[movitz-cvs] CVS update: movitz/losp/muerte/interrupt.lisp

Frode Vatvedt Fjeld ffjeld at common-lisp.net
Tue Jun 1 13:42:19 UTC 2004

Update of /project/movitz/cvsroot/movitz/losp/muerte
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv10409/losp/muerte

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Added concept of "thread-atomical" code, which allows some small
section of code to run atomically with respect to the same thread
(i.e. should the thread be interrupted for whatever reason).
"Atomically" is here used in the sense all-or-nothing. Such
code-blocks can still be interrupted, but if so, it will be re-started
from some declared starting-point.

Date: Tue Jun  1 06:42:19 2004
Author: ffjeld

Index: movitz/losp/muerte/interrupt.lisp
diff -u movitz/losp/muerte/interrupt.lisp:1.7 movitz/losp/muerte/interrupt.lisp:1.8
--- movitz/losp/muerte/interrupt.lisp:1.7	Sun Apr 18 16:17:58 2004
+++ movitz/losp/muerte/interrupt.lisp	Tue Jun  1 06:42:19 2004
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 ;;;; Author:        Frode Vatvedt Fjeld <frodef at acm.org>
 ;;;; Created at:    Wed Apr  7 01:50:03 2004
-;;;; $Id: interrupt.lisp,v 1.7 2004/04/18 23:17:58 ffjeld Exp $
+;;;; $Id: interrupt.lisp,v 1.8 2004/06/01 13:42:19 ffjeld Exp $
@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@
       (- 5 (position name
 		     '(nil :eflags :eip :error-code :exception :ebp nil
-		       :ecx :eax :edx :ebx :esi :edi))))))
+		       :ecx :eax :edx :ebx :esi :edi :atomically-status))))))
 (defun interrupt-frame-index (name)
   (- 5 (position name
 		 '(nil :eflags :eip :error-code :exception :ebp nil
-		   :ecx :eax :edx :ebx :esi :edi))))
+		   :ecx :eax :edx :ebx :esi :edi :atomically-status))))
 (define-compiler-macro interrupt-frame-ref (&whole form frame reg type &optional (offset 0)
 					    &environment env)
@@ -48,100 +48,134 @@
 (define-primitive-function default-interrupt-trampoline ()
   "Default first-stage interrupt handler."
-  #.(cl:list* 'with-inline-assembly '(:returns :nothing)
-	      (cl:loop :for i :from 0 :to movitz::+idt-size+
+;;;	 `(cl:list* 'with-inline-assembly '(:returns :nothing)
+;;;		    (cl:loop :for i :from 0 :to movitz::+idt-size+
+;;;		:append (cl:if (cl:member i '(8 10 11 12 13 14 17))
+;;;			    `(((5) :pushl ,i)
+;;;			      ((5) :jmp 'ok))
+;;;			  `(((2) :pushl 0) ; replace Error Code
+;;;			    ((2) :pushl ,i)
+;;;			    ((1) :nop)
+;;;			    ((5) :jmp 'ok)))))
+  (macrolet
+      ((do-it ()
+	 `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :multiple-values)
+	    ,@(loop :for i :from 0 :to movitz::+idt-size+
 		:append (cl:if (cl:member i '(8 10 11 12 13 14 17))
 			    `(((5) :pushl ,i)
 			      ((5) :jmp 'ok))
 			  `(((2) :pushl 0) ; replace Error Code
 			    ((2) :pushl ,i)
 			    ((1) :nop)
-			    ((5) :jmp 'ok)))))
-  (with-inline-assembly (:returns :multiple-values)
-   ok
-    ;; Stack:
-    ;; 20: Interruptee EFLAGS (later EIP)
-    ;; 16: Interruptee CS     (later EFLAGS)
-    ;; 12: Interruptee EIP
-    ;;  8: Error code
-    ;;  4: Exception number
-    ;;  0: EBP
-    (:pushl :ebp)
-    (:movl :esp :ebp)
-    (:pushl 0)				; 0 means default-interrupt-trampoline frame
-    (:pushl :ecx)			; -8
-    (:pushl :eax)			; -12
-    (:pushl :edx)			; -16
