[munich-lisp] Next meeting

Christoph Senjak christoph.senjak at googlemail.com
Thu Oct 29 17:55:13 UTC 2009


>> Well, Thursday is not so great, since that might collide with the
>> Python user group meeting at the LMU Oettingenstraße. May I propose
>> Wednesday, the 11th?
> Sure.
> New tentative date: Wednesday, 11th November.

Sorry, I have no time on Wednesdays in general.

And I wonder - if the Python user group gets a room at
Oettingenstraße, why cant we get one there, too - especially in the
long term? I mean there were a lot of people from the CS Dept in the
past meetings. Going to the Maths Dept is an alternative and I was
told I can book one room - but its still harder to convince the
administration to give a room (since I am just a network admin there
and not part of the scientific staff). (Also, if some scientific
staffer of the CS Dept reads this: It should be easier to get that
room if some scientific staffer takes the responsibility, and me being
just the guy who has the keys ^^).

Another thing I would be interested in: Who gives a lecture? And about what?

Regards, Christoph

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