[movitz-cvs] CVS update: movitz/compiler.lisp

Frode Vatvedt Fjeld ffjeld at common-lisp.net
Tue Feb 17 20:23:51 UTC 2004

Update of /project/movitz/cvsroot/movitz
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv3296

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Some more work on register scheduling. I'm starting to see how this
should have been designed in the first place.

Date: Tue Feb 17 15:23:51 2004
Author: ffjeld

Index: movitz/compiler.lisp
diff -u movitz/compiler.lisp:1.29 movitz/compiler.lisp:1.30
--- movitz/compiler.lisp:1.29	Mon Feb 16 20:42:50 2004
+++ movitz/compiler.lisp	Tue Feb 17 15:23:51 2004
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 ;;;; Created at:    Wed Oct 25 12:30:49 2000
 ;;;; Distribution:  See the accompanying file COPYING.
-;;;; $Id: compiler.lisp,v 1.29 2004/02/17 01:42:50 ffjeld Exp $
+;;;; $Id: compiler.lisp,v 1.30 2004/02/17 20:23:51 ffjeld Exp $
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@
 			       (setf more-binding-references-p t))))))
 	(when more-binding-references-p
-	  (warn "Unable to remove all binding-references duding lexical type analysis."))
+	  (warn "Unable to remove all binding-references during lexical type analysis."))
 	;; 3.
 	(maphash (lambda (binding analysis)
 		   (assert (null (type-analysis-binding-types analysis)) ()
@@ -442,6 +442,8 @@
 		     (type-analysis-binding-types analysis))
 		   (setf (binding-store-type binding)
 		     (type-analysis-encoded-type analysis))
+		   (when (apply #'encoded-type-singleton (type-analysis-encoded-type analysis))
+		     (warn "Singleton: ~A" binding))
 		   (when (or #+ignore (not (apply #'encoded-allp (type-analysis-encoded-type analysis)))
 			     #+ignore (multiple-value-call #'encoded-subtypep
@@ -504,7 +506,7 @@
 		 (when (listp instruction)
 		   (let ((store-binding (find-written-binding-and-type instruction)))
 		     (when store-binding
-		       (process-binding funobj store-binding '(:read))))
+		       (process-binding funobj store-binding '(:write))))
 		   (dolist (load-binding (find-read-bindings instruction))
 		     (process-binding funobj load-binding '(:read)))
 		   (case (car instruction)
@@ -1375,691 +1377,697 @@
     (error "Peephole-optimizer recursive count reached ~D.
 There is (propably) a bug in the peephole optimizer." recursive-count))
   ;; (warn "==================OPTIMIZE: ~{~&~A~}" unoptimized-code)
-  (labels
-      ((explain (always format &rest args)
-	 (when (or always *explain-peephole-optimizations*)
-	   (warn "Peephole: ~?~&----------------------------" format args)))
-       (twop-p (c &optional op)
-	 (let ((c (ignore-instruction-prefixes c)))
-	   (and (listp c) (= 3 (length c))
-		(or (not op) (eq op (first c)))
-		(cdr c))))
-       (twop-dst (c &optional op src)
-	 (let ((c (ignore-instruction-prefixes c)))
-	   (and (or (not src)
-		    (equal src (first (twop-p c op))))
-		(second (twop-p c op)))))
-       (twop-src (c &optional op dest)
-	 (let ((c (ignore-instruction-prefixes c)))
-	   (and (or (not dest)
-		    (equal dest (second (twop-p c op))))
-		(first (twop-p c op)))))
-       #+ignore
-       (isrc (c)
-	 (let ((c (ignore-instruction-prefixes c)))
-	   (ecase (length (cdr c))
-	     (0 nil)
-	     (1 (cadr c))
-	     (2 (twop-src c)))))
-       (idst (c)
-	 (let ((c (ignore-instruction-prefixes c)))
-	   (ecase (length (cdr c))
-	     (0 nil)
-	     (1 (cadr c))
-	     (2 (twop-dst c)))))
-       (non-destructuve-p (c)
-	 (let ((c (ignore-instruction-prefixes c)))
-	   (and (consp c)
-		(member (car c) '(:testl :testb :pushl :cmpl :cmpb :frame-map)))))
-       (simple-instruction-p (c)
-	 (let ((c (ignore-instruction-prefixes c)))
-	   (and (listp c)
-		(member (car c) '(:movl :xorl :popl :cmpl :leal :andl :addl :subl)))))
-       (register-indirect-operand (op base)
-	 (multiple-value-bind (reg off)
-	     (when (listp op)
-	       (loop for x in op
-		   if (integerp x) sum x into off
-		   else collect x into reg
-		   finally (return (values reg off))))
-	   (and (eq base (car reg))
-		(not (rest reg))
-		off)))
-       (stack-frame-operand (op)
-	 (register-indirect-operand op :ebp))
-       (funobj-constant-operand (op)
-	 (register-indirect-operand op :esi))
-       (global-constant-operand (op)
-	 (register-indirect-operand op :edi))
-       (global-funcall-p (op &optional funs)
-	 (let ((op (ignore-instruction-prefixes op)))
-	   (when (instruction-is op :call)
-	     (let ((x (global-constant-operand (second op))))
-	       (flet ((try (name)
-			(and (eql x (slot-offset 'movitz-constant-block name))
-			     name)))
-		 (cond
-		  ((not x) nil)
-		  ((null funs) t)
-		  ((atom funs) (try funs))
-		  (t (some #'try funs))))))))
-       (preserves-stack-location-p (i stack-location)
-	 (let ((i (ignore-instruction-prefixes i)))
-	   (and (not (atom i))
-		(or (global-funcall-p i)
-		    (instruction-is i :frame-map)
-		    (branch-instruction-label i)
-		    (non-destructuve-p i)
-		    (and (simple-instruction-p i)
-			 (not (eql stack-location (stack-frame-operand (idst i)))))))))
-       (preserves-register-p (i register)
-	 (let ((i (ignore-instruction-prefixes i)))
-	   (and (not (atom i))
-		(or (and (member register '(:edx))
-			 (member (global-funcall-p i)
-				 '(fast-car fast-cdr fast-car-ebx fast-cdr-ebx)))
-		    (instruction-is i :frame-map)
-		    (branch-instruction-label i)
-		    (non-destructuve-p i)
-		    (and (simple-instruction-p i)
-			 (not (eq register (idst i))))))))
-       (register-operand (op)
-	 (and (member op '(:eax :ebx :ecx :edx :edi))
-	      op))
-       (true-and-equal (x &rest more)
-	 (declare (dynamic-extent more))
-	 (and x (dolist (y more t)
-		  (unless (equal x y)
-		    (return nil)))))
-       #+ignore
-       (uses-stack-frame-p (c)
-	 (and (consp c)
-	      (some #'stack-frame-operand (cdr c))))
-       (load-stack-frame-p (c &optional (op :movl))
-	 (stack-frame-operand (twop-src c op)))
-       (store-stack-frame-p (c &optional (op :movl))
-	 (stack-frame-operand (twop-dst c op)))
-       (read-stack-frame-p (c)
-	 (or (load-stack-frame-p c :movl)
-	     (load-stack-frame-p c :cmpl)
-	     (store-stack-frame-p c :cmpl)
+  (macrolet ((explain (always format &rest args)
+	       `(when (or *explain-peephole-optimizations* ,always)
+		  (warn "Peephole: ~@?~&----------------------------" ,format , at args))))
+    (labels
+	(#+ignore
+	 (explain (always format &rest args)
+	   (when (or always *explain-peephole-optimizations*)
+	     (warn "Peephole: ~?~&----------------------------" format args)))
+	 (twop-p (c &optional op)
+	   (let ((c (ignore-instruction-prefixes c)))
+	     (and (listp c) (= 3 (length c))
+		  (or (not op) (eq op (first c)))
+		  (cdr c))))
+	 (twop-dst (c &optional op src)
+	   (let ((c (ignore-instruction-prefixes c)))
+	     (and (or (not src)
+		      (equal src (first (twop-p c op))))
+		  (second (twop-p c op)))))
+	 (twop-src (c &optional op dest)
+	   (let ((c (ignore-instruction-prefixes c)))
+	     (and (or (not dest)
+		      (equal dest (second (twop-p c op))))
+		  (first (twop-p c op)))))
+	 #+ignore
+	 (isrc (c)
+	   (let ((c (ignore-instruction-prefixes c)))
+	     (ecase (length (cdr c))
+	       (0 nil)
+	       (1 (cadr c))
+	       (2 (twop-src c)))))
+	 (idst (c)
+	   (let ((c (ignore-instruction-prefixes c)))
+	     (ecase (length (cdr c))
+	       (0 nil)
+	       (1 (cadr c))
+	       (2 (twop-dst c)))))
+	 (non-destructuve-p (c)
+	   (let ((c (ignore-instruction-prefixes c)))
 	     (and (consp c)
-		  (eq :pushl (car c))
-		  (stack-frame-operand (second c)))))
-       (in-stack-frame-p (c reg)
-	 "Does c ensure that reg is in some particular stack-frame location?"
-	 (or (and (load-stack-frame-p c)
-		  (eq reg (twop-dst c))
-		  (stack-frame-operand (twop-src c)))
-	     (and (store-stack-frame-p c)
-		  (eq reg (twop-src c))
-		  (stack-frame-operand (twop-dst c)))))
-       (load-funobj-constant-p (c)
-	 (funobj-constant-operand (twop-src c :movl)))
-       #+ignore
-       (sub-program-label-p (l)
-	 (and (consp l)
-	      (eq :sub-program (car l))))
-       (local-load-p (c)
-	 (if (or (load-stack-frame-p c)
-		 (load-funobj-constant-p c))
-	     (twop-src c)
-	   nil))
-       (label-here-p (label code)
-	 "Is <label> at this point in <code>?"
