[movitz-cvs] CVS update: movitz/losp/muerte/print.lisp

Frode Vatvedt Fjeld ffjeld at common-lisp.net
Tue Apr 13 14:22:02 UTC 2004

Update of /project/movitz/cvsroot/movitz/losp/muerte
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv18310

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Tried to be somewhat more clever about avoiding keyword-parsing in
calls to write.

Date: Tue Apr 13 10:22:02 2004
Author: ffjeld

Index: movitz/losp/muerte/print.lisp
diff -u movitz/losp/muerte/print.lisp:1.5 movitz/losp/muerte/print.lisp:1.6
--- movitz/losp/muerte/print.lisp:1.5	Tue Apr  6 10:29:33 2004
+++ movitz/losp/muerte/print.lisp	Tue Apr 13 10:22:02 2004
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 ;;;; Author:        Frode Vatvedt Fjeld <frodef at acm.org>
 ;;;; Created at:    Mon Sep  3 11:48:19 2001
-;;;; $Id: print.lisp,v 1.5 2004/04/06 14:29:33 ffjeld Exp $
+;;;; $Id: print.lisp,v 1.6 2004/04/13 14:22:02 ffjeld Exp $
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@
     (write-char comma-char stream))
-(defun write-integer (x stream &key (base *print-base*) (radix *print-radix*)
-				    mincol (padchar #\space)
-				    (sign-always nil) (comma-char #\,) (comma-interval nil))
+(defun write-integer (x stream base radix
+		      &optional mincol (padchar #\space)
+				(sign-always nil) (comma-char #\,) (comma-interval nil))
   (when radix
     (case base
       (10)				; put a #\. at the end.
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
 			      (8 #.(cl:format cl:nil "~O" movitz::+movitz-most-negative-fixnum+))
 			      (10 #.(cl:format cl:nil "~D" movitz::+movitz-most-negative-fixnum+))
 			      (16 #.(cl:format cl:nil "~X" movitz::+movitz-most-negative-fixnum+))
-			      (t "minus-hack"))
+			      (t (break "minus-hack!?")))
 	  (values #\+ x))
@@ -160,170 +160,197 @@
 		   (pretty *print-pretty*) (radix *print-radix*)
 		   ((:readably *print-readably*) *print-readably*)
-  (declare (dynamic-extent key-args)
-	   (special *read-base* *package*)
-	   (ignore case circle pprint-dispatch miser-width right-margin lines))
-  (cond
-   ((and *print-safely* (not safe-recursive-call))
-    (handler-case (apply #'write object :safe-recursive-call t key-args)
-      (t (condition)
-	(write-string "#<printer error>" stream))))
-   ((and (not pretty)
-	 (not *never-use-print-object*))
-    (print-object object stream))
-   (t (let ((do-escape-p (or *print-escape* *print-readably*))
-	    (stream (output-stream-designator stream))
-	    (*print-level* (minus-if level 1)))
-	(typecase object
-	  (character
-	   (if (not do-escape-p)
-	       (write-char object stream)
-	     (progn
-	       (write-string "#\\" stream)
-	       (let ((name (char-name object)))
-		 (if name
-		     (write-string name stream)
-		   (write-char object stream))))))
-	  (null
-	   (write-string (symbol-name nil) stream))
-	  ((or cons tag5)
-	   (cond
-	    ((and *print-level* (minusp *print-level*))
-	     (write-char #\# stream))
-	    ((and (eq 'quote (car object))
-		  (not (cddr object)))
-	     (write-char #\' stream)
-	     (write (cadr object) :stream stream))
-	    (t (labels ((write-cons (c stream length)
-			  (cond
-			   ((and length (= 0 length))
-			    (write-string "...)"))
