deal with protocol logic and state maintenance
@@ -42,21 +42,32 @@
 (defmethod print-object ((sm state-machine) stream)
   (format stream "#<STATE-MACHINE ~A >" (call-next-method sm nil)))
-(defgeneric process-packet(state-machine packet))
+(defgeneric process-incomming-packet(state-machine packet))
+(defgeneric process-outgoing-packet(state-machine))
 (defgeneric get-packet-factory(state-machine))
+;The connection is read ready. 
+;Use the packet factory to obtain any valid packet and pass it through
 (defmethod process-read((sm state-machine))
-  (with-slots (foreign-read-buffer foreign-write-buffer) sm
+  (with-slots (foreign-read-buffer) sm
     (let ((incomming-packet (get-packet (get-packet-factory sm) foreign-read-buffer)))
       (format t "state-machine::process-read - incomming packet: ~A~%" incomming-packet)
       (when incomming-packet 
-        (multiple-value-bind (ret-packet close) (process-packet sm incomming-packet)
-          (format t "state-machine::process-read - return packet: ~A~%" ret-packet)
-          (when ret-packet (put-packet ret-packet foreign-write-buffer))
-      	  (if close
-      	    (close-sm sm)
-      	    ))))))
+      	  (when (not (process-incomming-packet sm incomming-packet))
+      	    (close-sm sm))))))
+;The connection is write ready.
+;See if theres anything ready to be written in the SM
+(defmethod process-write((sm state-machine))
+  (with-slots (foreign-write-buffer) sm
+  (let ((outgoing-packet (process-outgoing-packet sm)))
+    (format t "state-machine::process-write - outgoing packet: ~A~%" outgoing-packet)
+    (when outgoing-packet (write-bytes outgoing-packet foreign-write-buffer)))))
@@ -65,7 +76,3 @@
 ; Get the packet in buf using the packet factory
 (defgeneric get-packet (packet-factory buf))
-; Write the packet to the buffer
-(defun put-packet (packet buf)
-  (nio-buffer:bytebuffer-write-vector buf (get-bytes packet)))

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