-	 (loop for i in code
-	     while (or (symbolp i)
-		       (instruction-is i :frame-map))
-	     thereis (eq label i)))
-       (negate-branch (branch-type)
-	 (ecase branch-type
-	   (:jbe :ja) (:ja :jbe)
-	   (:jz :jnz) (:jnz :jz)
-	   (:je :jne) (:jne :je)
-	   (:jc :jnc) (:jnc :jc)
-	   (:jl :jge) (:jge :jl)
-	   (:jle :jg) (:jg :jle)))
-       (branch-instruction-label (i &optional jmp (branch-types '(:je :jne :jb :jnb :jbe :jz :jl :jnz
-								  :jle :ja :jae :jg :jge :jnc :jc :js :jns)))
-	 "If i is a branch, return the label."
-	 (when jmp (push :jmp branch-types))
-	 (let ((i (ignore-instruction-prefixes i)))
-	   (or (and (listp i) (member (car i) branch-types)
-		    (listp (second i)) (member (car (second i)) '(quote muerte.cl::quote))
-		    (second (second i)))
-	       #+ignore
-	       (and (listp i)
-		    branch-types
-		    (symbolp (car i))
-		    (not (member (car i) '(:jmp :jecxz)))
-		    (char= #\J (char (symbol-name (car i)) 0))
-		    (warn "Not a branch: ~A / ~A   [~A]" i (symbol-package (caadr i)) branch-types)))))
-       (find-branches-to-label (start-pc label &optional (context-size 0))
-	 "Context-size is the number of instructions _before_ the branch you want returned."
-	 (dotimes (i context-size)
-	   (push nil start-pc))
-	 (loop for pc on start-pc
-	     as i = (nth context-size pc)
-	     as i-label = (branch-instruction-label i t)
-	     if (or (eq label i-label)
-		    (and (consp i-label)
-			 (eq :label-plus-one (car i-label))))
-	     nconc (list pc)
-	     else if (let ((sub-program i-label))
-		       (and (consp sub-program)
-			    (eq :sub-program (car sub-program))))
-	     nconc (find-branches-to-label (cddr (branch-instruction-label i t))
-					   label context-size)
-	     else if (and (not (atom i))
-			  (tree-search i label))
-	     nconc (list 'unknown-label-usage)))
-       (optimize-trim-stack-frame (unoptimized-code)
-	 "Any unused local variables on the stack-frame?"
-	 unoptimized-code
-	 #+ignore (if (not (and stack-frame-size
-				(find 'start-stack-frame-setup unoptimized-code)))
-		      unoptimized-code
-		    (let ((old-code unoptimized-code)
-			  (new-code ()))
-		      ;; copy everything upto start-stack-frame-setup
-		      (loop for i = (pop old-code)
-			  do (push i new-code)
-			  while old-code
-			  until (eq i 'start-stack-frame-setup))
-		      (assert (eq (car new-code) 'start-stack-frame-setup) ()
-			"no start-stack-frame-setup label, but we already checked!")
-		      (loop for pos downfrom -8 by 4
-			  as i = (pop old-code)
-			  if (and (consp i) (eq :pushl (car i)) (symbolp (cadr i)))
-			  collect (cons pos (cadr i))
-			  and do (unless (find pos old-code :key #'read-stack-frame-p)
-				   (cond
-				    ((find pos old-code :key #'store-stack-frame-p)
-				     (warn "Unused local but stored var: ~S" pos))
-				    ((find pos old-code :key #'uses-stack-frame-p)
-				     (warn "Unused BUT USED local var: ~S" pos))
-				    (t (warn "Unused local var: ~S" pos))))
-			  else do
-			       (push i old-code)
-			       (loop-finish))))
-	 unoptimized-code)
-       (frame-map-code (unoptimized-code)
-	 "After each label in unoptimized-code, insert a (:frame-map <full-map> <branch-map> <sticky>)
+		  (member (car c) '(:testl :testb :pushl :cmpl :cmpb :frame-map)))))
+	 (simple-instruction-p (c)
+	   (let ((c (ignore-instruction-prefixes c)))
+	     (and (listp c)
+		  (member (car c) '(:movl :xorl :popl :cmpl :leal :andl :addl :subl)))))
+	 (register-indirect-operand (op base)
+	   (multiple-value-bind (reg off)
+	       (when (listp op)
+		 (loop for x in op
+		     if (integerp x) sum x into off
+		     else collect x into reg
+		     finally (return (values reg off))))
+	     (and (eq base (car reg))
+		  (not (rest reg))
+		  off)))
+	 (stack-frame-operand (op)
+	   (register-indirect-operand op :ebp))
+	 (funobj-constant-operand (op)
+	   (register-indirect-operand op :esi))
+	 (global-constant-operand (op)
+	   (register-indirect-operand op :edi))
+	 (global-funcall-p (op &optional funs)
+	   (let ((op (ignore-instruction-prefixes op)))
+	     (when (instruction-is op :call)
+	       (let ((x (global-constant-operand (second op))))
+		 (flet ((try (name)
+			  (and (eql x (slot-offset 'movitz-constant-block name))
+			       name)))
+		   (cond
+		    ((not x) nil)
+		    ((null funs) t)
+		    ((atom funs) (try funs))
+		    (t (some #'try funs))))))))
+	 (preserves-stack-location-p (i stack-location)
+	   (let ((i (ignore-instruction-prefixes i)))
+	     (and (not (atom i))
+		  (or (global-funcall-p i)
+		      (instruction-is i :frame-map)
+		      (branch-instruction-label i)
+		      (non-destructuve-p i)
+		      (and (simple-instruction-p i)
+			   (not (eql stack-location (stack-frame-operand (idst i)))))))))
+	 (preserves-register-p (i register)
+	   (let ((i (ignore-instruction-prefixes i)))
+	     (and (not (atom i))
+		  (or (and (member register '(:edx))
+			   (member (global-funcall-p i)
+				   '(fast-car fast-cdr fast-car-ebx fast-cdr-ebx)))
+		      (instruction-is i :frame-map)
+		      (branch-instruction-label i)
+		      (non-destructuve-p i)
+		      (and (simple-instruction-p i)
+			   (not (eq register (idst i))))))))
+	 (register-operand (op)
+	   (and (member op '(:eax :ebx :ecx :edx :edi))
+		op))
+	 (true-and-equal (x &rest more)
+	   (declare (dynamic-extent more))
+	   (and x (dolist (y more t)
+		    (unless (equal x y)
+		      (return nil)))))
+	 #+ignore
+	 (uses-stack-frame-p (c)
+	   (and (consp c)
+		(some #'stack-frame-operand (cdr c))))
+	 (load-stack-frame-p (c &optional (op :movl))
+	   (stack-frame-operand (twop-src c op)))
+	 (store-stack-frame-p (c &optional (op :movl))
+	   (stack-frame-operand (twop-dst c op)))
+	 (read-stack-frame-p (c)
+	   (or (load-stack-frame-p c :movl)
+	       (load-stack-frame-p c :cmpl)
+	       (store-stack-frame-p c :cmpl)
+	       (and (consp c)
+		    (eq :pushl (car c))
+		    (stack-frame-operand (second c)))))
+	 (in-stack-frame-p (c reg)
+	   "Does c ensure that reg is in some particular stack-frame location?"
+	   (or (and (load-stack-frame-p c)
+		    (eq reg (twop-dst c))
+		    (stack-frame-operand (twop-src c)))
+	       (and (store-stack-frame-p c)
+		    (eq reg (twop-src c))
+		    (stack-frame-operand (twop-dst c)))))
+	 (load-funobj-constant-p (c)
+	   (funobj-constant-operand (twop-src c :movl)))
+	 #+ignore
+	 (sub-program-label-p (l)
+	   (and (consp l)
+		(eq :sub-program (car l))))
+	 (local-load-p (c)
+	   (if (or (load-stack-frame-p c)
+		   (load-funobj-constant-p c))
+	       (twop-src c)
+	     nil))
+	 (label-here-p (label code)
+	   "Is <label> at this point in <code>?"
+	   (loop for i in code
+	       while (or (symbolp i)
+			 (instruction-is i :frame-map))
+	       thereis (eq label i)))
+	 (negate-branch (branch-type)
+	   (ecase branch-type
+	     (:jbe :ja) (:ja :jbe)
+	     (:jz :jnz) (:jnz :jz)
+	     (:je :jne) (:jne :je)
+	     (:jc :jnc) (:jnc :jc)
+	     (:jl :jge) (:jge :jl)
+	     (:jle :jg) (:jg :jle)))
+	 (branch-instruction-label (i &optional jmp (branch-types '(:je :jne :jb :jnb :jbe :jz :jl :jnz
+								    :jle :ja :jae :jg :jge :jnc :jc :js :jns)))
+	   "If i is a branch, return the label."
+	   (when jmp (push :jmp branch-types))
+	   (let ((i (ignore-instruction-prefixes i)))
+	     (or (and (listp i) (member (car i) branch-types)
+		      (listp (second i)) (member (car (second i)) '(quote muerte.cl::quote))
+		      (second (second i)))
+		 #+ignore
+		 (and (listp i)
+		      branch-types
+		      (symbolp (car i))
+		      (not (member (car i) '(:jmp :jecxz)))
+		      (char= #\J (char (symbol-name (car i)) 0))
+		      (warn "Not a branch: ~A / ~A   [~A]" i (symbol-package (caadr i)) branch-types)))))
+	 (find-branches-to-label (start-pc label &optional (context-size 0))
+	   "Context-size is the number of instructions _before_ the branch you want returned."