-			   (t (write (car c) :stream stream)
-			      (typecase (cdr c)
-				(null
-				 (write-char #\) stream))
-				(cons
-				 (write-char #\space stream)
-				 (write-cons (cdr c) stream (minus-if length 1)))
-				(t
-				 (write-string " . " stream)
-				 (write (cdr c) :stream stream)
-				 (write-char #\) stream)))))))
-		 (write-char #\( stream)
-		 (write-cons object stream length)))))
-	  (integer
-	   (write-integer object stream :base base :radix radix))
-	  (string
-	   (if do-escape-p
-	       (stream-write-escaped-string stream object #\")
-	     (write-string object stream)))
-	  (symbol			; Printing Symbols
-	   (flet ((write-symbol-name (symbol stream)
-		    (let ((name (symbol-name symbol)))
-		      (if (and (plusp (length name))
-			       (every (lambda (c)
-					(or (upper-case-p c)
-					    (member c '(#\- #\% #\$ #\* #\@ #\. #\& #\< #\> #\=))
-					    (digit-char-p c)))
-				      name)
-			       (not (every (lambda (c)
-					     (or (digit-char-p c *read-base*)
-						 (member c '(#\.))))
-					   name)))
-			  (write-string name stream)
-			(stream-write-escaped-string stream name #\|)))))
-	     (cond
-	      ((not do-escape-p)
-	       (write-symbol-name object stream))
-	      ((eq (symbol-package object) (find-package "KEYWORD"))
-	       (write-string ":" stream)
-	       (write-symbol-name object stream))
-	      ((or (eq (symbol-package object) *package*)
-		   (eq (find-symbol (string object))
-		       object))
-	       (write-symbol-name object stream))
-	      ((symbol-package object)
-	       (let ((package (symbol-package object)))
-		 (write-string (package-name package) stream)
-		 (write-string (if (gethash (symbol-name object)
-					    (package-object-external-symbols package))
-				   ":" "::")
-			       stream)
-		 (write-symbol-name object stream)))
-	      ((not (symbol-package object))
-	       (when *print-gensym*
-		 (write-string "#:" stream))
-	       (write-symbol-name object stream))
-	      (t (error "Huh?")))))
-	  (vector
-	   (cond
-	    ((and *print-level* (minusp *print-level*))
-	     (write-char #\# stream))
-	    ((or array *print-readably*)
-	     (write-string "#(" stream)
-	     (cond
-	      ((and length (< length (length object)))
-	       (dotimes (i length)
-		 (unless (= 0 i)
-		   (write-char #\space stream))
-		 (write (aref object i)))
-	       (write-string " ...)" stream))
-	      (t (dotimes (i (length object))
-		   (unless (= 0 i)
-		     (write-char #\space stream))
-		   (write (aref object i) :stream stream))
-		 (write-char #\) stream))))
-	    (t (print-unreadable-object (object stream :identity t)
-		 (princ (type-of object) stream)))))
-	  (standard-gf-instance
-	   (print-unreadable-object (object stream)
-	     (format stream "gf ~S" (funobj-name object))))
-	  (compiled-function
-	   (print-unreadable-object (object stream)
-	     (format stream "function ~S" (funobj-name object))))
-	  (hash-table
-	   (print-unreadable-object (object stream :identity nil :type nil)
-	     (format stream "~S hash-table with ~D entries"
-		     (let ((test (hash-table-test object)))
-		       (if (typep test 'compiled-function)
-			   (funobj-name test)
-			 test))
-		     (hash-table-count object))))
-	  (package
-	   (if (package-name object)
-	       (print-unreadable-object (object stream :identity nil :type nil)
-		 (format stream "Package ~A with ~D+~D symbols"
-			 (package-name object)
-			 (hash-table-count (package-object-external-symbols object))
