[movitz-cvs] CVS update: movitz/losp/muerte/scavenge.lisp

Frode Vatvedt Fjeld ffjeld at common-lisp.net
Mon Aug 23 13:58:36 UTC 2004

Update of /project/movitz/cvsroot/movitz/losp/muerte
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv9367

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Changed the way stack locations are represented: Rather than merely a
'location' (which is a simple pointer, and so GC-unsafe), we now use
two values: a vector and an index. If vector is non-nil, index is a an
index into the vector. If vector is nil, index is a location (as
before), typically referencing the currently active stack, which won't
move (but probably this mode should be deprecated).

Date: Mon Aug 23 06:58:35 2004
Author: ffjeld

Index: movitz/losp/muerte/scavenge.lisp
diff -u movitz/losp/muerte/scavenge.lisp:1.26 movitz/losp/muerte/scavenge.lisp:1.27
--- movitz/losp/muerte/scavenge.lisp:1.26	Thu Aug 12 10:11:55 2004
+++ movitz/losp/muerte/scavenge.lisp	Mon Aug 23 06:58:34 2004
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 ;;;; Author:        Frode Vatvedt Fjeld <frodef at acm.org>
 ;;;; Created at:    Mon Mar 29 14:54:08 2004
-;;;; $Id: scavenge.lisp,v 1.26 2004/08/12 17:11:55 ffjeld Exp $
+;;;; $Id: scavenge.lisp,v 1.27 2004/08/23 13:58:34 ffjeld Exp $
@@ -35,42 +35,34 @@
 start-location and end-location."
   (macrolet ((scavenge-typep (x primary)
 	       (let ((code (movitz:tag primary)))
-		 `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :boolean-zf=1)
-		    (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,x)
-		    (:cmpb ,code :al))))
+		 `(= ,code (ldb (byte 8 0) ,x))))
 	     (scavenge-wide-typep (x primary secondary)
 	       (let ((code (dpb secondary
 				(byte 8 8)
 				(movitz:tag primary))))
-		 `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :boolean-zf=1)
-		    (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,x)
-		    (:cmpw ,code :ax))))
-	     (word-bigits (x)
-	       "If x is a bignum header word, return the number of bigits."
-	       `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax)
-		  (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,x)
-		  (:shrl 16 :eax)
-		  (:testb ,movitz:+movitz-fixnum-zmask+ :al)
-		  (:jnz '(:sub-program () (:int 63))))))
+		 `(= ,code ,x))))
     (do ((verbose *map-heap-words-verbose*)
 	 (*scan-last* nil)		; Last scanned object, for debugging.
 	 (scan start-location (1+ scan)))
 	((>= scan end-location))
       (declare (special *scan-last*))
       (let ((*scan* scan)
-	    (x (memref scan 0 0 :lisp)))
+	    (x (memref scan 0 0 :unsigned-byte16)))
 	(declare (special *scan*))
 	(when verbose
-	  (format *terminal-io* "~&MHW scanning at ~S: ~Z" scan x))
+	  (format *terminal-io* " [at ~S: ~S]" scan x))
-	 ((typep x '(or null fixnum character)))
+	 ((let ((tag (ldb (byte 3 0) x)))
+	    (or (= tag #.(movitz:tag :null))
+		(= tag #.(movitz:tag :fixnum))
+		(scavenge-typep x :character))))
 	 ((scavenge-typep x :illegal)
-	  (error "Illegal word ~Z at ~S." x scan))
+	  (error "Illegal word ~S at ~S." x scan))
 	 ((scavenge-typep x :bignum)
 	  (assert (evenp scan) ()
-	    "Scanned ~Z at odd location #x~X." x scan)
+	    "Scanned ~S at odd location #x~X." x scan)
 	  ;; Just skip the bigits
-	  (let* ((bigits (word-bigits x))
+	  (let* ((bigits (memref scan 0 1 :unsigned-byte14))
 		 (delta (logior bigits 1)))
 	    (setf *scan-last* (%word-offset scan #.(movitz:tag :other)))
 	    (incf scan delta)))
@@ -128,27 +120,28 @@
 	  (error "Scanned unknown basic-vector #x~Z at address #x~X." x scan))
