[nio-cvs] r10 - in branches/home/psmith/stress-mods: . src

psmith at common-lisp.net psmith at common-lisp.net
Tue Oct 10 05:55:24 UTC 2006

Author: psmith
Date: Tue Oct 10 01:55:24 2006
New Revision: 10


Moved to event driven SM:
	Server socket in level triggered mode - (TODO: why does this improve performance?)
	Put accepted connections fd's in nonblocking, RW notification and left as ET (as suggested in 'man epoll')
	Increased accept backlog to 1k (TODO: put on config)
	Included code review suggestions from Risto

Modified: branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/event-notification.asd
--- branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/event-notification.asd	(original)
+++ branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/event-notification.asd	Tue Oct 10 01:55:24 2006
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
 		 (:file "src/kqueue-cffi" :depends-on ("src/event-notification"))
 		 (:file "src/epoll-cffi" :depends-on ("src/event-notification"))
 		 (:file "src/kqueue" :depends-on ("src/event-notification" "src/kqueue-cffi"))
-		 (:file "src/epoll" :depends-on ("src/event-notification" "src/epoll-cffi")))
+		 (:file "src/errno")
+		 (:file "src/epoll" :depends-on ("src/event-notification" "src/epoll-cffi" "src/errno")))
     :depends-on (:cffi))

Modified: branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/src/async-fd.lisp
--- branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/src/async-fd.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/src/async-fd.lisp	Tue Oct 10 01:55:24 2006
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
 (defun close-fd (unix-fd)
   "Close UNIX-FD."
+#+nio-debug  (format t "close-fd ~A~%" unix-fd)
   (%close unix-fd))
@@ -145,15 +146,20 @@
 (define-condition read-error (error) ())
 (defun read-more (async-fd)
+#+nio-debug  (format t "read-more called with ~A~%" async-fd)
   "Read more data from ASYNC-FD."
   (with-slots (foreign-read-buffer foreign-read-buffer-size) async-fd
     (with-slots (read-fd lisp-read-buffer lisp-read-buffer-write-ptr) async-fd
+#+nio-debug      (format t "read-more - calling read()~%") 
+#+nio-debug      (force-output t)
     (let ((new-bytes (%read read-fd foreign-read-buffer foreign-read-buffer-size)))
+#+nio-debug      (format t "read-more : Read ~A bytes~%" new-bytes) 
+#+nio-debug      (force-output t)
-       ((< new-bytes 0) 
-	(error 'read-error))
+       ((< new-bytes 0)
+	(progn
+	  (format t "read-error - Errno: ~A~%" (sb-alien:get-errno))
+	  (error 'read-error)))
        ((= new-bytes 0)
 	nil);;(throw 'end-of-file nil))
@@ -168,6 +174,8 @@
 		    (mem-aref foreign-read-buffer :uint8 i)))
         (incf lisp-read-buffer-write-ptr new-bytes)
+#+nio-debug	(format t "read-more prior to callback")
+#+nio-debug      (force-output t)
 	;; call callback
 	(with-slots (accept-filter read-callback) async-fd
 	  (if accept-filter
@@ -182,8 +190,8 @@
 (defun close-async-fd (async-fd)
   "Close ASYNC-FD's fd after everything has been written from write-queue."
   (with-slots (write-queue read-fd write-fd foreign-read-buffer) async-fd
+#+nio-debug    (format t "close-asyn-fd called with :read-fd ~A :write-fd ~A~%" read-fd write-fd)
       ;; if write-queue is emtpy, close now
       ((null write-queue)
        (close-fd read-fd)
@@ -197,6 +205,7 @@
 (defun write-more (async-fd)
   "Write data from ASYNC-FD's write-queue."
+#+nio-debug  (format t "write-more called with ~A~%" async-fd)
   (with-slots (write-fd write-queue) async-fd
     ;; loop for packets in queue
@@ -234,7 +243,7 @@
 (defun async-write-seq (async-fd seq &optional (start 0) (end (length seq)))
   "Queue from SEQ between START and END to write-queue." 
+#+nio-debug  (format t "async-write-seq - called ~A~%" async-fd)
   (assert (and (numberp start) (not (null seq))))
   ;; enqueue sequence
@@ -243,7 +252,8 @@
       (setf write-queue (append write-queue (list entry)))))
   ;; start writing
-  (write-more async-fd))
+;  (write-more async-fd)
@@ -258,13 +268,15 @@
 (defun add-async-fd (event-queue async-fd mode)
   (ecase mode
     (:read (add-fd event-queue (slot-value async-fd 'read-fd) :read))
-    (:write (add-fd event-queue (slot-value async-fd 'write-fd) :write))))
+    (:write (add-fd event-queue (slot-value async-fd 'write-fd) :write))
+    (:read-write (add-fd event-queue (slot-value async-fd 'write-fd) :read-write))))
 (defun remove-async-fd (event-queue async-fd mode)
   (ecase mode
     (:read (remove-fd event-queue (slot-value async-fd 'read-fd) :read))
-    (:write (remove-fd event-queue (slot-value async-fd 'write-fd) :write))))
+    (:write (remove-fd event-queue (slot-value async-fd 'write-fd) :write))
+    (:read-write (remove-fd event-queue (slot-value async-fd 'write-fd) :read-write))))
 (defun async-fd-read-fd (async-fd)

