[munich-lisp] next munich lisp meeting

Jim Newton jimka at rdrop.com
Thu Mar 31 19:31:02 UTC 2005

hi everyone,  is everyone still interested in the
lisp meeting next friday?   We need someone to present

Juanjo, are you planning on attending?  it would be
great if you could talk a bit about the state of ECL?

perhaps someone else has some suggestions about
what they'd like to present of see presented.

I'm pretty sure i won't have time to make a presentation
about SKILL, although an impromtu talk is always possible.
I could also talk about a LISP based approach for
object oriented data modeling (something that Peter Herth
and I are working on together at work).

It would also be great for someone to do a SLIME demo.


Alexander Burger wrote:
> Hallo, halloo,
> anybody's still alive out there?
> Or is Munich-Lisp dead alread?
> - Alex
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