 	 ((scavenge-typep x :old-vector)
 	  (error "Scanned old-vector ~Z at address #x~X." x scan))
-	 ((eq x (%lispval-object 3))
+	 ((eq x 3)
 	  (incf scan)
 	  (let ((delta (memref scan 0 0 :lisp)))
 	    (check-type delta positive-fixnum)
 	    ;; (warn "at ~S skipping ~S to ~S." scan delta (+ scan delta))
 	    (incf scan delta)))
-	 ((typep x 'pointer)
-	  (let ((new (funcall function x scan)))
+	 (t ;; (typep x 'pointer)
+	  (let* ((old (memref scan 0 0 :lisp))
+		 (new (funcall function old scan)))
 	    (when verbose
-	      (format *terminal-io* " [~Z => ~Z]" x new))
-	    (unless (eq new x)
+	      (format *terminal-io* " [~Z => ~Z]" old new))
+	    (unless (eq old new)
 	      (setf (memref scan 0 0 :lisp) new))))))))
-(defun map-stack-words (function start-stack-frame)
+(defun map-stack-words (function stack start-frame)
   "Map function over the potential pointer words of a stack, starting
 at the start-stack-frame location."
-  (loop for nether-frame = start-stack-frame then frame
-      and frame = (stack-frame-uplink start-stack-frame) then (stack-frame-uplink frame)
+  (loop for nether-frame = start-frame then frame
+      and frame = (stack-frame-uplink stack start-frame) then (stack-frame-uplink stack frame)
       while (plusp frame)
-      do (let ((funobj (funcall function (stack-frame-funobj frame t) nil)))
+      do (let ((funobj (funcall function (stack-frame-funobj stack frame) nil)))
 	   (typecase funobj
 	      (assert (= 0 (funobj-frame-num-unboxed funobj)))
@@ -160,103 +153,108 @@
 		 ((logbitp 10 (dit-frame-ref :eflags :unsigned-byte32 0 dit-frame))
 		  ;; DF flag was 1, so EAX and EDX are not GC roots.
+		  #+ignore
 		  (warn "Interrupt in uncommon mode at ~S"
 			(dit-frame-ref :eip :unsigned-byte32 0 dit-frame))
 		  (map-heap-words function ; Assume nothing in the dit-frame above the location ..
 				  (+ nether-frame 2) ; ..of EBX holds pointers.
 				  (+ frame (dit-frame-index :ebx))))
-		 (t (warn "Interrupt in COMMON mode!")
+		 (t #+ignore
+		    (warn "Interrupt in COMMON mode!")
 		    (map-heap-words function ; Assume nothing in the dit-frame above the location ..
 				    (+ nether-frame 2) ; ..of ECX holds pointers.
 				    (+ frame (dit-frame-index :ecx)))))
 		;; 2. Pop to (dit-)frame's CASF
 		(setf nether-frame frame
 		      frame (dit-frame-casf frame))
-		(let ((casf-funobj (funcall function (stack-frame-funobj frame t) nil))
+		(let ((casf-funobj (funcall function (stack-frame-funobj stack frame) nil))
 		      (interrupted-esp (dit-frame-esp dit-frame)))
-		  (assert (typep casf-funobj 'function) ()
-		    "Interrupted CASF frame was not a normal function: ~S"
-		    casf-funobj)
-		  (let ((casf-code-vector (funobj-code-vector casf-funobj)))
-		  ;; 3. Scavenge the interrupted frame, according to one of i. ii. or iii.
-		    (cond
-		     ((location-in-object-p casf-code-vector
-					    (dit-frame-ref :eip :location 0 dit-frame))
-		      ;; Situation i. Nothing special on stack, scavenge frame normally.
-		      (map-heap-words function interrupted-esp frame))
-		     ((eq casf-frame (memref interrupted-esp 0 0 :location))
-		      ;; Situation ii. esp(0)=CASF, esp(1)=code-vector
-		      (assert (location-in-object-p casf-code-vector
-						    (memref interrupted-esp 0 1 :location))
-			  () "Stack discipline situation ii. invariant broken. CASF=#x~X"
-			  casf-frame)
-		      (map-heap-words function (+ interrupted-esp 2) frame))
-		     (t ;; Situation iii. esp(0)=code-vector.
