[munich-lisp] Meeting in April?

Nikolaus Demmel demmeln at in.tum.de
Sun Apr 18 14:28:11 UTC 2010

Am 18.04.2010 um 14:54 schrieb Thomas Chust:

> 2010/3/12 Thomas Chust <chust at web.de>:
>> [...]
>> I've created a Doodle survey:
>>  http://www.doodle.com/zqrbspc732xdea4v
>> [...]
> based on the results of the survey, I have made a reservation for the
> "Lamont" seminar room in the LMU Geophysics institute on
>  Monday, 26th of April at 19:00 B.
> I hope that time is acceptable for most of us :-)

Thanks Thomas.

So looks like we actually have two speakers, Juan and Christoph: Perfekt. I'm looking forward to it.

Best regards,
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