-			 (hash-table-count (package-object-internal-symbols object))))
-	     (print-unreadable-object (object stream :identity t :type t))))
-	  (t (if (not *never-use-print-object*)
-		 (print-object object stream)
-	       (print-unreadable-object (object stream :identity t)
-		 (cond
-		  ((typep object 'std-instance)
-		   (write-string "[std-instance]" stream)
-		   (write (standard-instance-access (std-instance-class object) 0) :stream stream))
-		  ((typep object 'standard-gf-instance)
-		   (write-string "[std-gf-instance]" stream))
-		  (t (princ (type-of object) stream))))))))))
-  object)
+  (numargs-case
+   (t (object &key safe-recursive-call
+	      ;; lines miser-width pprint-dispatch right-margin case circle
+	      ((:stream *standard-output*) *standard-output*)
+	      ((:array *print-array*) *print-array*)
+	      ((:base *print-base*) *print-base*)
+	      ((:escape *print-escape*) *print-escape*)
+	      ((:gensym *print-gensym*) *print-gensym*)
+	      ((:length *print-length*) *print-length*)
+	      ((:level *print-level*) *print-level*)
+	      ((:pretty *print-pretty*) *print-pretty*)
+	      ((:radix *print-radix*) *print-radix*)
+	      ((:readably *print-readably*) *print-readably*))
+      (cond
+       ((and *print-safely* (not safe-recursive-call))
+	(handler-case (write object :safe-recursive-call t)
+	  (t (condition)
+	    (write-string "#<printer error>"))))
+       (t (write object))))
+   (1 (object)
+      (let ((stream (output-stream-designator *standard-output*)))
+	(cond
+	 ((and (not *print-pretty*)
+	       (not *never-use-print-object*))
+	  (print-object object stream))
+	 (t (let ((do-escape-p (or *print-escape* *print-readably*))
+		  (*print-level* (minus-if *print-level* 1)))
+	      (typecase object
+		(character
+		 (if (not do-escape-p)
+		     (write-char object stream)
+		   (progn
+		     (write-string "#\\" stream)
+		     (let ((name (char-name object)))
+		       (if name
+			   (write-string name stream)
+			 (write-char object stream))))))
+		(null
+		 (write-string (symbol-name nil) stream))
+		((or cons tag5)
+		 (let ((level *print-level*)
+		       (length *print-length*))
+		   (cond
+		    ((and level (minusp level))
+		     (write-char #\# stream))
+		    ((and (eq 'quote (car object))
+			  (not (cddr object)))
+		     (write-char #\' stream)
+		     (write (cadr object)))
+		    (t (labels ((write-cons (c stream length)
+				  (cond
+				   ((and length (= 0 length))
+				    (write-string "...)"))
+				   (t (write (car c))
+				      (typecase (cdr c)
+					(null
+					 (write-char #\) stream))
+					(cons
+					 (write-char #\space stream)
+					 (write-cons (cdr c) stream (minus-if length 1)))
+					(t
+					 (write-string " . " stream)
+					 (write (cdr c))
+					 (write-char #\) stream)))))))
+			 (write-char #\( stream)
+			 (write-cons object stream length))))))
+		(integer
+		 (write-integer object stream *print-base* *print-radix*))
+		(string
+		 (if do-escape-p
+		     (stream-write-escaped-string stream object #\")
+		   (write-string object stream)))
+		(symbol			; Printing Symbols
+		 (flet ((write-symbol-name (symbol stream)
+			  (let ((name (symbol-name symbol)))
+			    (if (and (plusp (length name))
+				     (every (lambda (c)
+					      (or (upper-case-p c)
+						  (member c '(#\- #\% #\$ #\* #\@ #\. #\& #\< #\> #\=))
+						  (digit-char-p c)))
+					    name)
+				     (not (every (lambda (c)
+						   (or (digit-char-p c *read-base*)
+						       (member c '(#\.))))
