[movitz-cvs] CVS update: movitz/losp/lib/net/ip4.lisp
Frode Vatvedt Fjeld
ffjeld at common-lisp.net
Thu Feb 26 11:26:25 UTC 2004
Update of /project/movitz/cvsroot/movitz/losp/lib/net
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv6433
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Added a "router" argument to ip4-test. Ip4-test will broadcast an ARP
request for this address when starting up. The primary purpose of this
is to notify the ARP caches of other hosts on the LAN of our presence.
There are also some various other tweaks and bits and pieces.
Date: Thu Feb 26 06:26:25 2004
Author: ffjeld
Index: movitz/losp/lib/net/ip4.lisp
diff -u movitz/losp/lib/net/ip4.lisp:1.4 movitz/losp/lib/net/ip4.lisp:1.5
--- movitz/losp/lib/net/ip4.lisp:1.4 Fri Feb 13 17:11:29 2004
+++ movitz/losp/lib/net/ip4.lisp Thu Feb 26 06:26:24 2004
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
;;;; Author: Frode Vatvedt Fjeld <frodef at acm.org>
;;;; Created at: Wed Apr 30 13:52:57 2003
-;;;; $Id: ip4.lisp,v 1.4 2004/02/13 22:11:29 ffjeld Exp $
+;;;; $Id: ip4.lisp,v 1.5 2004/02/26 11:26:24 ffjeld Exp $
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
(defpackage muerte.ip4
(:use #:muerte.cl #:muerte #:muerte.ethernet #:muerte.lib)
(:export #:pprint-ip4
+ #:read-ip4-address
+ #:ip4-address
@@ -37,6 +39,10 @@
:initarg :address
:accessor address)))
+(defmethod unknown-packet ((stack ip4-stack) packet)
+ (declare (ignore packet)))
(define-named-integer ip-protocol (:export-constants t)
(1 icmp)
(6 tcp)
@@ -98,69 +104,6 @@
(integer-name 'ip-protocol (ip-protocol packet start) nil)
-(defvar *ne2000* nil)
-(defun ip4-test (&optional (ip #(129 242 16 173))
- (ethernet *ne2000*))
- (unless ethernet
- (setf ethernet
- (some #'muerte.x86-pc.ne2k:ne2k-probe
- muerte.x86-pc.ne2k:+ne2k-probe-addresses+))
- (assert ethernet ethernet "No ethernet device.")
- (when ethernet
- (setf (promiscuous-p ethernet) nil
- (accept-broadcasts-p ethernet) t)
- (setf *ne2000* ethernet)))
- (loop with stack = (make-instance 'ip4-stack
- :interface ethernet
- :address ip)
- as key = (muerte.x86-pc.keyboard:poll-char)
- do (cond
- ((eql #\esc key) (break "You broke ip4!"))
- (key (return (values))))
- (let ((packet (muerte.ethernet:receive ethernet)))
- (when packet
- #+ignore (format t "~&From ~@/ethernet:pprint-mac/ to ~:/ethernet:pprint-mac/ of type ~S.~%"
- packet packet (integer-name 'ether-type (ether-type packet) nil))
- (case (ether-type packet)
- (#.+ether-type-arp+ (arp-input stack packet 14))
- (#.+ether-type-ip4+ (ip-input stack packet 14))
- (#.+ether-type-mswin-heartbeat+
- (format t "~&MS heartbeat from ~@/ethernet:pprint-mac/: [" packet)
- (loop for i from 40 below (length packet) by 2
- do (write-char (code-char (aref packet i))))
- (format t "]~%")
- #+ignore
- (let ((pos (or (search packet #(129 242 16) :start1 14)
- (search packet #(129 242) :start1 14))))
- (if pos
- (format t "~&MS heartbeat from ~@/ethernet:pprint-mac/ found possible IP at ~D: ~/ip4:pprint-ip4.~%"
- packet pos (subseq packet pos (+ pos 6)))
- (progn
- (format t "~&MS heartbeat found no IP from ~:@/ethernet:pprint-mac/.~%"
- packet)
- (loop for y from 0 below (length packet) by 16
- do (format t "~& ")
- (loop for x from y below (min (length packet) (+ y 16))
- when (zerop (rem x 4))
- do (format t " ")
- do (format t " ~2,'0X" (aref packet x))))
- (fresh-line)))))
- (t (cond
- ((ether-802.3-snap-p packet)
- (format t "~&~:@/ethernet:pprint-mac/ IEEE 802.3 SNAP type ~A len ~D.~%"
- packet (integer-name 'ether-type (ether-802.3-snap-type packet) nil)
- (length packet)))
- ((ether-802.3-p packet)
- (format t "~&~:@/ethernet:pprint-mac/ IEEE 802.3 LLC ssap ~S, dsap ~S, type ~D len ~D.~%"
- packet
- (ether-802.3-llc-ssap packet)
- (ether-802.3-llc-dsap packet)
- (ether-802.3-llc-type packet)
- (length packet)))
- (t (format t "~&From ~:@/ethernet:pprint-mac/ unknown ether type ~S."