+	   (dotimes (i context-size)
+	     (push nil start-pc))
+	   (loop for pc on start-pc
+	       as i = (nth context-size pc)
+	       as i-label = (branch-instruction-label i t)
+	       if (or (eq label i-label)
+		      (and (consp i-label)
+			   (eq :label-plus-one (car i-label))))
+	       nconc (list pc)
+	       else if (let ((sub-program i-label))
+			 (and (consp sub-program)
+			      (eq :sub-program (car sub-program))))
+	       nconc (find-branches-to-label (cddr (branch-instruction-label i t))
+					     label context-size)
+	       else if (and (not (atom i))
+			    (tree-search i label))
+	       nconc (list 'unknown-label-usage)))
+	 (optimize-trim-stack-frame (unoptimized-code)
+	   "Any unused local variables on the stack-frame?"
+	   unoptimized-code
+	   #+ignore (if (not (and stack-frame-size
+				  (find 'start-stack-frame-setup unoptimized-code)))
+			unoptimized-code
+		      (let ((old-code unoptimized-code)
+			    (new-code ()))
+			;; copy everything upto start-stack-frame-setup
+			(loop for i = (pop old-code)
+			    do (push i new-code)
+			    while old-code
+			    until (eq i 'start-stack-frame-setup))
+			(assert (eq (car new-code) 'start-stack-frame-setup) ()
+			  "no start-stack-frame-setup label, but we already checked!")
+			(loop for pos downfrom -8 by 4
+			    as i = (pop old-code)
+			    if (and (consp i) (eq :pushl (car i)) (symbolp (cadr i)))
+			    collect (cons pos (cadr i))
+			    and do (unless (find pos old-code :key #'read-stack-frame-p)
+				     (cond
+				      ((find pos old-code :key #'store-stack-frame-p)
+				       (warn "Unused local but stored var: ~S" pos))
+				      ((find pos old-code :key #'uses-stack-frame-p)
+				       (warn "Unused BUT USED local var: ~S" pos))
+				      (t (warn "Unused local var: ~S" pos))))
+			    else do
+				 (push i old-code)
+				 (loop-finish))))
+	   unoptimized-code)
+	 (frame-map-code (unoptimized-code)
+	   "After each label in unoptimized-code, insert a (:frame-map <full-map> <branch-map> <sticky>)
 that says which registers are known to hold which stack-frame-locations.
 A branch-map is the map that is guaranteed after every branch to the label, i.e. not including
 falling below the label."
-	 #+ignore (warn "unmapped:~{~&~A~}" unoptimized-code)
-	 (flet ((rcode-map (code)
-		  #+ignore (when (instruction-is (car code) :testb)
-			     (warn "rcoding ~A" code))
-		  (loop with modifieds = nil
-		      with registers = (list :eax :ebx :ecx :edx)
-		      with local-map = nil
-		      for ii in code
-		      while registers
-		      do (flet ((add-map (stack reg)
-				  (when (and (not (member stack modifieds))
-					     (member reg registers))
-				    (push (cons stack reg)
-					  local-map))))
-			   (cond ((instruction-is ii :frame-map)
-				  (dolist (m (second ii))
-				    (add-map (car m) (cdr m))))
-				 ((load-stack-frame-p ii)
-				  (add-map (load-stack-frame-p ii)
-					   (twop-dst ii)))
-				 ((store-stack-frame-p ii)
-				  (add-map (store-stack-frame-p ii)
-					   (twop-src ii))
-				  (pushnew (store-stack-frame-p ii)
-					   modifieds))
-				 ((non-destructuve-p ii))
-				 ((branch-instruction-label ii))
-				 ((simple-instruction-p ii)
-				  (let ((op (idst ii)))
-				    (cond
-				     ((stack-frame-operand op)
-				      (pushnew (stack-frame-operand op) modifieds))
-				     ((symbolp op)
-				      (setf registers (delete op registers))))))
-				 (t #+ignore (when (instruction-is (car code) :testb)
-					       (warn "stopped at ~A" ii))
-				    (loop-finish))))
-			 (setf registers
-			   (delete-if (lambda (r)
-					(not (preserves-register-p ii r)))
-				      registers))
-		      finally
-			#+ignore (when (instruction-is (car code) :testb)
-				   (warn "..map ~A" local-map))
-			(return local-map))))
-	   (loop with next-pc = 'auto-next
-				;; initially (warn "opt: ~{   ~A~%~}" unoptimized-code)
-	       for pc = unoptimized-code then (prog1 (if (eq 'auto-next next-pc) auto-next-pc next-pc)
-						(setq next-pc 'auto-next))
-	       as auto-next-pc = (cdr unoptimized-code) then (cdr pc)
-	       as p = (list (car pc))	; will be appended.
-	       as i1 = (first pc)	; current instruction, collected by default.
-	       and i2 = (second pc)
-	       while pc
-	       do (when (and (symbolp i1)
-			     (not (and (instruction-is i2 :frame-map)
-				       (fourth i2))))
-		    (let* ((label i1)
-			   (branch-map (reduce (lambda (&optional x y)
-						 (intersection x y :test #'equal))
-					       (mapcar (lambda (lpc)
-							 (if (eq 'unknown-label-usage lpc)
-							     nil
-							   (rcode-map (nreverse (subseq lpc 0 9)))))
-						       (find-branches-to-label unoptimized-code label 9))))
-			   (full-map (let ((rcode (nreverse (let* ((pos (loop for x on unoptimized-code
-									    as pos upfrom 0
-									    until (eq x pc)
-									    finally (return pos)))
-								   (back9 (max 0 (- pos 9))))
-							      (subseq unoptimized-code
-								      back9 pos)))))
-				       (if (instruction-uncontinues-p (car rcode))
-					   branch-map
-					 (intersection branch-map (rcode-map rcode) :test #'equal)))))
-		      (when (or full-map branch-map nil)
-			#+ignore
-			(explain nil "Inserting at ~A frame-map ~S branch-map ~S."
-				 label full-map branch-map))
-		      (setq p (list label `(:frame-map ,full-map ,branch-map))
-			    next-pc (if (instruction-is i2 :frame-map)
-					(cddr pc)
-				      (cdr pc)))))
-	       nconc p)))
-       (optimize-stack-frame-init (unoptimized-code)
-	 "Look at the function's stack-frame initialization code, and see
+	   #+ignore (warn "unmapped:~{~&~A~}" unoptimized-code)
+	   (flet ((rcode-map (code)
+		    #+ignore (when (instruction-is (car code) :testb)
+			       (warn "rcoding ~A" code))
+		    (loop with modifieds = nil
+			with registers = (list :eax :ebx :ecx :edx)
+			with local-map = nil
+			for ii in code
+			while registers
+			do (flet ((add-map (stack reg)
+				    (when (and (not (member stack modifieds))
+					       (member reg registers))
+				      (push (cons stack reg)
+					    local-map))))
+			     (cond ((instruction-is ii :frame-map)
+				    (dolist (m (second ii))
+				      (add-map (car m) (cdr m))))
+				   ((load-stack-frame-p ii)
+				    (add-map (load-stack-frame-p ii)
+					     (twop-dst ii)))
+				   ((store-stack-frame-p ii)
+				    (add-map (store-stack-frame-p ii)
+					     (twop-src ii))
+				    (pushnew (store-stack-frame-p ii)
+					     modifieds))
+				   ((non-destructuve-p ii))
+				   ((branch-instruction-label ii))
+				   ((simple-instruction-p ii)
+				    (let ((op (idst ii)))
+				      (cond
+				       ((stack-frame-operand op)
+					(pushnew (stack-frame-operand op) modifieds))
+				       ((symbolp op)
+					(setf registers (delete op registers))))))
+				   (t #+ignore (when (instruction-is (car code) :testb)
+						 (warn "stopped at ~A" ii))
+				      (loop-finish))))
+			   (setf registers
+			     (delete-if (lambda (r)
+					  (not (preserves-register-p ii r)))
+					registers))
+			finally
+			  #+ignore (when (instruction-is (car code) :testb)
+				     (warn "..map ~A" local-map))
+			  (return local-map))))
+	     (loop with next-pc = 'auto-next
+				  ;; initially (warn "opt: ~{   ~A~%~}" unoptimized-code)
+		 for pc = unoptimized-code then (prog1 (if (eq 'auto-next next-pc) auto-next-pc next-pc)
+						  (setq next-pc 'auto-next))
+		 as auto-next-pc = (cdr unoptimized-code) then (cdr pc)
+		 as p = (list (car pc))	; will be appended.
+		 as i1 = (first pc)	; current instruction, collected by default.
+		 and i2 = (second pc)
+		 while pc
+		 do (when (and (symbolp i1)
+			       (not (and (instruction-is i2 :frame-map)
+					 (fourth i2))))
+		      (let* ((label i1)
+			     (branch-map (reduce (lambda (&optional x y)
+						   (intersection x y :test #'equal))
+						 (mapcar (lambda (lpc)
+							   (if (eq 'unknown-label-usage lpc)
+							       nil
+							     (rcode-map (nreverse (subseq lpc 0 9)))))
+							 (find-branches-to-label unoptimized-code label 9))))
+			     (full-map (let ((rcode (nreverse (let* ((pos (loop for x on unoptimized-code
+									      as pos upfrom 0
+									      until (eq x pc)
+									      finally (return pos)))
+								     (back9 (max 0 (- pos 9))))
+								(subseq unoptimized-code
+									back9 pos)))))
+					 (if (instruction-uncontinues-p (car rcode))
+					     branch-map
+					   (intersection branch-map (rcode-map rcode) :test #'equal)))))
+			(when (or full-map branch-map nil)
+			  #+ignore
+			  (explain nil "Inserting at ~A frame-map ~S branch-map ~S."
