[movitz-devel] Re: Getting Started

Frode Vatvedt Fjeld ffjeld at common-lisp.net
Tue Mar 13 22:47:10 UTC 2007

"Paul Lathrop" <paul.lathrop at gmail.com> writes:

> Also, what tools do you use to develop for Movitz? What is your
> workflow like? I was able to get Movitz up and running on Parallels,
> and I'm familiar with Emacs and Slime. I see a movitz-mode.el in the
> source code which seems intriguing, but I am finidng it difficult to
> understand the development cycle...

Here's the beginnings of a piece of the puzzle:

Feedback (or edits, this is a Wiki after all..) are welcome, of

Frode Vatvedt Fjeld

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