Modified: branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/src/async-socket.lisp
--- branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/src/async-socket.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/src/async-socket.lisp	Tue Oct 10 01:55:24 2006
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@
   (sockaddr :pointer)
   (socklen :pointer))
-(defun start-listen (socket-fd &optional (backlog 7))
+;;TODO put backlog on config
+(defun start-listen (socket-fd &optional (backlog 1000))
   (%listen socket-fd backlog))

Modified: branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/src/epoll.lisp
--- branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/src/epoll.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/src/epoll.lisp	Tue Oct 10 01:55:24 2006
@@ -29,23 +29,38 @@
-  (defun make-event-queue ()
-    (%epoll-create 10))
+  (defconstant +epoll-size+ 1000)
+  (defun make-event-queue ()
+    (%epoll-create +epoll-size+))
-  (defun add-fd (event-queue fd mode &key (trigger :edge))
-    (with-foreign-object (ev 'epoll-event)
-      (memzero ev +epoll-event-size+)
+  (defun read-event-p (event)
+    (not (eql (logand event +epoll-in+) 0)))
-      (setf (foreign-slot-value ev 'epoll-event 'fd)  fd
-	    (foreign-slot-value ev 'epoll-event 'events)
-	    (logior (if (eql :read mode) +epoll-in+ 0) 
-		    (if (eql :write mode) +epoll-out+ 0) 
-		    (if (eql trigger :edge) +epoll-et+)))
+  (defun write-event-p (event)
+    (not (eql (logand event +epoll-out+) 0)))
-      (%epoll-ctl event-queue +epoll-ctl-add+ fd ev)))
+  (defun add-fd (event-queue fd mode &key (trigger :edge))
+    (with-foreign-object (ev 'epoll-event)
+      (memzero ev +epoll-event-size+)
+      (let ((actual-mode (logior (if (eql :read mode) +epoll-in+ 0) 
+				 (if (eql :write mode) +epoll-out+ 0)
+				 (if (eql :read-write mode) (logior +epoll-in+ +epoll-out+) 0)
+				 (if (eql trigger :edge) +epoll-et+ 0))))
+	#+nio-debug	(format t "Add-fd called with :fd ~A :event-queue ~A :mode ~A :trigger ~A :actual-mode ~A~%" fd event-queue mode trigger actual-mode)
+	(setf (foreign-slot-value ev 'epoll-event 'fd)  fd
+	      (foreign-slot-value ev 'epoll-event 'events)
+	      actual-mode))
+      (if (eql (%epoll-ctl event-queue +epoll-ctl-add+ fd ev) -1)
+	  (progn
+	    (format t "add-fd (epoll_ctl) error occurred: ~A~%" (get-errno))
+	    ;;	    (error 'poll-error)
+	    ))))
   (defun remove-fd (event-queue fd mode)
     (with-foreign-object (ev 'epoll-event)
       (memzero ev +epoll-event-size+)
@@ -58,21 +73,26 @@
   (define-condition poll-error (error) ())
   (defun poll-events (event-queue)
-    (with-foreign-object (events 'epoll-event 10)
-      (memzero events (* +epoll-event-size+ 10))
-      (loop for res = (%epoll-wait event-queue events 10 -1)
+#+nio-debug    (format t "poll-events called with :event-queue ~A~%" event-queue)
+    (with-foreign-object (events 'epoll-event +epoll-size+)
+      (memzero events (* +epoll-event-size+ +epoll-size+))
+      (loop for res = (%epoll-wait event-queue events +epoll-size+ -1)
-	   (case res
-	     (-1 (error 'poll-error))
-	     (0 nil)
-	     (t 
-	      (let ((idents nil))
-		(loop for i from 0 below res do
-		     (push (foreign-slot-value 
-			    (mem-aref events 'epoll-event i) 
-			    'epoll-event 'fd)
-			   idents))
-		(return idents)))))))
-  )
+	   (progn
+#+nio-debug	     (format t "poll-events - dealing with ~A~%" res)
+	     (case res
+	       (-1 (error 'poll-error))
+	       (0 nil)
+	       (t 
+		(let ((idents nil))
+		  (loop for i from 0 below res do
+		       (push (cons (foreign-slot-value 
+				    (mem-aref events 'epoll-event i) 
+				    'epoll-event 'fd)
+				   (foreign-slot-value 
+				    (mem-aref events 'epoll-event i) 
+				    'epoll-event 'events)) 
+			     idents))
+		  (return idents))))))))