+				   label full-map branch-map))
+			(setq p (list label `(:frame-map ,full-map ,branch-map))
+			      next-pc (if (instruction-is i2 :frame-map)
+					  (cddr pc)
+					(cdr pc)))))
+		 nconc p)))
+	 (optimize-stack-frame-init (unoptimized-code)
+	   "Look at the function's stack-frame initialization code, and see
           if we can optimize that, and/or immediately subsequent loads/stores."
-	 (if (not (find 'start-stack-frame-setup unoptimized-code))
-	     unoptimized-code
-	   (let ((old-code unoptimized-code)
-		 (new-code ()))
-	     ;; copy everything upto start-stack-frame-setup
-	     (loop for i = (pop old-code)
-		 do (push i new-code)
-		 while old-code
-		 until (eq i 'start-stack-frame-setup))
-	     (assert (eq (car new-code) 'start-stack-frame-setup) ()
-	       "no start-stack-frame-setup label, but we already checked!")
-	     (let* ((frame-map (loop for pos downfrom -8 by 4
-				   as i = (pop old-code)
-				   if (and (consp i) (eq :pushl (car i)) (symbolp (cadr i)))
-				   collect (cons pos (cadr i))
-				   and do (push i new-code)
-				   else do
-					(push i old-code)
-					(loop-finish)))
-		    (mod-p (loop with mod-p = nil
-			       for i = `(:frame-map ,(copy-list frame-map) nil t)
-			       then (pop old-code)
-			       while i
-			       do (let ((new-i (cond
-						((let ((store-pos (store-stack-frame-p i)))
-						   (and store-pos
-							(eq (cdr (assoc store-pos frame-map))
-							    (twop-src i))))
-						 (explain nil "removed stack-init store: ~S" i)
-						 nil)
-						((let ((load-pos (load-stack-frame-p i)))
-						   (and load-pos
-							(eq (cdr (assoc load-pos frame-map))
-							    (twop-dst i))))
-						 (explain nil "removed stack-init load: ~S" i)
-						 nil)
-						((and (load-stack-frame-p i)
-						      (assoc (load-stack-frame-p i) frame-map))
-						 (let ((old-reg (cdr (assoc (load-stack-frame-p i)
-									    frame-map))))
-						   (explain nil "load ~S already in ~S."
-							    i old-reg)
-						   `(:movl ,old-reg ,(twop-dst i))))
-						(t i))))
-				    (unless (eq new-i i)
-				      (setf mod-p t))
-				    (when (branch-instruction-label new-i t)
-				      (setf mod-p t)
-				      (push `(:frame-map ,(copy-list frame-map) nil t)
-					    new-code))
-				    (when new-i
-				      (push new-i new-code)
-				      ;; (warn "new-i: ~S, fm: ~S" new-i frame-map)
-				      (setf frame-map
-					(delete-if (lambda (map)
-						     ;; (warn "considering: ~S" map)
-						     (not (and (preserves-register-p new-i (cdr map))
-							       (preserves-stack-location-p new-i
-											   (car map)))))
-						   frame-map))
-				      ;; (warn "Frame-map now: ~S" frame-map)
-				      (when (store-stack-frame-p new-i)
-					(loop for map in frame-map
-					    do (when (= (store-stack-frame-p new-i)
-							(car map))
-						 (setf (cdr map) (twop-src new-i)))))))
-			       while frame-map
-			       finally (return mod-p))))
-	       (if (not mod-p)
-		   unoptimized-code
-		 (append (nreverse new-code)
-			 old-code)))))))
-    (let* ((unoptimized-code (frame-map-code (optimize-stack-frame-init unoptimized-code)))
-	   (code-modified-p nil)
-	   (stack-frame-used-map (loop with map = nil
-				     for i in unoptimized-code
-				     do (let ((x (read-stack-frame-p i)))
-					  (when x (pushnew x map)))
-					(when (and (instruction-is i :leal)
-						   (stack-frame-operand (twop-src i)))
-					  (let ((x (stack-frame-operand (twop-src i))))
-					    (when (= (tag :cons) (ldb (byte 2 0) x))
-					      (pushnew (+ x -1) map)
-					      (pushnew (+ x 3) map))))
-				     finally (return map)))
-	   (optimized-code
-	    ;; This loop applies a set of (hard-coded) heuristics on unoptimized-code.
-	    (loop with next-pc = 'auto-next
-		;; initially (warn "opt: ~{   ~A~%~}" unoptimized-code)
-		for pc = unoptimized-code then (prog1 (if (eq 'auto-next next-pc) auto-next-pc next-pc)
-						 (setq next-pc 'auto-next))
-		as auto-next-pc = (cdr unoptimized-code) then (cdr pc)
-		as p = (list (car pc))	; will be appended.
-		as original-p = p
-		as i = (first pc)	; current instruction, collected by default.
-		and i2 = (second pc) and i3 = (third pc) and i4 = (fourth pc) and i5 = (fifth pc)
-		while pc
-		do (cond
-		    ((and (instruction-is i :frame-map)
-			  (instruction-is i2 :frame-map)
-			  (not (fourth i))
-			  (not (fourth i2)))
-		     (let ((map (union (second i) (second i2) :test #'equal)))
-		       (explain nil "Merged maps:~%~A + ~A~% => ~A"
-				(second i) (second i2) map)
-		       (setq p `((:frame-map ,map))
-			     next-pc (cddr pc))))
-		    ((let ((x (store-stack-frame-p i)))
-		       (and x (not (member x stack-frame-used-map))))
-		     (setq p nil)
-		     (explain nil "Removed store of unused local var: ~S" i))
-		    ((and (global-funcall-p i2 '(fast-car))
-			  (global-funcall-p i5 '(fast-cdr))
-			  (true-and-equal (in-stack-frame-p i :eax)
-					  (in-stack-frame-p i4 :eax)))
-		     (let ((call-prefix (if (consp (car i2)) (car i2) nil)))
-		       (cond
-			((equal i3 '(:pushl :eax))
-			 (explain nil "merge car,push,cdr to cdr-car,push")
-			 (setf p (list i
-				       `(,call-prefix :call
-						      (:edi ,(global-constant-offset 'fast-cdr-car)))
-				       `(:pushl :ebx))
-			       next-pc (nthcdr 5 pc)))
-			((and (store-stack-frame-p i3)
-			      (eq :eax (twop-src i3)))
-			 (explain nil "merge car,store,cdr to cdr-car,store")
-			 (setf p (list i
-				       `(,call-prefix :call
-						      (:edi ,(global-constant-offset 'fast-cdr-car)))
-				       `(:movl :ebx ,(twop-dst i3)))
-			       next-pc (nthcdr 5 pc)))
-			(t (error "can't deal with cdr-car here: ~{~&~A~}" (subseq pc 0 8))))))
-		    ((flet ((try (place register &optional map reason)
-			      "See if we can remove a stack-frame load below current pc,
+	   (if (not (find 'start-stack-frame-setup unoptimized-code))
+	       unoptimized-code
+	     (let ((old-code unoptimized-code)
+		   (new-code ()))
+	       ;; copy everything upto start-stack-frame-setup
+	       (loop for i = (pop old-code)
+		   do (push i new-code)
+		   while old-code
+		   until (eq i 'start-stack-frame-setup))
+	       (assert (eq (car new-code) 'start-stack-frame-setup) ()
+		 "no start-stack-frame-setup label, but we already checked!")
+	       (let* ((frame-map (loop for pos downfrom -8 by 4
+				     as i = (pop old-code)
+				     if (and (consp i) (eq :pushl (car i)) (symbolp (cadr i)))
+				     collect (cons pos (cadr i))
+				     and do (push i new-code)
+				     else do
+					  (push i old-code)
+					  (loop-finish)))
+		      (mod-p (loop with mod-p = nil
+				 for i = `(:frame-map ,(copy-list frame-map) nil t)
+				 then (pop old-code)
+				 while i
+				 do (let ((new-i (cond
+						  ((let ((store-pos (store-stack-frame-p i)))
+						     (and store-pos
+							  (eq (cdr (assoc store-pos frame-map))
+							      (twop-src i))))
+						   (explain nil "removed stack-init store: ~S" i)
+						   nil)
+						  ((let ((load-pos (load-stack-frame-p i)))
+						     (and load-pos
+							  (eq (cdr (assoc load-pos frame-map))
+							      (twop-dst i))))
+						   (explain nil "removed stack-init load: ~S" i)
+						   nil)
+						  ((and (load-stack-frame-p i)
+							(assoc (load-stack-frame-p i) frame-map))
+						   (let ((old-reg (cdr (assoc (load-stack-frame-p i)
+									      frame-map))))
+						     (explain nil "load ~S already in ~S."
