[munich-lisp] New Room?

Andreas Hauser andy at splashground.de
Sat Apr 25 13:02:09 UTC 2009


first welcome to the all the new people, that got attracted by the Scheme
talk, and thanks to Marek for giving it.

As some of you might already know, I'm now with the Gene Center of the
University (doing Scientific Computing/Cluster stuff), which is in
As I can probably get a much nicer room there, I wanted to hear some
opinions on where the next meetings should be. Bringing this up yesterday,
people also offered some other locations.

CIS, Tvivolistr. (where we used to meet)
Gene Center, Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25
Physical Departement Theresienstr. 
CCC München, Club Room in Giesing

Please add your votes to the wiki by incrementing the number inside
the brackets before the entry under "Discussion of new Location",
like changing e.g. [1] into [2].


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