Modified: branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/src/event-notification.lisp
--- branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/src/event-notification.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/src/event-notification.lisp	Tue Oct 10 01:55:24 2006
@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@
 (defpackage :event-notification (:use :cl :cffi)
-	     make-event-queue add-fd remove-fd poll-events poll-error))
\ No newline at end of file
+	     make-event-queue add-fd remove-fd poll-events poll-error read-event-p write-event-p))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/src/nio-httpd.lisp
--- branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/src/nio-httpd.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/src/nio-httpd.lisp	Tue Oct 10 01:55:24 2006
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
 (defun serve-content (client status content-type content)
+#+nio-debug  (format t "serve-content :client ~A~%" client)
   (let ((status-line (make-status-line status))
 	 (concatenate 'vector 

Modified: branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/src/nio-server.lisp
--- branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/src/nio-server.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/home/psmith/stress-mods/src/nio-server.lisp	Tue Oct 10 01:55:24 2006
@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@
     (format t "~&Starting server on ~S port ~S.. (socket fd is ~D)~%" host port sock)
     (start-listen sock)
-    (add-fd event-queue sock :read)
+    (add-fd event-queue sock :read :trigger :level)
     (format t "waiting for events..~%") (force-output)
@@ -69,38 +70,39 @@
 				     (format t "Poll-error, exiting..~%")
 				     (throw 'poll-error-exit nil))))
-	(loop for unix-fds = (poll-events event-queue) do
+	(loop for unix-epoll-events = (poll-events event-queue) do
-	     (loop for fd in unix-fds do
+	     (loop for (fd . event) in unix-epoll-events do		    
 		    ;; new connection
 		    ((= fd sock)
 		     (let ((async-fd (socket-accept fd)))
+#+nio-debug		       (format t "start-server - New conn: ~A~%" async-fd)
 			 ((null async-fd)
 			  (format t "Accept failed.~%"))
 			 ;; accept connection ?
-			 ((funcall accept-connection async-fd)
+			 ((set-fd-nonblocking (async-fd-read-fd async-fd))
+			  (funcall accept-connection async-fd)
 			  (setf (gethash (async-fd-read-fd async-fd) client-hash) async-fd)
 			  (set-accept-filter async-fd accept-filter)
 			  (set-read-callback async-fd connection-handler)
-			  (add-async-fd event-queue async-fd :read)
-			  (add-async-fd event-queue async-fd :write)
+			  (add-async-fd event-queue async-fd :read-write)
+;			  (add-async-fd event-queue async-fd :write)
 			 ;; no accept, close
+			  (format t "start-server - accept-connection closed~%")
 			  (close-async-fd async-fd)))))
 		    ;; socket i/o available
 		     (let ((async-fd (gethash fd client-hash)))
+#+nio-debug		       (format t "IO event ~A on ~A~%" event async-fd)
 		       (unless (null async-fd)
 			 (catch 'error-exit
 			   (handler-bind ((read-error #'(lambda (x) 
@@ -112,9 +114,9 @@
 							  (force-close-async-fd async-fd)
 							  (throw 'error-exit nil))))
-			     (read-more async-fd))))
+			     (when (read-event-p event) (read-more async-fd))
+			     (when (write-event-p event) (write-more async-fd)))))
-		    )))))
+		    )))))    
       (close-fd sock))))

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