-		      (assert (location-in-object-p casf-code-vector
-						    (memref interrupted-esp 0 0 :location))
-			  () "Stack discipline situation iii. invariant broken. CASF=#x~X"
-			  casf-frame)
-		      (map-heap-words function (+ interrupted-esp 1) frame)))))))
+		  (cond
+		   ((eq 0 casf-funobj)
+		    (warn "Interrupt (presumably)   in interrupt trampoline."))
+		   (t (assert (typep casf-funobj 'function) ()
+			"Interrupted CASF frame was not a normal function: ~S"
+			casf-funobj)
+		      (let ((casf-code-vector (funobj-code-vector casf-funobj)))
+			;; 3. Scavenge the interrupted frame, according to one of i. ii. or iii.
+			(cond
+			 ((location-in-object-p casf-code-vector
+						(dit-frame-ref :eip :location 0 dit-frame))
+			  ;; Situation i. Nothing special on stack, scavenge frame normally.
+			  (map-heap-words function interrupted-esp frame))
+			 ((eq casf-frame (memref interrupted-esp 0 0 :location))
+			  ;; Situation ii. esp(0)=CASF, esp(1)=code-vector
+			  (assert (location-in-object-p casf-code-vector
+							(memref interrupted-esp 0 1 :location))
+			      () "Stack discipline situation ii. invariant broken. CASF=#x~X"
+			      casf-frame)
+			  (map-heap-words function (+ interrupted-esp 2) frame))
+			 (t ;; Situation iii. esp(0)=code-vector.
+			  (assert (location-in-object-p casf-code-vector
+							(memref interrupted-esp 0 0 :location))
+			      () "Stack discipline situation iii. invariant broken. CASF=#x~X"
+			      casf-frame)
+			  (map-heap-words function (+ interrupted-esp 1) frame)))))))))
 	     (t (error "Don't know how to scavenge across frame ~S of kind ~S." frame funobj)))))
-(defparameter *primitive-funcall-patterns*
-    '((:or
-       (#xff #x57 (:function-offset :signed8)) ; 
-       (#xff #x97 (:function-offset :signed32))))) ;
-(defun stack-frame-primitive-funcall (funobj stack-location eip-location)
-  "Is stack-frame in a primitive-function?
-If so, return the primitive-function's code-vector."
-  (declare (ignore eip-location))
-  ;; XXXX Really we should make comparisons against :call-local-pf
-  ;;      such that we find the active set of local-pf's from the stack-location!
-  (let ((return-address (memref stack-location 0 0 :unsigned-byte32))
-	(code-vector (funobj-code-vector funobj)))
-    (multiple-value-bind (return-location return-delta)
-	(truncate return-address #.movitz:+movitz-fixnum-factor+)
-      (if (not (location-in-object-p code-vector return-location))
-	  nil				; A PF must have return-address on top of stack.
-	(dotimes (offset 5 (warn "mismatch in ~S at ~D from #x~X in ~Z."
-				 funobj
-				 (+ (* (- return-location
-					  (object-location code-vector))
-				       #.movitz:+movitz-fixnum-factor+)
-				    return-delta
-				    -3 -8)
-				 return-address code-vector))
-	  (multiple-value-bind (success-p type code ip)
-	      (match-code-pattern *primitive-funcall-patterns*
-				  code-vector (+ (* (- return-location
-						       (object-location code-vector))
-						    #.movitz:+movitz-fixnum-factor+)
-						 return-delta
-						 -3 -8 (- offset))
-				  :function-offset)
-	    (when success-p
-	      (return
-		(let* ((offset (case type
-				 (:signed8
-				  (if (not (logbitp 7 code)) code (- code 256)))
-				 (:signed32
-				  ;; We must read the unsigned-byte32 that starts at ip
-				  (let ((x (logior (aref code-vector (- ip 1))
-						   (* (aref code-vector (+ 0 ip)) #x100)
-						   (* (aref code-vector (+ 1 ip)) #x10000)
-						   (* (aref code-vector (+ 2 ip)) #x1000000))))
-				    (if (not (logbitp 7 (aref code-vector (+ ip 2))))
-					x
-				      (break "Negative 32-bit offset."))))
