[movitz-cvs] CVS update: movitz/losp/muerte/sequences.lisp

Frode Vatvedt Fjeld ffjeld at common-lisp.net
Mon Aug 22 17:03:01 UTC 2005

Update of /project/movitz/cvsroot/movitz/losp/muerte
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv11770

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Applied (declare (type index)) some more.

Date: Mon Aug 22 19:03:00 2005
Author: ffjeld

Index: movitz/losp/muerte/sequences.lisp
diff -u movitz/losp/muerte/sequences.lisp:1.23 movitz/losp/muerte/sequences.lisp:1.24
--- movitz/losp/muerte/sequences.lisp:1.23	Sun Aug 21 19:59:16 2005
+++ movitz/losp/muerte/sequences.lisp	Mon Aug 22 19:03:00 2005
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 ;;;; Author:        Frode Vatvedt Fjeld <frodef at acm.org>
 ;;;; Created at:    Tue Sep 11 14:19:23 2001
-;;;; $Id: sequences.lisp,v 1.23 2005/08/21 17:59:16 ffjeld Exp $
+;;;; $Id: sequences.lisp,v 1.24 2005/08/22 17:03:00 ffjeld Exp $
@@ -80,7 +80,8 @@
 (defun length%list (sequence)
   (do ((length 0 (1+ length))
        (x sequence (cdr x)))
-      ((null x) length)))
+      ((null x) length)
+    (declare (type index length))))
 (defun elt (sequence index)
   (sequence-dispatch sequence
@@ -146,7 +147,8 @@
 				(funcall-function result (key (pop list)))))
 		      ((or (null list)
 			   (= end counter))
-		       result)))
+		       result)
+		    (declare (index counter))))
 		  (with-subvector-accessor (sequence-ref sequence start end)
 		    (do* ((index start)
@@ -155,7 +157,8 @@
 						      (key (sequence-ref (prog1 index (incf index)))))
 						    (key (sequence-ref (prog1 index (incf index)))))
 				  (funcall-function result (sequence-ref (prog1 index (incf index))))))
-			((= index end) result))))))))))))
+			((= index end) result)
+		      (declare (index index)))))))))))))
 (defun subseq (sequence start &optional end)
   (sequence-dispatch sequence
@@ -205,11 +208,13 @@
 	   (do ((end (length sequence))
 		(i 0 (1+ i)))
 	       ((>= i end))
+	     (declare (index i end))
 	     (when (eql (sequence-ref i) item)
 	       (return i)))))
 	 (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
 	     ((null sequence) nil)
+	   (declare (index i))
 	   (when (eql (pop sequence) item)
 	     (return i))))))
    (t (item sequence &key from-end (test #'eql) test-not (start 0) end  (key 'identity))
@@ -224,10 +229,12 @@
 		((not from-end)
 		 (do ((i start (1+ i)))
 		     ((>= i end))
+		   (declare (index i))
 		   (when (test (key (sequence-ref i)) item)
 		     (return i))))
 		(t (do ((i (1- end) (1- i)))
 		       ((< i start))
+		     (declare (index i))
 		     (when (test (key (sequence-ref i)) item)
 		       (return i)))))))
@@ -245,6 +252,7 @@
 	      (t (do ((p (nthcdr start sequence))
 		      (i start (1+ i)))
 		     ((or (null p) (>= i end)) nil)
+		   (declare (index i))
 		   (when (test (key (pop p)) item)
 		     (return (if (not from-end) i
 			       (let ((next-i (position item p :end (- end 1 i) :from-end t
@@ -261,12 +269,14 @@
 	     (do ((end (length sequence))
 		  (i 0 (1+ i)))
 		 ((>= i end))