-    (:pushl :ebx)			; -20
-    (:pushl :esi)			; -24
-    (:pushl :edi)			; -28
-    ;; rearrange stack for return
-    (:movl (:ebp 12) :eax)		; load return address
-    (:movl (:ebp 20) :ebx)		; load EFLAGS
-    (:movl :ebx (:ebp 16))		; EFLAGS at next-to-bottom of stack
-    (:movl :eax (:ebp 20))		; return address at bottom of stack
-    (:xorl :eax :eax)			; Ensure safe value
-    (:xorl :edx :edx)			; Ensure safe value
-    (:movl ':nil-value :edi)		; We want NIL!
+			    ((5) :jmp 'ok))))
+	   ok
+	    ;; Stack:
+	    ;; 20: Interruptee EFLAGS (later EIP)
+	    ;; 16: Interruptee CS     (later EFLAGS)
+	    ;; 12: Interruptee EIP
+	    ;;  8: Error code
+	    ;;  4: Exception number
+	    ;;  0: EBP
+	    (:pushl :ebp)
+	    (:movl :esp :ebp)
+	    (:pushl 0)			; 0 means default-interrupt-trampoline frame
+	    (:pushl :ecx)		; -8
+	    (:pushl :eax)		; -12
+	    (:pushl :edx)		; -16
+	    (:pushl :ebx)		; -20
+	    (:pushl :esi)		; -24
+	    (:pushl :edi)		; -28
+	    (:movl ':nil-value :edi)	; We want NIL!
+	    (:locally (:pushl (:edi (:edi-offset atomically-status)))) ; -32
+	    (:locally (:movl 0 (:edi (:edi-offset atomically-status))))
+	    ;; rearrange stack for return
+	    (:movl (:ebp 12) :eax)	; load return address
+	    (:movl (:ebp 20) :ebx)	; load EFLAGS
+	    (:movl :ebx (:ebp 16))	; EFLAGS at next-to-bottom of stack
+	    (:movl :eax (:ebp 20))	; return address at bottom of stack
+	    (:xorl :eax :eax)		; Ensure safe value
+	    (:xorl :edx :edx)		; Ensure safe value
+	    (:pushl (:ebp 16))		; EFLAGS
+	    (:pushl :cs)		; push CS
+	    (:call (:pc+ 0))		; push EIP.
+	    ;; Now add a few bytes to the on-stack EIP so the iret goes to
+	    ;; *DEST* below.
+	    ((4) :addl 5 (:esp))	; 4 bytes
+	    ((1) :iretd)		; 1 byte
-    (:pushl (:ebp 16))			; EFLAGS
-    (:pushl :cs)			; push CS
-    (:call (:pc+ 0))			; push EIP.
-    ;; Now add a few bytes to the on-stack EIP so the iret goes to
-    ;; *DEST* below.
-    ((4) :addl 5 (:esp))		; 4 bytes
-    ((1) :iretd)			; 1 byte
-    ;; *DEST* iret branches to here.
-    ;; we're now in the context of the interruptee.
+	    ;; *DEST* iret branches to here.
+	    ;; we're now in the context of the interruptee.
-    ;; Save/push thread-local values
-    (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset num-values)) :ecx))
-    (:jecxz 'push-values-done)
-    (:leal (:edi #.(movitz::global-constant-offset 'values)) :eax)
-   push-values-loop
-    (:locally (:pushl (:eax)))
-    (:addl 4 :eax)
-    (:subl 1 :ecx)
-    (:jnz 'push-values-loop)
-   push-values-done
-    (:locally (:pushl (:edi (:edi-offset num-values))))
+	    ;; Save/push thread-local values
+	    (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset num-values)) :ecx))
+	    (:jecxz 'push-values-done)
+	    (:leal (:edi #.(movitz::global-constant-offset 'values)) :eax)
+	   push-values-loop
+	    (:locally (:pushl (:eax)))
+	    (:addl 4 :eax)
+	    (:subl 1 :ecx)
+	    (:jnz 'push-values-loop)
+	   push-values-done
+	    (:locally (:pushl (:edi (:edi-offset num-values))))
+	    ;; call handler
+	    (:movl (:ebp 4) :ecx)	; interrupt number into ECX
+	    (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset interrupt-handlers)) :eax))