+							      i old-reg)
+						     `(:movl ,old-reg ,(twop-dst i))))
+						  (t i))))
+				      (unless (eq new-i i)
+					(setf mod-p t))
+				      (when (branch-instruction-label new-i t)
+					(setf mod-p t)
+					(push `(:frame-map ,(copy-list frame-map) nil t)
+					      new-code))
+				      (when new-i
+					(push new-i new-code)
+					;; (warn "new-i: ~S, fm: ~S" new-i frame-map)
+					(setf frame-map
+					  (delete-if (lambda (map)
+						       ;; (warn "considering: ~S" map)
+						       (not (and (preserves-register-p new-i (cdr map))
+								 (preserves-stack-location-p new-i
+											     (car map)))))
+						     frame-map))
+					;; (warn "Frame-map now: ~S" frame-map)
+					(when (store-stack-frame-p new-i)
+					  (loop for map in frame-map
+					      do (when (= (store-stack-frame-p new-i)
+							  (car map))
+						   (setf (cdr map) (twop-src new-i)))))))
+				 while frame-map
+				 finally (return mod-p))))
+		 (if (not mod-p)
+		     unoptimized-code
+		   (append (nreverse new-code)
+			   old-code)))))))
+      (let* ((unoptimized-code (frame-map-code (optimize-stack-frame-init unoptimized-code)))
+	     (code-modified-p nil)
+	     (stack-frame-used-map (loop with map = nil
+				       for i in unoptimized-code
+				       do (let ((x (read-stack-frame-p i)))
+					    (when x (pushnew x map)))
+					  (when (and (instruction-is i :leal)
+						     (stack-frame-operand (twop-src i)))
+					    (let ((x (stack-frame-operand (twop-src i))))
+					      (when (= (tag :cons) (ldb (byte 2 0) x))
+						(pushnew (+ x -1) map)
+						(pushnew (+ x 3) map))))
+				       finally (return map)))
+	     (optimized-code
+	      ;; This loop applies a set of (hard-coded) heuristics on unoptimized-code.
+	      (loop with next-pc = 'auto-next
+				   ;; initially (warn "opt: ~{   ~A~%~}" unoptimized-code)
+		  for pc = unoptimized-code then (prog1 (if (eq 'auto-next next-pc) auto-next-pc next-pc)
+						   (setq next-pc 'auto-next))
+		  as auto-next-pc = (cdr unoptimized-code) then (cdr pc)
+		  as p = (list (car pc)) ; will be appended.
+		  as original-p = p
+		  as i = (first pc)	; current instruction, collected by default.
+		  and i2 = (second pc) and i3 = (third pc) and i4 = (fourth pc) and i5 = (fifth pc)
+		  while pc
+		  do (cond
+		      ((and (instruction-is i :frame-map)
+			    (instruction-is i2 :frame-map)
+			    (not (fourth i))
+			    (not (fourth i2)))
+		       (let ((map (union (second i) (second i2) :test #'equal)))
+			 (explain nil "Merged maps:~%~A + ~A~% => ~A"
+				  (second i) (second i2) map)
+			 (setq p `((:frame-map ,map))
+			       next-pc (cddr pc))))
+		      ((let ((x (store-stack-frame-p i)))
+			 (and x (not (member x stack-frame-used-map))))
+		       (setq p nil)
+		       (explain nil "Removed store of unused local var: ~S" i))
+		      ((and (global-funcall-p i2 '(fast-car))
+			    (global-funcall-p i5 '(fast-cdr))
+			    (true-and-equal (in-stack-frame-p i :eax)
+					    (in-stack-frame-p i4 :eax)))
+		       (let ((call-prefix (if (consp (car i2)) (car i2) nil)))
+			 (cond
+			  ((equal i3 '(:pushl :eax))
+			   (explain nil "merge car,push,cdr to cdr-car,push")
+			   (setf p (list i
+					 `(,call-prefix :call
+							(:edi ,(global-constant-offset 'fast-cdr-car)))
+					 `(:pushl :ebx))
+				 next-pc (nthcdr 5 pc)))
+			  ((and (store-stack-frame-p i3)
+				(eq :eax (twop-src i3)))
+			   (explain nil "merge car,store,cdr to cdr-car,store")
+			   (setf p (list i
+					 `(,call-prefix :call
+							(:edi ,(global-constant-offset 'fast-cdr-car)))
+					 `(:movl :ebx ,(twop-dst i3)))
+				 next-pc (nthcdr 5 pc)))
+			  (t (error "can't deal with cdr-car here: ~{~&~A~}" (subseq pc 0 8))))))
+		      ((flet ((try (place register &optional map reason)
+				"See if we can remove a stack-frame load below current pc,
                               given the knowledge that <register> is equal to <place>."
-			      (let ((next-load (and place
-						    (dolist (si (cdr pc))
-						      (when (and (twop-p si :cmpl)
-								 (equal place (twop-src si)))
-							(warn "Reverse cmp not yet dealed with.."))
-						      (cond
-						       ((and (twop-p si :cmpl)
-							     (equal place (twop-dst si)))
-							(return si))
-						       ((equal place (local-load-p si))
-							(return si))
-						       ((or (not (consp si))
-							    (not (preserves-register-p si register))
-							    (equal place (twop-dst si)))
-							(return nil)))
-						      (setf map
-							(remove-if (lambda (m)
-								     (not (preserves-register-p si (cdr m))))
-								   map))))))
-				(case (instruction-is next-load)
-				  (:movl
-				   (let ((pos (position next-load pc)))
-				     (setq p (nconc (subseq pc 0 pos)
-						    (if (or (eq register (twop-dst next-load))
-							    (find-if (lambda (m)
-								       (and (eq (twop-dst next-load) (cdr m))
-									    (= (car m) (stack-frame-operand place))))
-								     map))
-							nil
-						      (list `(:movl ,register ,(twop-dst next-load)))))
-					   next-pc (nthcdr (1+ pos) pc))
-				     (explain nil "preserved load/store .. load ~S of place ~S because ~S."
-					      next-load place reason)))
-				  (:cmpl
-				   (let ((pos (position next-load pc)))
-				     (setq p (nconc (subseq pc 0 pos)
-						    (list `(:cmpl ,(twop-src next-load) ,register)))
-					   next-pc (nthcdr (1+ pos) pc))
-				     (explain nil "preserved load/store..cmp: ~S" p next-load))))
-				(if next-load t nil))))
-		       (or (when (instruction-is i :frame-map)
-			     (loop for (place . register) in (second i)
+				(let ((next-load (and place
+						      (dolist (si (cdr pc))
+							(when (and (twop-p si :cmpl)
+								   (equal place (twop-src si)))
+							  (warn "Reverse cmp not yet dealed with.."))
+							(cond
+							 ((and (twop-p si :cmpl)
+							       (equal place (twop-dst si)))
+							  (return si))
+							 ((equal place (local-load-p si))
+							  (return si))
+							 ((or (not (consp si))
+							      (not (preserves-register-p si register))
+							      (equal place (twop-dst si)))
+							  (return nil)))
+							(setf map
+							  (remove-if (lambda (m)
+								       (not (preserves-register-p si (cdr m))))
+								     map))))))
+				  (case (instruction-is next-load)
+				    (:movl
+				     (let ((pos (position next-load pc)))
+				       (setq p (nconc (subseq pc 0 pos)
+						      (if (or (eq register (twop-dst next-load))
+							      (find-if (lambda (m)
+									 (and (eq (twop-dst next-load) (cdr m))
+									      (= (car m) (stack-frame-operand place))))
+								       map))
+							  nil
+							(list `(:movl ,register ,(twop-dst next-load)))))
+					     next-pc (nthcdr (1+ pos) pc))
+				       (explain nil "preserved load/store .. load ~S of place ~S because ~S."
+						next-load place reason)))
+				    (:cmpl
+				     (let ((pos (position next-load pc)))
+				       (setq p (nconc (subseq pc 0 pos)
+						      (list `(:cmpl ,(twop-src next-load) ,register)))
+					     next-pc (nthcdr (1+ pos) pc))
+				       (explain nil "preserved load/store..cmp: ~S" p next-load))))
+				  (if next-load t nil))))
+			 (or (when (instruction-is i :frame-map)
+			       (loop for (place . register) in (second i)
 ;;;				 do (warn "map try ~S ~S: ~S" place register
 ;;;					  (try place register))
-				 thereis (try `(:ebp ,place) register (second i) :frame-map)))
-			   (try (or (local-load-p i)
-				    (and (store-stack-frame-p i)
-					 (twop-dst i)))
-				(if (store-stack-frame-p i)
-				    (twop-src i)
-				  (twop-dst i))
-				nil i))))
-		    ((and (symbolp i)
-			  (instruction-is i2 :frame-map)
-			  (load-stack-frame-p i3)
-			  (eq (twop-dst i3)
-			      (cdr (assoc (load-stack-frame-p i3) (third i2))))
-			  (not (assoc (load-stack-frame-p i3) (second i2))))
-		     (let ((reg (cdr (assoc (load-stack-frame-p i3) (third i2)))))
-		       (explain nil "factor out load from loop: ~S" i3)
-		       (assert (eq reg (twop-dst i3)))
-		       (setq p (if (eq reg (twop-dst i3))
-				   (list i3 i i2)
-				 (append (list i3 i i2)
-					 `((:movl ,reg ,(twop-dst i3)))))
-			     next-pc (cdddr pc))))
-		    ;; ((:jmp x) ...(no labels).... x ..)
-		    ;; => (x ...)
-		    ((let ((x (branch-instruction-label i t nil)))
-		       (and (position x (cdr pc))
-			    (not (find-if #'symbolp (cdr pc) :end (position x (cdr pc))))))
-		     (explain nil "jmp x .. x: ~W"
-			      (subseq pc 0 (1+ (position (branch-instruction-label i t nil)
-							 pc))))
-		     (setq p nil
-			   next-pc (member (branch-instruction-label i t nil) pc)))
-		    ;; (:jcc 'x) .... x (:jmp 'y) ..
-		    ;; => (:jcc 'y) .... x (:jmp 'y) ..