+	       (declare (index i end))
 	       (when (predicate (sequence-ref i))
 		 (return i)))))
 	   (do ((p sequence)
 		(i 0 (1+ i)))
 	       ((null p))
+	     (declare (index i))
 	     (when (predicate (pop p))
 	       (return i)))))))
    (t (predicate sequence &key (start 0) end (key 'identity) from-end)
@@ -322,6 +332,7 @@
        (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
 	    (j (1- (length sequence)) (1- j)))
 	   ((<= j i))
+	 (declare (index i j))
 	 (let ((x (sequence-ref i)))
 	   (setf (sequence-ref i) (sequence-ref j)
 		 (sequence-ref j) x))))
@@ -356,19 +367,19 @@
 		  (do* ((i start1 (1+ i))
 			(j start2 (1+ j)))
 		      ((>= i end1) nil)
-		    (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) i j start1 end1 start2 end2))
+		    (declare (index i j))
 		    (test-return i j)))
 		 ((< length1 length2)
 		  (do* ((i start1 (1+ i))
 			(j start2 (1+ j)))
 		      ((>= i end1) end1)
-		    (declare ((unsigned-byte 16) i j start1 end1 start2 end2))
+		    (declare (index i j))
 		    (test-return i j)))
 		 ((> length1 length2)
 		  (do* ((i start1 (1+ i))
 			(j start2 (1+ j)))
 		      ((>= j end2) i)
-		    (declare ((unsigned-byte 16) i j start1 end1 start2 end2))
+		    (declare (index i j))
 		    (test-return i j))))))))
 	  (let ((length1 (- end1 start1))
@@ -380,23 +391,27 @@
 	      (do ((i1 start1 (1+ i1))
 		   (p2 start-cons2 (cdr p2)))
 		  ((>= i1 end1) (if (null p2) nil i1))
+		(declare (index i1))
 		(unless (and p2 (eql (seq1-ref i1) (car p2)))
 		  (return i1))))
 	     ((< length1 (- end2 start2))
 	      (do ((i1 start1 (1+ i1))
 		   (p2 start-cons2 (cdr p2)))
 		  ((>= i1 end1) end1)
+		(declare (index i1))
 		(unless (eql (seq1-ref i1) (car p2))
 		  (return i1))))
 	     ((> length1 (- end2 start2))
 	      (do ((i1 start1 (1+ i1))
 		   (p2 start-cons2 (cdr p2)))
 		  ((null p2) end1)
+		(declare (index i1))
 		(unless (eql (seq1-ref i1) (car p2))
 		  (return i1))))
 	     (t (do ((i1 start1 (1+ i1))
 		     (p2 start-cons2 (cdr p2)))
 		    ((null p2) nil)
+		  (declare (index i1))
 		  (unless (eql (seq1-ref i1) (car p2))
 		    (return i1))))))))))
@@ -416,6 +431,7 @@
 		 (p2 start-cons2 (cdr p2))
 		 (i1 start1 (1+ i1)))
 		((null p1) (if (null p2) nil i1))
+	      (declare (index i1))
 	      (unless (and p2 (eql (car p1) (car p2)))
 		(return i1))))
 	   (t (do ((p1 start-cons1 (cdr p1))
@@ -424,6 +440,7 @@
 		   (i2 start2 (1+ i2)))
 		  ((if end1 (>= i1 end1) (null p1))
 		   (if (if end2 (>= i2 end2) (null p2)) nil i1))
+		(declare (index i1 i2))
 		(unless (and (or (not end2) (< i1 end2))
 			     (eql (car p1) (car p2)))
 		  (return i1)))))))))))
@@ -456,29 +473,29 @@
 	     (with-subvector-accessor (sequence-1-ref sequence-1 start1 end1)
 	       (sequence-dispatch sequence-2
-		  (unless end2 (setf end2 (length sequence-2)))
-		  (with-subvector-accessor (sequence-2-ref sequence-2 start2 end2)
-		    (macrolet ((test-return (index1 index2)
-				 `(unless (test (key (sequence-1-ref ,index1))
-						(key (sequence-2-ref ,index2)))
