[movitz-devel] Object sharing between processes

Janis Dzerins jdz at dir.lv
Sat May 1 20:56:36 UTC 2004

Peter Minten wrote:
 > I was wondering about how Lisp objects can be safely shared in a
 > hypothetical Movitz LispOS[1]. The problem is the following shell
 > script:
 > (bar (foo))
 > Say foo and bar are both programs, not functions. Foo gives something
 > as output which becomes bar's input. Now I see two problems with a
 > each-process-an-address-space system:

I don't quite understand what you mean by "are both programs, not
functions"!  What is a program in LispOS?  And "shell scripts"!? I think
other questions may get answered or disappear when we deal with this

Janis Dzerins

   Common Lisp -- you get more than what you see.

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