-		    ((let* ((from (branch-instruction-label i t))
-			    (dest (member (branch-instruction-label i t)
-					  unoptimized-code))
-			    (to (branch-instruction-label (if (instruction-is (second dest) :frame-map)
-							      (third dest)
-							    (second dest))
-							  t nil)))
-		       (when (and from to (not (eq from to)))
-			 (setq p (list `(,(car i) ',to)))
-			 (explain nil "branch redirect from ~S to ~S" from to)
-			 t)))
-		    ;; remove branch no-ops.
-		    ((and (branch-instruction-label i t)
-			  (label-here-p (branch-instruction-label i t)
-					(cdr pc)))
-		     (explain nil "branch no-op: ~A" i)
-		     (setq p nil))
-		    ((and (symbolp i)
-			  (null (symbol-package i))
-			  (null (find-branches-to-label unoptimized-code i))
-			  (not (member i keep-labels)))
-		     (setq p nil
-			   next-pc (cdr pc))
-		     (explain nil "unused label: ~S" i))
-		    ;; ((:jcc 'label) (:jmp 'y) label) => ((:jncc 'y) label)
-		    ((and (branch-instruction-label i)
-			  (branch-instruction-label i2 t nil)
-			  (symbolp i3)
-			  (eq (branch-instruction-label i) i3))
-		     (setq p (list `(,(negate-branch (first i))
-				     ',(branch-instruction-label i2 t nil)))
-			   next-pc (nthcdr 2 pc))
-		     (explain nil "collapsed double negative branch to ~S: ~A." i3 p))
-		    ((and (branch-instruction-label i)
-			  (instruction-is i2 :frame-map)
-			  (branch-instruction-label i3 t nil)
-			  (symbolp i4)
-			  (eq (branch-instruction-label i) i4))
-		     (setq p (list `(,(negate-branch (first i))
-				     ',(branch-instruction-label i3 t nil)))
-			   next-pc (nthcdr 3 pc))
-		     (explain nil "collapsed double negative branch to ~S: ~A." i4 p))
-		    ((and (twop-p i :movl)
-			  (register-operand (twop-src i))
-			  (register-operand (twop-dst i))
-			  (twop-p i2 :movl)
-			  (eq (twop-dst i) (twop-dst i2))
-			  (register-indirect-operand (twop-src i2) (twop-dst i)))
-		     (setq p (list `(:movl (,(twop-src i)
-					    ,(register-indirect-operand (twop-src i2)
-									(twop-dst i)))
-					   ,(twop-dst i2)))
-			   next-pc (nthcdr 2 pc))
-		     (explain nil "(movl edx eax) (movl (eax <z>) eax) => (movl (edx <z>) eax: ~S"
-			      p))
-		    ((and (twop-p i :movl)
-			  (instruction-is i2 :pushl)
-			  (eq (twop-dst i) (second i2))
-			  (twop-p i3 :movl)
-			  (eq (twop-dst i) (twop-dst i3)))
-		     (setq p (list `(:pushl ,(twop-src i)))
-			   next-pc (nthcdr 2 pc))
-		     (explain nil "(movl <z> :eax) (pushl :eax) => (pushl <z>): ~S" p))
-		    ((and (instruction-uncontinues-p i)
-			  (not (or (symbolp i2)
-				   #+ignore (member (instruction-is i2) '(:foobar)))))
-		     (do ((x (cdr pc) (cdr x)))
-			 (nil)
-		       (cond
-			((not (or (symbolp (car x))
-				  #+ignore (member (instruction-is (car x)) '(:foobar))))
-			 (explain nil "Removing unreachable code ~A after ~A." (car x) i))
-			(t (setf p (list i)
-				 next-pc x)
-			   (return)))))
-		    ((and (store-stack-frame-p i)
-			  (load-stack-frame-p i2)
-			  (load-stack-frame-p i3)
-			  (= (store-stack-frame-p i)
-			     (load-stack-frame-p i3))
-			  (not (eq (twop-dst i2) (twop-dst i3))))
-		     (setq p (list i `(:movl ,(twop-src i) ,(twop-dst i3)) i2)
-			   next-pc (nthcdr 3 pc))
-		     (explain nil "store, z, load => store, move, z: ~A" p))
-		    ((and (instruction-is i :movl)
-			  (member (twop-dst i) '(:eax :ebx :ecx :edx))
-			  (instruction-is i2 :pushl)
-			  (not (member (second i2) '(:eax :ebx :ecx :edx)))
-			  (equal (twop-src i) (second i2)))
-		     (setq p (list i `(:pushl ,(twop-dst i)))
-			   next-pc (nthcdr 2 pc))
-		     (explain t "load, push => load, push reg."))
-		    ((and (instruction-is i :movl)
-			  (member (twop-src i) '(:eax :ebx :ecx :edx))
-			  (instruction-is i2 :pushl)
-			  (not (member (second i2) '(:eax :ebx :ecx :edx)))
-			  (equal (twop-dst i) (second i2)))
-		     (setq p (list i `(:pushl ,(twop-src i)))
-			   next-pc (nthcdr 2 pc))
-		     (explain nil "store, push => store, push reg: ~S ~S" i i2))
-		    ((and (instruction-is i :cmpl)
-			  (true-and-equal (stack-frame-operand (twop-dst i))
-					  (load-stack-frame-p i3))
-			  (branch-instruction-label i2))
-		     (setf p (list i3
-				   `(:cmpl ,(twop-src i) ,(twop-dst i3))
-				   i2)
-			   next-pc (nthcdr 3 pc))
-		     (explain nil "~S ~S ~S => ~S" i i2 i3 p))
-		    ((and (instruction-is i :pushl)
-			  (instruction-is i3 :popl)
-			  (store-stack-frame-p i2)
-			  (store-stack-frame-p i4)
-			  (eq (idst i3) (twop-src i4)))
-		     (setf p (list i2
-				   `(:movl ,(idst i) ,(twop-dst i4))
-				   `(:movl ,(idst i) ,(idst i3)))
-			   next-pc (nthcdr 4 pc))
-		     (explain nil "~S => ~S" (subseq pc 0 4) p))
-		    #+ignore
-		    ((let ((i6 (nth 6 pc)))
-		       (and (global-funcall-p i2 '(fast-car))
-			    (global-funcall-p i6 '(fast-cdr))
-			    (load-stack-frame-p i)
-			    (eq :eax (twop-dst i))
-			    (equal i i4))))
-		    ((and (equal i '(:movl :ebx :eax))
-			  (global-funcall-p i2 '(fast-car fast-cdr)))
-		     (let ((newf (ecase (global-funcall-p i2 '(fast-car fast-cdr))
-				   (fast-car 'fast-car-ebx)
-				   (fast-cdr 'fast-cdr-ebx))))
-		       (setq p `((:call (:edi ,(global-constant-offset newf))))
+				   thereis (try `(:ebp ,place) register (second i) :frame-map)))
+			     (try (or (local-load-p i)
+				      (and (store-stack-frame-p i)
+					   (twop-dst i)))
+				  (if (store-stack-frame-p i)
+				      (twop-src i)
+				    (twop-dst i))
+				  nil i))))
+		      ((and (symbolp i)
+			    (instruction-is i2 :frame-map)
+			    (load-stack-frame-p i3)
+			    (eq (twop-dst i3)
+				(cdr (assoc (load-stack-frame-p i3) (third i2))))
+			    (not (assoc (load-stack-frame-p i3) (second i2))))
+		       (let ((reg (cdr (assoc (load-stack-frame-p i3) (third i2)))))
+			 (explain nil "factor out load from loop: ~S" i3)
+			 (assert (eq reg (twop-dst i3)))
+			 (setq p (if (eq reg (twop-dst i3))
+				     (list i3 i i2)
+				   (append (list i3 i i2)
+					   `((:movl ,reg ,(twop-dst i3)))))
+			       next-pc (cdddr pc))))
+		      ;; ((:jmp x) ...(no labels).... x ..)
+		      ;; => (x ...)
+		      ((let ((x (branch-instruction-label i t nil)))
+			 (and (position x (cdr pc))
+			      (not (find-if #'symbolp (cdr pc) :end (position x (cdr pc))))))
+		       (explain nil "jmp x .. x: ~W"
+				(subseq pc 0 (1+ (position (branch-instruction-label i t nil)
+							   pc))))
+		       (setq p nil
+			     next-pc (member (branch-instruction-label i t nil) pc)))
+		      ;; (:jcc 'x) .... x (:jmp 'y) ..
+		      ;; => (:jcc 'y) .... x (:jmp 'y) ..
+		      ((let* ((from (branch-instruction-label i t))
+			      (dest (member (branch-instruction-label i t)
+					    unoptimized-code))
+			      (to (branch-instruction-label (if (instruction-is (second dest) :frame-map)
+								(third dest)
+							      (second dest))
+							    t nil)))
+			 (when (and from to (not (eq from to)))
+			   (setq p (list `(,(car i) ',to)))
+			   (explain nil "branch redirect from ~S to ~S" from to)
+			   t)))
+		      ;; remove branch no-ops.