-				    (return-from mismatch ,index1))))
-		      (let ((length1 (- end1 start1))
-			    (length2 (- end2 start2)))
-			(cond
-			 ((< length1 length2)
-			  (dotimes (i length1)
-			    (declare ((unsigned-byte 16) i start1 start2))
-			    (test-return (+ start1 i) (+ start2 i)))
-			  end1)
-			 ((> length1 length2)
-			  (dotimes (i length2)
-			    (declare ((unsigned-byte 16) i start1 start2))
-			    (test-return (+ start1 i) (+ start2 i)))
-			  (+ start1 length2))
-			 (t (dotimes (i length1)
-			      (declare ((unsigned-byte 16) i start1 start2))
+		  (let ((end2 (check-the index (or end2 (length sequence-2)))))
+		    (with-subvector-accessor (sequence-2-ref sequence-2 start2 end2)
+		      (macrolet ((test-return (index1 index2)
+				   `(unless (test (key (sequence-1-ref ,index1))
+						  (key (sequence-2-ref ,index2)))
+				      (return-from mismatch ,index1))))
+			(let ((length1 (- end1 start1))
+			      (length2 (- end2 start2)))
+			  (cond
+			   ((< length1 length2)
+			    (dotimes (i length1)
+			      (declare (index i))
 			      (test-return (+ start1 i) (+ start2 i)))
-			    nil))))))
+			    end1)
+			   ((> length1 length2)
+			    (dotimes (i length2)
+			      (declare (index i))
+			      (test-return (+ start1 i) (+ start2 i)))
+			    (+ start1 length2))
+			   (t (dotimes (i length1)
+				(declare (index i))
+				(test-return (+ start1 i) (+ start2 i)))
+			      nil)))))))
 		  (let ((length1 (- end1 start1))
 			(start-cons2 (nthcdr start2 sequence-2)))
@@ -489,23 +506,27 @@
 		      (do ((i1 start1 (1+ i1))
 			   (p2 start-cons2 (cdr p2)))
 			  ((>= i1 end1) (if (null p2) nil i1))
+			(declare (index i1))
 			(unless (and p2 (test (key (sequence-1-ref i1)) (key (car p2))))
 			  (return-from mismatch i1))))
 		     ((< length1 (- end2 start2))
 		      (do ((i1 start1 (1+ i1))
 			   (p2 start-cons2 (cdr p2)))
 			  ((>= i1 end1) end1)
+			(declare (index i1))
 			(unless (test (key (sequence-1-ref i1)) (key (car p2)))
 			  (return-from mismatch i1))))
 		     ((> length1 (- end2 start2))
 		      (do ((i1 start1 (1+ i1))
 			   (p2 start-cons2 (cdr p2)))
 			  ((null p2) end1)
+			(declare (index i1))
 			(unless (test (key (sequence-1-ref i1)) (key (car p2)))
 			  (return-from mismatch i1))))
 		     (t (do ((i1 start1 (1+ i1))
 			     (p2 start-cons2 (cdr p2)))
 			    ((null p2) nil)
+			  (declare (index i1))
 			  (unless (test (key (sequence-1-ref i1)) (key (car p2)))
 			    (return-from mismatch i1))))))))))
@@ -526,6 +547,7 @@
 			 (p2 start-cons2 (cdr p2))
 			 (i1 start1 (1+ i1)))
 			((null p1) (if (null p2) nil i1))
+		      (declare (index i1))
 		      (unless (and p2 (test (key (car p1)) (key (car p2))))
 			(return i1))))
 		   (t (do ((p1 start-cons1 (cdr p1))
@@ -534,6 +556,7 @@
 			   (i2 start2 (1+ i2)))
 			  ((if end1 (>= i1 end1) (null p1))
 			   (if (if end2 (>= i2 end2) (null p2)) nil i1))
+			(declare (index i1 i2))
 			(unless p2
 			  (if end2
 			      (error "Illegal end2 bounding index.")

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