-				 (t (break "Match fail: vec: ~Z, ip: ~D"
-					   code-vector (+ (* (- return-location
-								(object-location code-vector))
-							     #.movitz:+movitz-fixnum-factor+)
-							  return-delta
-							  -3 -8)))))
-		       (primitive-function (%word-offset (%run-time-context-ref offset) -2)))
-		  (if (not (typep primitive-function 'code-vector))
-		      nil
-		    primitive-function))))))))))
+;;;(defparameter *primitive-funcall-patterns*
+;;;    '((:or
+;;;       (#xff #x57 (:function-offset :signed8)) ; 
+;;;       (#xff #x97 (:function-offset :signed32))))) ;
+;;;(defun stack-frame-primitive-funcall (funobj stack-location eip-location)
+;;;  "Is stack-frame in a primitive-function?
+;;;If so, return the primitive-function's code-vector."
+;;;  (declare (ignore eip-location))
+;;;  ;; XXXX Really we should make comparisons against :call-local-pf
+;;;  ;;      such that we find the active set of local-pf's from the stack-location!
+;;;  (let ((return-address (memref stack-location 0 0 :unsigned-byte32))
+;;;	(code-vector (funobj-code-vector funobj)))
+;;;    (multiple-value-bind (return-location return-delta)
+;;;	(truncate return-address #.movitz:+movitz-fixnum-factor+)
+;;;      (if (not (location-in-object-p code-vector return-location))
+;;;	  nil				; A PF must have return-address on top of stack.
+;;;	(dotimes (offset 5 (warn "mismatch in ~S at ~D from #x~X in ~Z."
+;;;				 funobj
+;;;				 (+ (* (- return-location
+;;;					  (object-location code-vector))
+;;;				       #.movitz:+movitz-fixnum-factor+)
+;;;				    return-delta
+;;;				    -3 -8)
+;;;				 return-address code-vector))
+;;;	  (multiple-value-bind (success-p type code ip)
+;;;	      (match-code-pattern *primitive-funcall-patterns*
+;;;				  code-vector (+ (* (- return-location
+;;;						       (object-location code-vector))
+;;;						    #.movitz:+movitz-fixnum-factor+)
+;;;						 return-delta
+;;;						 -3 -8 (- offset))
+;;;				  :function-offset)
+;;;	    (when success-p
+;;;	      (return
+;;;		(let* ((offset (case type
+;;;				 (:signed8
+;;;				  (if (not (logbitp 7 code)) code (- code 256)))
+;;;				 (:signed32
+;;;				  ;; We must read the unsigned-byte32 that starts at ip
+;;;				  (let ((x (logior (aref code-vector (- ip 1))
+;;;						   (* (aref code-vector (+ 0 ip)) #x100)
+;;;						   (* (aref code-vector (+ 1 ip)) #x10000)
+;;;						   (* (aref code-vector (+ 2 ip)) #x1000000))))
+;;;				    (if (not (logbitp 7 (aref code-vector (+ ip 2))))
+;;;					x
+;;;				      (break "Negative 32-bit offset."))))
+;;;				 (t (break "Match fail: vec: ~Z, ip: ~D"
+;;;					   code-vector (+ (* (- return-location
+;;;								(object-location code-vector))
+;;;							     #.movitz:+movitz-fixnum-factor+)
+;;;							  return-delta
+;;;							  -3 -8)))))
+;;;		       (primitive-function (%word-offset (%run-time-context-ref offset) -2)))
+;;;		  (if (not (typep primitive-function 'code-vector))
+;;;		      nil
+;;;		    primitive-function))))))))))
 ;;;		  (check-type primitive-function code-vector)
 ;;;		  (if (not (location-in-object-p primitive-function eip-location))
 ;;;		      nil

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