+		      ((and (branch-instruction-label i t)
+			    (label-here-p (branch-instruction-label i t)
+					  (cdr pc)))
+		       (explain nil "branch no-op: ~A" i)
+		       (setq p nil))
+		      ((and (symbolp i)
+			    (null (symbol-package i))
+			    (null (find-branches-to-label unoptimized-code i))
+			    (not (member i keep-labels)))
+		       (setq p nil
+			     next-pc (cdr pc))
+		       (explain nil "unused label: ~S" i))
+		      ;; ((:jcc 'label) (:jmp 'y) label) => ((:jncc 'y) label)
+		      ((and (branch-instruction-label i)
+			    (branch-instruction-label i2 t nil)
+			    (symbolp i3)
+			    (eq (branch-instruction-label i) i3))
+		       (setq p (list `(,(negate-branch (first i))
+				       ',(branch-instruction-label i2 t nil)))
+			     next-pc (nthcdr 2 pc))
+		       (explain nil "collapsed double negative branch to ~S: ~A." i3 p))
+		      ((and (branch-instruction-label i)
+			    (instruction-is i2 :frame-map)
+			    (branch-instruction-label i3 t nil)
+			    (symbolp i4)
+			    (eq (branch-instruction-label i) i4))
+		       (setq p (list `(,(negate-branch (first i))
+				       ',(branch-instruction-label i3 t nil)))
+			     next-pc (nthcdr 3 pc))
+		       (explain nil "collapsed double negative branch to ~S: ~A." i4 p))
+		      ((and (twop-p i :movl)
+			    (register-operand (twop-src i))
+			    (register-operand (twop-dst i))
+			    (twop-p i2 :movl)
+			    (eq (twop-dst i) (twop-dst i2))
+			    (register-indirect-operand (twop-src i2) (twop-dst i)))
+		       (setq p (list `(:movl (,(twop-src i)
+					      ,(register-indirect-operand (twop-src i2)
+									  (twop-dst i)))
+					     ,(twop-dst i2)))
+			     next-pc (nthcdr 2 pc))
+		       (explain nil "(movl edx eax) (movl (eax <z>) eax) => (movl (edx <z>) eax: ~S"
+				p))
+		      ((and (twop-p i :movl)
+			    (instruction-is i2 :pushl)
+			    (eq (twop-dst i) (second i2))
+			    (twop-p i3 :movl)
+			    (eq (twop-dst i) (twop-dst i3)))
+		       (setq p (list `(:pushl ,(twop-src i)))
+			     next-pc (nthcdr 2 pc))
+		       (explain nil "(movl <z> :eax) (pushl :eax) => (pushl <z>): ~S" p))
+		      ((and (instruction-uncontinues-p i)
+			    (not (or (symbolp i2)
+				     #+ignore (member (instruction-is i2) '(:foobar)))))
+		       (do ((x (cdr pc) (cdr x)))
+			   (nil)
+			 (cond
+			  ((not (or (symbolp (car x))
+				    #+ignore (member (instruction-is (car x)) '(:foobar))))
+			   (explain nil "Removing unreachable code ~A after ~A." (car x) i))
+			  (t (setf p (list i)
+				   next-pc x)
+			     (return)))))
+		      ((and (store-stack-frame-p i)
+			    (load-stack-frame-p i2)
+			    (load-stack-frame-p i3)
+			    (= (store-stack-frame-p i)
+			       (load-stack-frame-p i3))
+			    (not (eq (twop-dst i2) (twop-dst i3))))
+		       (setq p (list i `(:movl ,(twop-src i) ,(twop-dst i3)) i2)
+			     next-pc (nthcdr 3 pc))
+		       (explain nil "store, z, load => store, move, z: ~A" p))
+		      ((and (instruction-is i :movl)
+			    (member (twop-dst i) '(:eax :ebx :ecx :edx))
+			    (instruction-is i2 :pushl)
+			    (not (member (second i2) '(:eax :ebx :ecx :edx)))
+			    (equal (twop-src i) (second i2)))
+		       (setq p (list i `(:pushl ,(twop-dst i)))
 			     next-pc (nthcdr 2 pc))
-		       (explain nil "Changed [~S ~S] to ~S" i i2 newf)))
-		    ((and (equal i '(:movl :eax :ebx))
-			  (global-funcall-p i2 '(fast-car-ebx fast-cdr-ebx)))
-		     (let ((newf (ecase (global-funcall-p i2 '(fast-car-ebx fast-cdr-ebx))
-				   (fast-car-ebx 'fast-car)
-				   (fast-cdr-ebx 'fast-cdr))))
-		       (setq p `((:call (:edi ,(global-constant-offset newf))))
+		       (explain t "load, push => load, push reg."))
+		      ((and (instruction-is i :movl)
+			    (member (twop-src i) '(:eax :ebx :ecx :edx))
+			    (instruction-is i2 :pushl)
+			    (not (member (second i2) '(:eax :ebx :ecx :edx)))
+			    (equal (twop-dst i) (second i2)))
+		       (setq p (list i `(:pushl ,(twop-src i)))
 			     next-pc (nthcdr 2 pc))
-		       (explain nil "Changed [~S ~S] to ~S" i i2 newf)))
-		    ((and (load-stack-frame-p i) (eq :eax (twop-dst i))
-			  (global-funcall-p i2 '(fast-car fast-cdr))
-			  (preserves-stack-location-p i3 (load-stack-frame-p i))
-			  (eql (load-stack-frame-p i)
-			       (load-stack-frame-p i4)))
-		     (let ((newf (ecase (global-funcall-p i2 '(fast-car fast-cdr))
-				   (fast-car 'fast-car-ebx)
-				   (fast-cdr 'fast-cdr-ebx))))
-		       (setq p `((:movl ,(twop-src i) :ebx)
-				 (:call (:edi ,(global-constant-offset newf)))
-				 ,i3
-				 ,@(unless (eq :ebx (twop-dst i4))
-				     `((:movl :ebx ,(twop-dst i4)))))
+		       (explain nil "store, push => store, push reg: ~S ~S" i i2))
+		      ((and (instruction-is i :cmpl)
+			    (true-and-equal (stack-frame-operand (twop-dst i))
+					    (load-stack-frame-p i3))
+			    (branch-instruction-label i2))
+		       (setf p (list i3
+				     `(:cmpl ,(twop-src i) ,(twop-dst i3))
+				     i2)
+			     next-pc (nthcdr 3 pc))
+		       (explain nil "~S ~S ~S => ~S" i i2 i3 p))
+		      ((and (instruction-is i :pushl)
+			    (instruction-is i3 :popl)
+			    (store-stack-frame-p i2)
+			    (store-stack-frame-p i4)
+			    (eq (idst i3) (twop-src i4)))
+		       (setf p (list i2
+				     `(:movl ,(idst i) ,(twop-dst i4))
+				     `(:movl ,(idst i) ,(idst i3)))
 			     next-pc (nthcdr 4 pc))
-		       (explain nil "load around ~A" newf))))
-		do (unless (eq p original-p) ; auto-detect whether any heuristic fired..
-		     #+ignore (warn "at ~A, ~A inserted ~A" i i2 p)
-		     #+ignore (warn "modified at ~S ~S ~S" i i2 i3)
-		     (setf code-modified-p t))
-		nconc p)))
-      (if code-modified-p
-	  (apply #'optimize-code-internal optimized-code (1+ recursive-count) key-args)
-	(optimize-trim-stack-frame
-	 (remove :frame-map (progn #+ignore (warn "maps:~{~&~A~}" unoptimized-code)
-				   unoptimized-code)
-		 :key (lambda (x)
-			(when (consp x)
-			  (car x)))))))))
+		       (explain nil "~S => ~S" (subseq pc 0 4) p))
+		      #+ignore
+		      ((let ((i6 (nth 6 pc)))
+			 (and (global-funcall-p i2 '(fast-car))
+			      (global-funcall-p i6 '(fast-cdr))
+			      (load-stack-frame-p i)
+			      (eq :eax (twop-dst i))
+			      (equal i i4))))
+		      ((and (equal i '(:movl :ebx :eax))
+			    (global-funcall-p i2 '(fast-car fast-cdr)))
+		       (let ((newf (ecase (global-funcall-p i2 '(fast-car fast-cdr))
+				     (fast-car 'fast-car-ebx)
+				     (fast-cdr 'fast-cdr-ebx))))
+			 (setq p `((:call (:edi ,(global-constant-offset newf))))
+			       next-pc (nthcdr 2 pc))
+			 (explain nil "Changed [~S ~S] to ~S" i i2 newf)))
+		      ((and (equal i '(:movl :eax :ebx))
+			    (global-funcall-p i2 '(fast-car-ebx fast-cdr-ebx)))
+		       (let ((newf (ecase (global-funcall-p i2 '(fast-car-ebx fast-cdr-ebx))
+				     (fast-car-ebx 'fast-car)
+				     (fast-cdr-ebx 'fast-cdr))))
+			 (setq p `((:call (:edi ,(global-constant-offset newf))))
+			       next-pc (nthcdr 2 pc))
+			 (explain nil "Changed [~S ~S] to ~S" i i2 newf)))
+		      ((and (load-stack-frame-p i) (eq :eax (twop-dst i))
+			    (global-funcall-p i2 '(fast-car fast-cdr))
+			    (preserves-stack-location-p i3 (load-stack-frame-p i))
+			    (preserves-register-p i3 :ebx)
+			    (eql (load-stack-frame-p i)
+				 (load-stack-frame-p i4)))
+		       (let ((newf (ecase (global-funcall-p i2 '(fast-car fast-cdr))
+				     (fast-car 'fast-car-ebx)
+				     (fast-cdr 'fast-cdr-ebx))))
+			 (setq p `((:movl ,(twop-src i) :ebx)
+				   (:call (:edi ,(global-constant-offset newf)))
+				   ,i3
+				   ,@(unless (eq :ebx (twop-dst i4))
+				       `((:movl :ebx ,(twop-dst i4)))))
+			       next-pc (nthcdr 4 pc))
+			 (explain nil "load around ~A: ~{~&~A~}~%=>~% ~{~&~A~}"
+				  newf (subseq pc 0 5) p))))
+		  do (unless (eq p original-p) ; auto-detect whether any heuristic fired..
