[movitz-cvs] CVS movitz/losp

ffjeld ffjeld at common-lisp.net
Mon Apr 9 17:30:18 UTC 2007

Update of /project/movitz/cvsroot/movitz/losp
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv4851

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Renamed the 'muerte.init' package to 'los0'. Refactored the los0.lisp
file such that most of the cruft is moved into scratch.lisp, the
shallow-binding stuff is moved into lib/shallow-binding.lisp, and what
remains in los0.lisp is just the core mechanisms for the los0 kernel

--- /project/movitz/cvsroot/movitz/losp/los0.lisp	2005/10/31 09:18:08	1.50
+++ /project/movitz/cvsroot/movitz/losp/los0.lisp	2007/04/09 17:30:15	1.51
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+;;;;------------------ -*- movitz-mode: t -*--------------------------
 ;;;;    Copyright (C) 2000-2005,
 ;;;;    Department of Computer Science, University of Tromso, Norway
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 ;;;; Created at:    Fri Dec  1 18:08:32 2000
 ;;;; Distribution:  See the accompanying file COPYING.
-;;;; $Id: los0.lisp,v 1.50 2005/10/31 09:18:08 ffjeld Exp $
+;;;; $Id: los0.lisp,v 1.51 2007/04/09 17:30:15 ffjeld Exp $
@@ -33,8 +33,7 @@
 ;; (require :lice-0.1/all)
-(defpackage muerte.init
-  (:nicknames #:los0)
+(defpackage los0
   (:use #:common-lisp
@@ -49,742 +48,15 @@
+(require :lib/shallow-binding)
 (require :los0-gc)			; Must come after defpackage.
+;; (require :asteroids)
+(require :scratch)
-(in-package muerte.init)
-(defun test0 ()
-  (ash 1 -1000000000000))
-(defun test1 ()
-  (unwind-protect 0 (the integer 1)))
-(defun x (bios32)
-  (warn "X: ~S" (memref-int bios32))
-  (warn "X: ~S" (= (memref-int bios32) #x5f32335f)))
-(defun test2 ()
-  (funcall
-   (compile
-    nil
-    '(lambda (a) (declare (notinline > *))
-      (declare (optimize (compilation-speed 0) (safety 2) (speed 2) (debug 0) (space 3)))
-      (catch 'ct1 (* a (throw 'ct1 (if (> 0) a 0))))))
-   5445205692802))
-(defun test3 ()
-  (loop for x below 2 count (not (not (typep x t)))))
-(defun test4 ()
-  (let ((aa 1)) (if (not (/= aa 0)) aa 0)))
-(defun test-floppy ()
-  (muerte.x86-pc::fd-start-disk)	; to initialize the controller and spin the drive up.
-  (muerte.x86-pc::fd-cmd-seek 70)	; to seek to track 70.
-  (setf (muerte.x86-pc::fd-motor) nil))	; to turn the drive and controller off.
-(defun alist-get-expand (alist key)
-  (let (cons)
-    (tagbody
-     loop
-      (setq cons (car alist))
-      (cond ((eq alist nil) (go end))
-	    ((eq cons nil))
-	    ((eq key (car cons)) (go end)))
-      (setq alist (cdr alist))
-      (go loop)
-     end)
-    (cdr cons)))
-;;;(defun test-irq ()
-;;;  (with-inline-assembly (:returns :multiple-values)
-;;;    (:compile-form (:result-mode :multiple-values) (values 0 1 2 3 4 5))
-;;;    (:int 42)))
-;;;(defun koo ()
-;;;  (prog1 (make-values)
-;;;    (format t "hello: ~S" (values 'a 'b 'c 'd))))
-;;;(defun test-complement (&rest args)
-;;;  (declare (dynamic-extent args))
-;;;  (apply (complement #'symbolp) args))
-;;;(defun test-constantly (&rest args)
-;;;  (declare (dynamic-extent args))
-;;;  (apply (constantly 'test-value) args))
-(defun test-closure (x z)
-  (flet ((closure (y) (= x (1+ y))))
-    (declare (dynamic-extent (function closure)))
-    (closure z)
-    #+ignore (funcall (lambda (y) (= x (1+ y)))
-		      z)))
-(defun test-stack-cons (x y)