- packet (integer-name 'ether-type (ether-type packet) nil)))))))))
- (values))
(defun pprint-ip4 (stream address &optional colon at (start 0 start-p))
@@ -178,18 +121,18 @@
(defun arp-input (stack packet start)
- #+ignore
- (warn "arp operation: ~S ~S ~S"
- (integer-name 'arp-op (arp-operation packet start) nil)
- (integer-name 'arp-hard-type (arp-hard-type packet start) nil)
- (integer-name 'ether-type (arp-prot-type packet start) nil))
+;;; (warn "arp operation: ~S ~S ~S"
+;;; (integer-name 'arp-op (arp-operation packet start) nil)
+;;; (integer-name 'arp-hard-type (arp-hard-type packet start) nil)
+;;; (integer-name 'ether-type (arp-prot-type packet start) nil))
(case (arp-operation packet start)
- (when (and (= +arp-hard-type-ethernet+
- (arp-hard-type packet start))
- (= +ether-type-ip4+
- (arp-prot-type packet start))
- (not (mismatch (address stack) packet :start2 (+ start 24) :end2 (+ start 28))))
+ (cond
+ ((and (= +arp-hard-type-ethernet+
+ (arp-hard-type packet start))
+ (= +ether-type-ip4+
+ (arp-prot-type packet start))
+ (not (mismatch (address stack) packet :start2 (+ start 24) :end2 (+ start 28))))
(warn "arp request from ~v/ip4:pprint-ip4/." (+ start 14) packet)
(transmit (interface stack)
(format-ethernet-packet (format-arp-request nil +arp-op-reply+
@@ -201,9 +144,19 @@
(mac-address (interface stack))
- :destination-start (+ start 8)))
- ))))
+ :destination-start (+ start 8))))
+ (t (unknown-packet stack packet)
+ #+ignore (warn "ARP request for not me ~/ip4:pprint-ip4/: ~v/ip4:pprint-ip4/."
+ (address stack) (+ start 24) packet))))
+ (#.+arp-op-reply+
+ (warn "Received an ARP reply: ~v/ip4:pprint-ip4/ is ~v/ethernet:pprint-mac/."
+ (+ start 14) packet
+ (+ start 8) packet))
+ (t (unknown-packet stack packet)
+ (warn "Received unknown ARP packet of type ~D~@[ ~A~]"
+ (arp-operation packet start)
+ (integer-name 'arp-op (arp-operation packet start) nil)))))
;;; ICMP
@@ -253,7 +206,7 @@
((not checksum-ok)
- (write-char #\X)
+ (warn "ICMP checksum failed from ~v@/ip4:pprint-ip4/." ip-start packet)
(loop for i upfrom (+ icmp-start 8 8) below (length packet)
when (/= (aref packet i)
(ldb (byte 8 0)
@@ -291,8 +244,7 @@
(+ (ldb (byte 16 0) new-checksum)
(ash new-checksum -16))))
(transmit (interface stack) packet)
- (write-char #\.)
- ))))
+ (write-char #\.)))))
;;;; UDP
@@ -362,8 +314,126 @@
+(defun read-ip4-address (string &optional (start 0))
+ (prog (a b c d (i start))
+ (multiple-value-setq (a i)
+ (parse-integer string :start i :junk-allowed t))
+ (unless (and (<= 0 a #xff) (char= #\. (char string i)))
+ (go parse-failure))
+ (multiple-value-setq (b i)
+ (parse-integer string :start (1+ i) :junk-allowed t))
+ (unless (and (<= 0 b #xff) (char= #\. (char string i)))
+ (go parse-failure))
+ (multiple-value-setq (c i)
+ (parse-integer string :start (1+ i) :junk-allowed t))
+ (unless (and (<= 0 b #xff) (char= #\. (char string i)))
+ (go parse-failure))
+ (multiple-value-setq (d i)
+ (parse-integer string :start (1+ i) :junk-allowed t))
+ (unless (<= 0 b #xff)
+ (go parse-failure))
+ (let ((x (make-array 4 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
+ (setf (aref x 0) a (aref x 1) b (aref x 2) c (aref x 3) d)
+ (return x))
+ parse-failure
+ (error "Not an IPv4 address at position ~D in ~S."