+						 name)))
+				(write-string name stream)
+			      (stream-write-escaped-string stream name #\|)))))
+		   (cond
+		    ((not do-escape-p)
+		     (write-symbol-name object stream))
+		    ((eq (symbol-package object) (find-package "KEYWORD"))
+		     (write-string ":" stream)
+		     (write-symbol-name object stream))
+		    ((or (eq (symbol-package object) *package*)
+			 (eq (find-symbol (string object))
+			     object))
+		     (write-symbol-name object stream))
+		    ((symbol-package object)
+		     (let ((package (symbol-package object)))
+		       (write-string (package-name package) stream)
+		       (write-string (if (gethash (symbol-name object)
+						  (package-object-external-symbols package))
+					 ":" "::")
+				     stream)
+		       (write-symbol-name object stream)))
+		    ((not (symbol-package object))
+		     (when *print-gensym*
+		       (write-string "#:" stream))
+		     (write-symbol-name object stream))
+		    (t (error "Huh?")))))
+		(vector
+		 (let ((level *print-level*)
+		       (length *print-length*))
+		   (cond
+		    ((and level (minusp level))
+		     (write-char #\# stream))
+		    ((or *print-array* *print-readably*)
+		     (write-string "#(" stream)
+		     (cond
+		      ((and length (< length (length object)))
+		       (dotimes (i length)
+			 (unless (= 0 i)
+			   (write-char #\space stream))
+			 (write (aref object i)))
+		       (write-string " ...)" stream))
+		      (t (dotimes (i (length object))
+			   (unless (= 0 i)
+			     (write-char #\space stream))
+			   (write (aref object i)))
+			 (write-char #\) stream))))
+		    (t (print-unreadable-object (object stream :identity t)
+			 (princ (type-of object) stream))))))
+		(standard-gf-instance
+		 (print-unreadable-object (object stream)
+		   (format stream "gf ~S" (funobj-name object))))
+		(compiled-function
+		 (print-unreadable-object (object stream)
+		   (format stream "function ~S" (funobj-name object))))
+		(hash-table
+		 (print-unreadable-object (object stream :identity nil :type nil)
+		   (format stream "~S hash-table with ~D entries"
+			   (let ((test (hash-table-test object)))
+			     (if (typep test 'compiled-function)
+				 (funobj-name test)
+			       test))
+			   (hash-table-count object))))
+		(package
+		 (if (package-name object)
+		     (print-unreadable-object (object stream :identity nil :type nil)
+		       (format stream "Package ~A with ~D+~D symbols"
+			       (package-name object)
+			       (hash-table-count (package-object-external-symbols object))
+			       (hash-table-count (package-object-internal-symbols object))))
+		   (print-unreadable-object (object stream :identity t :type t))))
+		(t (if (not *never-use-print-object*)
+		       (print-object object stream)
+		     (print-unreadable-object (object stream :identity t)
+		       (cond
+			((typep object 'std-instance)
+			 (write-string "[std-instance]" stream)
+			 (write (standard-instance-access (std-instance-class object) 0)))
+			((typep object 'standard-gf-instance)
+			 (write-string "[std-gf-instance]" stream))
+			(t (princ (type-of object) stream)))))))))))
+      object)))
 (defun prin1 (object &optional stream)
-  (write object :stream stream :escape t))
+  (let ((*standard-output* (output-stream-designator stream))
+	(*print-escape* t))
+    (write object)))
 (defun princ (object &optional stream)
-  (write object :stream stream :escape nil :readably nil))
+  (let ((*standard-output* (output-stream-designator stream))
+	(*print-escape* nil)
+	(*print-readably* nil))
+    (write object)))
 (defun print (object &optional stream)
-  (terpri stream)
-  (write object :stream stream :escape t)
-  (write-char #\Space stream)
-  object)
+  (let ((*standard-output* (output-stream-designator stream))
+	(*print-escape* t))
+    (write-char #\newline)
+    (write object)
+    (write-char #\Space)
+    object))
 (defun pprint (object &optional stream)
-  (write object :stream stream :escape t :pretty t)
-  (values))
+  (let ((*standard-output* (output-stream-designator stream))
+	(*print-escape* t)
+	(*print-pretty* t))
+    (write object)
+    (values)))
 (defun terpri (&optional stream)
   (write-char #\newline stream)

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