-  (muerte::with-dynamic-extent-scope (zap)
-    (let ((foo (muerte::with-dynamic-extent-allocation (zap)
-		 (cons x (lambda () y)))))
-      (format t "~Z: ~S, ~S" foo foo (funcall (cdr foo))))))
-(defun test-handler (x)
-  (let ((foo x))
-    (handler-bind
-	((error (lambda (c)
-		  (format t "error: ~S ~S" c x))))
-      (error "This is an error. ~S" foo))))
-(defun fooo (v w)
-  (tagbody
-    (print (block blurgh
-	     (progv (list v) (list w)
-	       (format t "Uh: ~S" (symbol-value v))
-	       (if (symbol-value v)
-		   (return-from blurgh 1)
-		 (go zap)))))
-   zap)
-  t)
-(defun test-break ()
-  (with-inline-assembly (:returns :multiple-values)
-    (:movl 10 :ecx)
-    (:movl :esi :eax)			; This function should return itself!
-    (:clc)
-    (:break)))
-(defun test-upload (x)
-  ;; (warn "Test-upload blab la bla!!")
-  (setf x (cdr x))
-  x)
-;;;(defun zzz (x)
-;;;  (multiple-value-bind (symbol status)
-;;;      (values-list x)
-;;;    (warn "sym: ~S, stat: ~S" symbol status)))
-(defun test-loop (x)
-  (format t "test-loop: ~S~%"
-	  (loop for i from 0 to 10 collect x)))
-(defun delay (time)
-  (dotimes (i time)
-    (with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing)
-      (:nop)
-      (:nop))))
-;;;(defun test-consp (x)
-;;;  (with-inline-assembly (:returns :boolean-cf=1)
-;;;    (:compile-form (:result-mode :ecx) x)
-;;;    (:leal (:edi -4) :eax)
-;;;    (:rorb :cl :al)))
-(defun test-block (x)
-  (block nil
-    (let ((*print-base* (if x (return 3) 8)))
-      (jumbo 2 2 (and x 2) (+ 3 3 (or x 4)) (if x 2 (return nil)))))
-  #+ignore (+ x 2))
-(defun jumbo (a b c &rest x)
-  (declare (dynamic-extent x))
-  (print a) (print b) (print c)
-  (print x)
-  'jumbo)
-(defun jumbo2 (a b &rest x)
-  (declare (dynamic-extent x))
-  (print a) (print b)
-  (print x)
-  'jumbo)
-(defun jumbo3 (a &rest x)
-  (declare (dynamic-extent x))
-  (print a)
-  (print x)
-  'jumbo)
-(defun jumbo4 (&rest x)
-  (declare (dynamic-extent x))
-  (print x)
-  'jumbo)
-(defun tagbodyxx (x)
-  (tagbody
-    (print 'hello)
-   haha
-    (unwind-protect
-	(when x (go hoho))
-      (warn "unwind.."))
-    (print 'world)
-   hoho
-    (print 'blrugh)))
-(defun tagbodyxx (x)
-  (tagbody
-    (print 'hello)
-   haha
-    (unwind-protect
-	(funcall (lambda ()
-		   (when x (go hoho))))
-      (warn "unwind.."))
-    (print 'world)
-   hoho
-    (print 'blrugh)))
-(defun kumbo (&key a b (c (jumbo 1 2 3)) d)
-  (print a)
-  (print b)
-  (print c)
-  (print d))
-(defun lumbo (a &optional (b 'zap))
-  (print a)
-  (print b))
-(defmacro do-check-esp (&body body)
-  `(let ((before (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:movl :esp :eax))))
-     (with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing)
-       (:compile-form (:result-mode :multiple-values) (progn , at body)))
-     (unless (eq before
-		 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:movl :esp :eax)))
-       (error "ESP before body: ~S, after: ~S"
-	      (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:movl :esp :eax))))))
-(defun test-m-v-call ()
-  (do-check-esp
-      (multiple-value-call #'format t "~@{ ~D~}~%"
-			   'a (values) 'b (test-loop 1) (make-values)
-			   'c 'd  'e (make-no-values) 'f)))
-(defun test-m-v-call2 ()
-  (multiple-value-call #'format t "~@{ ~D~}~%"
-		       'a 'b (values 1 2 3) 'c 'd 'e 'f))
-(defun make-values ()