+		       #+ignore (warn "at ~A, ~A inserted ~A" i i2 p)
+		       #+ignore (warn "modified at ~S ~S ~S" i i2 i3)
+		       (setf code-modified-p t))
+		  nconc p)))
+	(if code-modified-p
+	    (apply #'optimize-code-internal optimized-code (1+ recursive-count) key-args)
+	  (optimize-trim-stack-frame
+	   (remove :frame-map (progn #+ignore (warn "maps:~{~&~A~}" unoptimized-code)
+				     unoptimized-code)
+		   :key (lambda (x)
+			  (when (consp x)
+			    (car x))))))))))
 ;;;; Compiler internals  
@@ -2076,11 +2084,12 @@
 (defmethod print-object ((object binding) stream)
   (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
     (when (slot-boundp object 'name)
-      (format stream "name: ~S~@[->~S~]~@[ stype: ~A~]"
+      (format stream "name: ~S~@[->~S~]~@[ %~A~]"
 	      (binding-name object)
 	      (unless (eq object (binding-target object))
 		(binding-name (binding-target object)))
-	      (when (binding-store-type object)
+	      (when (and (slot-boundp object 'store-type)
+			 (binding-store-type object))
 		(apply #'encoded-type-decode
 		       (binding-store-type object)))))))
@@ -2428,27 +2437,39 @@
 	    (declare (ignore binding protect-registers protect-carry init-with-type))
 	    (when init-with-register
 	      (setf free-so-far (remove init-with-register free-so-far)))))
-	 ((member (instruction-is i)
-		  '(:movl :testl :andl :addl))
-	  (setf free-so-far
-	    (remove-if (lambda (r)
-			 (or (tree-search i r)
-			     (tree-search i (register32-to-low8 r))))
-		       free-so-far)))
-	 ((member (instruction-is i)
-		  '(:load-lexical :init-lexvar :car :incf-lexvar))
-	  (unless (can-expand-extended-p i frame-map)
-	    (return (values nil t)))
-	  (let ((exp (expand-extended-code i funobj frame-map)))
-	    (when (tree-search exp '(:call))
-	      (return nil))
-	    (setf free-so-far
-	      (remove-if (lambda (r)
-			   (tree-search exp r))
-			 free-so-far))))
-	 (t #+ignore (warn "Dist ~D stopped by ~A"
-			   distance i)
-	    (return nil)))
+	 (t (case (instruction-is i)
+	      ((nil :call)
+	       (return nil))
+	      ((:into))
+	      ((:jnz :je :jne :jz))
+	      ((:outb)
+	       (setf free-so-far
+		 (set-difference free-so-far '(:eax :edx))))
+	      ((:movb :testb :andb :cmpb)
+	       (setf free-so-far
+		 (remove-if (lambda (r)
+			      (or (tree-search i r)
+				  (tree-search i (register32-to-low8 r))))
+			    free-so-far)))
+	      ((:shrl :cmpl :pushl :popl :leal :movl :testl :andl :addl :subl :imull)
+	       (setf free-so-far
+		 (remove-if (lambda (r)
+			      (tree-search i r))
+			    free-so-far)))
+	      ((:load-constant :load-lexical :store-lexical :init-lexvar :car :incf-lexvar)
+	       (unless (can-expand-extended-p i frame-map)
+		 (return (values nil t)))
+	       (let ((exp (expand-extended-code i funobj frame-map)))
+		 (when (tree-search exp '(:call))
+		   (return nil))
+		 (setf free-so-far
+		   (remove-if (lambda (r)
+				(or (tree-search exp r)
+				    (tree-search exp (register32-to-low8 r))))
+			      free-so-far))))
+	      (t (warn "Dist ~D stopped by ~A"
+		       distance i)
+		 (return nil)))))
       finally (return free-so-far)))
 (defun try-locate-in-register (binding var-counts funobj frame-map)
@@ -2987,14 +3008,14 @@
 		  (assert (not indirect-p))
 		  (ecase result-mode
-		    ((:ebx :ecx :edx) `((:movl :eax ,result-mode)))
+		    ((:ebx :ecx :edx :esi) `((:movl :eax ,result-mode)))
 		    ((:eax :single-value) nil)))
 		 ((:ebx :ecx :edx)
 		  (assert (not indirect-p))
 		  (unless (eq result-mode lexb-location)
 		    (ecase result-mode
 		      ((:eax :single-value) `((:movl ,lexb-location :eax)))
-		      ((:ebx :ecx :ecx :esi) `((:movl ,lexb-location ,result-mode))))))
+		      ((:ebx :ecx :edx :esi) `((:movl ,lexb-location ,result-mode))))))
 		  (assert (<= 2 (function-argument-argnum lexb)) ()
 		    "lexical :argument-stack argnum can't be ~A." (function-argument-argnum lexb))
@@ -3047,7 +3068,7 @@
 	    ((and (binding-lended-p binding)
 		  (not shared-reference-p))
-	     (case result-mode
+	     (case (result-mode-type result-mode)
 	       ((:single-value :eax :ebx :ecx :edx :esi :esp)
 		(install-for-single-value binding binding-location
 					  (single-value-register result-mode) t))
@@ -3066,7 +3087,7 @@
 	       (t (make-result-and-returns-glue
 		   result-mode :eax
 		   (install-for-single-value binding binding-location :eax t)))))
-	    (t (case (operator result-mode)
+	    (t (case (result-mode-type result-mode)
 		 ((:single-value :eax :ebx :ecx :edx :esi :esp)
 		  (install-for-single-value binding binding-location
 					    (single-value-register result-mode) nil))
@@ -3106,6 +3127,27 @@
 		   result-mode :ecx
 		   (install-for-single-value binding binding-location :ecx nil)))
+		 (:lexical-binding
+		  (let* ((destination result-mode)
+			 (dest-location (new-binding-location destination frame-map :default nil)))
+		    (cond
+		     ((not dest-location) ; unknown, e.g. a borrowed-binding.
+		      (warn "unknown dest-loc for ~A" destination)
+		      (append (install-for-single-value binding binding-location :ecx nil)
+			      (make-store-lexical result-mode :ecx nil frame-map)))
+		     ((eql binding-location dest-location)
+		      nil)
+		     ((member binding-location '(:eax :ebx :ecx :edx))
+		      (make-store-lexical destination binding-location nil frame-map))
+		     ((member dest-location '(:eax :ebx :ecx :edx))
+		      (install-for-single-value binding binding-location dest-location nil))
+		     (t #+ignore (warn "binding => binding: ~A => ~A~% => ~A ~A"
+				       binding-location
+				       dest-location
+				       binding
+				       destination)
+			(append (install-for-single-value binding binding-location :ecx nil)
+				(make-store-lexical result-mode :ecx nil frame-map))))))
 		 (t (make-result-and-returns-glue
 		     result-mode :eax
 		     (install-for-single-value binding binding-location :eax nil)))
@@ -4266,7 +4308,7 @@
 					      :type ,(type-specifier-primary type))))
-	   ((:ebx)
+	   ((:ebx :ecx)
 	    (values (append code
 			    `((:store-lexical ,desired-result
 					      ,(result-mode-type returns-provided)
@@ -5108,7 +5150,13 @@
 			  ((:function :multiple-values :eax)
-			   :eax)
+			   ;; We can use ECX as temporary storage,
+			   ;; because this value will be reachable
+			   ;; from at least one variable.
+			   ;; XXXX But, probably we shouldn't decide
+			   ;;      on this here, rather use binding
+			   ;;      as result-mode in :load-lexical.
+			   result-mode #+ignore :ecx)
 			  ((:ebx :ecx :edx :esi :push
@@ -5441,15 +5489,16 @@
 (defun ensure-local-binding (binding funobj)
   "When referencing binding in funobj, ensure we have the binding local to funobj."
-  (cond
-   ((not (typep binding 'binding))
-    binding)
-   ((eq funobj (binding-funobj binding))
-    binding)
-   (t (or (find binding (borrowed-bindings funobj)
-		:key (lambda (binding)
-		       (borrowed-binding-target binding)))
-	  (error "Can't install non-local binding ~W." binding)))))
+  (if (not (typep binding 'binding))
+      binding
+    (let ((binding (binding-target binding)))
+      (cond
+       ((eq funobj (binding-funobj binding))
+	binding)
+       (t (or (find binding (borrowed-bindings funobj)
+		    :key (lambda (binding)
+			   (borrowed-binding-target binding)))
+	      (error "Can't install non-local binding ~W." binding)))))))
 (defun binding-type-specifier (binding)
   (etypecase binding
@@ -5636,6 +5685,7 @@
     (let* ((binding (binding-target binding))
 	   (location (new-binding-location binding frame-map :default nil))
 	   (binding-type (binding-store-type binding)))
+;;;      (warn "incf b ~A, loc: ~A, typ: ~A" binding location binding-type)
        ((and binding-type
@@ -5670,3 +5720,16 @@
 				      register nil frame-map
 				      :protect-registers protect-registers))))))))
+;;;;; Load-constant
+(define-find-write-binding-and-type :load-constant (instruction)
+  (destructuring-bind (object result-mode &key (op :movl))
+      (cdr instruction)
+    (when (and (eq op :movl) (typep result-mode 'binding))
+      (check-type result-mode 'lexical-binding)
+      (values result-mode `(eql ,object)))))
+(define-extended-code-expander :load-constant (instruction funobj frame-map)
+  (destructuring-bind (object result-mode &key (op :movl))
+      (cdr instruction)
+    (make-load-constant object result-mode funobj frame-map :op op)))

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