+ i string)))
+(defun ip4-address (specifier &optional (start 0))
+ (or (ignore-errors
+ (typecase specifier
+ ((or string symbol)
+ (read-ip4-address (string specifier) start))
+ (vector
+ (loop with address = (make-array 4 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+ for i from 0 to 3
+ as n = (aref specifier (+ start i))
+ do (check-type n (unsigned-byte 8))
+ (setf (aref address i) n)
+ finally (return address)))))
+ (error "Not an IPv4 address: ~S." specifier)))
(defun ip4-free ()
(when *ne2000*
(muerte.x86-pc::free-io-space *ne2000*)
(setf *ne2000* nil))
+ (values))
+(defvar *ne2000* nil)
+(defun ip4-test (&key (ip #(129 242 16 173))
+ (ethernet *ne2000*)
+ (router #(129 242 16 1)))
+ (unless ethernet
+ (setf ethernet
+ (some #'muerte.x86-pc.ne2k:ne2k-probe
+ muerte.x86-pc.ne2k:+ne2k-probe-addresses+))
+ (assert ethernet ethernet "No ethernet device.")
+ (when ethernet
+ (setf (promiscuous-p ethernet) nil
+ (accept-broadcasts-p ethernet) t)
+ (setf *ne2000* ethernet)))
+ (let ((stack (make-instance 'ip4-stack
+ :interface ethernet
+ :address (ip4-address ip))))
+ (when router
+ (transmit (interface stack)
+ (format-ethernet-packet (format-arp-request nil +arp-op-request+
+ (address stack)
+ (mac-address (interface stack))
+ (ip4-address router))
+ (mac-address (interface stack))
+ +broadcast-address+
+ +ether-type-arp+)))
+ (loop
+ (case (muerte.x86-pc.keyboard:poll-char)
+ ((nil))
+ ((#\esc) (break "You broke ip4!"))
+ (t (return (values))))
+ (let ((packet (and (packet-available-p ethernet)
+ (receive ethernet))))
+ (when packet
+ #+ignore
+ (format t "~&From ~@/ethernet:pprint-mac/ to ~:/ethernet:pprint-mac/ of type ~S.~%"
+ packet packet (integer-name 'ether-type (ether-type packet) nil))
+ (case (ether-type packet)
+ (#.+ether-type-arp+ (arp-input stack packet 14))
+ (#.+ether-type-ip4+ (ip-input stack packet 14))
+ (#.+ether-type-mswin-heartbeat+
+ (format t "~&MS heartbeat from ~@/ethernet:pprint-mac/: [" packet)
+ (loop for i from 40 below (length packet) by 2
+ do (write-char (code-char (aref packet i))))
+ (format t "]~%")
+ (let ((pos (or (search packet #(129 242 16) :start1 14)
+ (search packet #(129 242) :start1 14))))
+ (if pos
+ (format t "~&MS heartbeat from ~@/ethernet:pprint-mac/ found possible IP at ~D: ~/ip4:pprint-ip4.~%"
+ packet pos (subseq packet pos (+ pos 6)))
+ (progn
+ (format t "~&MS heartbeat found no IP from ~:@/ethernet:pprint-mac/.~%"
+ packet)
+ (loop for y from 0 below (length packet) by 16
+ do (format t "~& ")
+ (loop for x from y below (min (length packet) (+ y 16))
+ when (zerop (rem x 4))
+ do (format t " ")
+ do (format t " ~2,'0X" (aref packet x))))
+ (fresh-line)))))
+ (t (cond
+ ((ether-802.3-snap-p packet)
+ (format t "~&~:@/ethernet:pprint-mac/ IEEE 802.3 SNAP type ~A len ~D.~%"
+ packet (integer-name 'ether-type (ether-802.3-snap-type packet) nil)
+ (length packet)))
+ ((ether-802.3-p packet)
+ (format t "~&~:@/ethernet:pprint-mac/ IEEE 802.3 LLC ssap ~S, dsap ~S, type ~D len ~D.~%"
+ packet
+ (ether-802.3-llc-ssap packet)
+ (ether-802.3-llc-dsap packet)
+ (ether-802.3-llc-type packet)
+ (length packet)))
+ (t (format t "~&From ~:@/ethernet:pprint-mac/ unknown ether type ~S."
+ packet (integer-name 'ether-type (ether-type packet) nil))))))))))
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