-  (values 0 1 2 3 4 5))
-(defun xfuncall (&rest args)
-  (declare (dynamic-extent args))
-  (break "xfuncall:~{ ~S~^,~}" args)
-  (values))
-(defun xfoo (f) 
-  (do-check-esp
-      (multiple-value-bind (a b c d)
-	  (multiple-value-prog1 (make-values)
-	    (format t "hello world"))
-	(format t "~&a: ~S, b: ~S, c: ~S, d: ~S ~S" a b c d f))))
-(defun make-no-values ()
-  (values))
-(defun test-nth-values ()
-  (nth-value 2 (make-values)))
-(defun test-values2 ()
-  (multiple-value-bind (a b c d e f g h)
-      (make-values)
-    (format t "test-values2: A: ~S, B: ~S, C: ~S, D: ~S, E: ~S, F: ~S G: ~S, H: ~S~%"
-	    a b c d e f g h)))
-(defun test-flet (zap)
-  (flet ((pingo (z y x)
-	   (declare (ignore y z))
-	   (format t "This is pingo: ~S with zap: ~W~%" x  zap)))
-    ;; (declare (dynamic-extent pingo))
-    (pingo 100 200 300)))
-(defun test-flet2 (zap)
-  (flet ((pingo (z y x)
-	   (declare (ignore y z))
-	   (format t "This is pingo: ~S with zap: ~W~%" x  zap)))
-    ;; (declare (dynamic-extent pingo))
-    (lambda (x)
-      (pingo 100 200 300))))
-(defun test-boo ()
-  (let ((real-cmuc #'test-flet2))
-    (let ((plongo (lambda (x)
-		    (warn "~S real-cmuc: ~S" x real-cmuc)
-		    (funcall real-cmuc x))))
-      (funcall plongo 'zooom))))
-(defun test-labels ()
-  (labels ((pingo (x)
-	     (format t "~&This is pingo: ~S~%" x)
-	     (when (plusp x)
-	       (pingo (1- x)))))
-    (pingo 5)))
-(defun foo-type (length start1 sequence-1)
-  (do* ((i 0 #+ignore (+ start1 length -1) (1- i)))
-      ((< i start1) sequence-1)
-    (declare (type muerte::index i length))
-    (setf (sequence-1-ref i)
-      'foo)))
-(defun test-values ()
-  (multiple-value-bind (a b c d e f g h i j)
-      (multiple-value-prog1
-	  (make-values)
-;;;	    (format t "this is the resulting form.~%")
-	(format t "this is the first ignorable form.~%" 1 2 3)
-	(format t "this is the second ignorable form.~%"))
-;;;    (format t "test-values num: ~D~%" (capture-reg8 :cl))
-    (format t "test-values: A: ~Z, B: ~Z, C: ~Z, D: ~Z  ~Z ~Z ~Z ~Z ~Z ~Z~%" a b c d e f g h i j)))
-(defun test-keywords (&key a b (c 100) ((:d x) 5 x-p))
-  (format t "test-keywords: a: ~S, b: ~S, c: ~S, x: ~S, x-p: ~S~%"
-	  a b c x x-p))
-(defun test-k1 (a b &key x)
-  (declare (ignore a b))
-  (warn "x: ~S" x))
-(defun test-funcall (&rest args)
-  (declare (dynamic-extent args))
-  (format t "~&test-funcall args: ~S~%" args))
-(defun test-rest (&optional (a0 nil a0-p) a1 a3 &rest args)
-  (declare (dynamic-extent args))
-  (when a0-p
-    (format t "args: ~S, ~S, ~S: ~S~%" a0 a1 a3 args)))
-(defun test-return ()
-  (print (block nil
-	   (values 'x 'y (if (foo) (return 'foo) (return-from test-return 'not-foo)) 'bar)))
-  5)
-(defun test-lexthrow (x)
-  (apply (lambda (a b)
-	   (unwind-protect
-	       (if (plusp a) 0 (return-from test-lexthrow (+ a b)))
-	     (warn "To serve and protect!")))
-	 x))
-(defun test-lexgo (x)
-  (let ((*print-base* 2))
-    (return-from test-lexgo (print 123))))
-(defun test-xgo (c x)
-  (tagbody
-   loop
-    (warn "c: ~S" c)
-    (apply (lambda (a)
-	     (decf c)
-	     (if (plusp a) (go exit) (go loop))
-	     (warn "juhu, a or x: ~S, c: ~S" a c))
-	   x)
-   exit
-    (warn "exited: ~S" c)))
-(defun test-bignum ()
-  123456789123456)
-(defun fe32 ()
-  #xfffffffe)

[1005 lines skipped]

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