+	    (:movl (:eax 2 (:ecx 4)) :esi) ; funobj at (aref EBX interrupt-handlers) into :esi
+	    (:movl :ebp :ebx)		; pass interrupt-frame as arg1
+	    (:movl (:ebp 4) :ecx)	; pass interrupt number as arg 0.
+	    (:leal ((:ecx ,movitz:+movitz-fixnum-factor+)) :eax)
+	    (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector%2op)))
+	   skip-interrupt-handler
+	    ;; Restore thread-local values
+	    (:popl :ecx)
+	    (:locally (:movl :ecx (:edi (:edi-offset num-values))))
+	    (:jecxz 'pop-values-done)
+	   pop-values-loop
+	    ;; ((:fs-override) :popl (:edi #.(movitz::global-constant-offset 'values) (:ecx 4) -4))
+	    (:locally (:popl (:edi (:edi-offset values) (:ecx 4) -4)))
+	    (:subl 1 :ecx)
+	    (:jnz 'pop-values-loop)
+	   pop-values-done
+	    (:movl (:ebp -32) :ecx)	; Check interruptee's atomically status
+	    (:testb :cl :cl)
+	    (:jnz 'restart-atomical-block)
+	    ;; Interrupted code was non-atomical, the normal case.
+	   normal-return		; With atomically-status-to-restore in ECX
+	    (:locally (:movl :ecx (:edi (:edi-offset atomically-status))))
+	    (:movl (:ebp -28) :edi)
+	    (:movl (:ebp -24) :esi)
+	    (:movl (:ebp -20) :ebx)
+	    (:movl (:ebp -16) :edx)
+	    (:movl (:ebp -12) :eax)
+	    (:movl (:ebp -8)  :ecx)
+	    (:leave)
+	    (:addl 12 :esp)
+	    (:popfl)			; pop EFLAGS
+	    (:ret)			; pop EIP
-    ;; call handler
-    (:movl (:ebp 4) :ecx)		; interrupt number into ECX
-    (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset interrupt-handlers)) :eax))
-    (:movl (:eax 2 (:ecx 4)) :esi)	; funobj at (aref EBX interrupt-handlers) into :esi
-    (:movl :ebp :ebx)			; pass interrupt-frame as arg1
-    (:movl (:ebp 4) :ecx)		; pass interrupt number as arg 0.
-    (:leal ((:ecx #.movitz:+movitz-fixnum-factor+)) :eax)
-    (:call (:esi #.(movitz::slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector%2op)))
-   skip-interrupt-handler
-    ;; Restore thread-local values
-    (:popl :ecx)
-    (:locally (:movl :ecx (:edi (:edi-offset num-values))))
-    (:jecxz 'pop-values-done)
-   pop-values-loop
-    ;; ((:fs-override) :popl (:edi #.(movitz::global-constant-offset 'values) (:ecx 4) -4))
-    (:locally (:popl (:edi (:edi-offset values) (:ecx 4) -4)))
-    (:subl 1 :ecx)
-    (:jnz 'pop-values-loop)
-   pop-values-done
-    (:movl (:ebp -28) :edi)
-    (:movl (:ebp -24) :esi)
-    (:movl (:ebp -20) :ebx)
-    (:movl (:ebp -16) :edx)
-    (:movl (:ebp -12) :eax)
-    (:movl (:ebp -8)  :ecx)
-    (:leave)
-    (:addl 12 :esp)
-    (:popfl)				; pop EFLAGS
-    (:ret)))				; pop EIP
+	   restart-atomical-block
+	    (:cmpb ,(bt:enum-value 'movitz::atomically-status :restart-primitive-function) :cl)
+	    (:jne 'not-simple-atomical-pf-restart)
+	    (:cmpb 0 :ch)		; map of registers to restore
+	    (:jnz 'not-simple-atomical-pf-restart)
+	    (:sarl 16 :ecx)		; move atomically-status data into ECX
+	    (:movl (:edi (:ecx 4) ,(- (movitz:tag :null)))
+		   :ecx)		; This is the EIP to restart
+	    (:movl :ecx (:ebp 20))
+	    (:jmp 'normal-return)
+	   not-simple-atomical-pf-restart
+	    ;; Don't know what to do.
+	    (:int 90)
+	    (:jmp 'not-simple-atomical-pf-restart)
+	    )))))
 (defvar *last-interrupt-frame* nil)

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